Part 49

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"What?" Azrael queried, his voice stern. His green eyes flickered to her face. A burning sensation on her face echoed his return.

As the gaping hole grew in her heart. Evelynn's chest tightened as she slid off her horse. "I know where Collin and Marlin went," She repeated standing in the green grass.

"Sure you do," Azrael chuckled. His face was calm as a small smile bared on his freckled skin. Evelynn continued to watch him. His smile slowly dropped in realization. Something flickered inside of him. The look plastered on Evelynn's face gave it away. Azrael studied her. Her eyes glowing at his words. Watching her face remain the same. Her throat bobbled in the split-second silence. His jawline sharpened as he swallowed "Evelynn?" Azrael's voice changed. His calm smile dropped as he slid off his horse, meeting Evelynn in the green blades.

"Evelynn?" Azrael reiterated his orotund voice ruffling the blades of grass. His mocha brown hair swayed in the calm breeze. His face changed. Like a King had appeared. A ruler.

Intimidated by the man in front of her Evelynn bit back "They've ventured to Athrolilan boarders," Evelynn returned viscously. Immediately taken aback from her tone she stepped back from him. Putting more distance between them.

Azrael stepped forward. Anger painted in red on his face. "How?" He barked, mocking her tone.

"If a war breaks out; when a war breaks out. Athrolila will win and Collin wanted to survive. Marlin happened to be with him, so they ran." Evelynn concluded.

Azrael bit back his meaningless insult and clenched his jaw. The calm wind echoed their thoughts however different they may be. Evelynn coughed breaking the silence that grew, pulling her jacket over her shoulder. Azrael's eyes flickered across her face. Her blue eyes protruded a cold gaze into his. Azrael shook his head, flexing his hands. His face was a deepening red.

Azrael clenched his fists "And you knew?" His voice was a hushed croak.


The cold, bland single word return sent hot shivers down his spine. Azrael and Evelynn stood in silence holding their horses' reins. Clutching onto the remains of the memories they have made this week. They both raised their chins high glaring at each other. Both their hearts pulsating in their throats.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Azrael spat. Walking forward closing in on her. Looking down on Evelynn. Staring through her eyebrows Evelynn responded coldly,

"Why can't you stop for once in your life-"

Azrael raised his hands to her face, to console her. Her skin underneath his skin consoles him more than he had previously thought, "I do."

"No. No you don't" Evelynn sighed as she grabbed his hands dragging them down away from her face. "No all you care about is your court. Your Kingdom. Your livelihood, but the second something his hidden from you- y-you jump to conclusions Azrael." Azrael resisted pulling his hands up to cup her cheeks. Evelynn pushed them down violently, grasping onto his wrists. "Collin and Marlin love each other and Athrolila can offer them safe refugee, because you want to send lovers, husbands, brothers and fathers to war. You can't win against someone whose already lost. Those people you plan to drag to their deaths, have already lost."

Azrael pulled his wrists out of her tightening grasp. His lips parted into a small gasp at her words. Bitter, cold and heartless. He stepped away from her, giving up consoling her.

"But did you ever stop to think about how I feel?" Azrael rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. Evelynn paused, her hands falling to her sides. Empty and lost. "No you don't. You woke up next to me this morning, you-you," Azrael groaned. "You didn't think to tell me. Collin is my friend and Marlin; well she was interesting but still," Azrael removed his hand from the back of his neck. "You didn't even care about me. You knew yet you lied when I asked you, asked everyone. I thought they were dead ! "

The hiss on his tongue echoed through Evelynn's cold bones. "Please Azrael-"

"Eramada is going to win this war whether you're there with me or not. Your secrets will not; can not stop me," Azrael scoffed. "Watch me,"

"Azrael," Evelynn said her voice hushed as if his name was a curse. A dreadful curse that tears people apart.

"I thought you were better than this," Azrael huffed, gripping onto the reins of his horse, throwing himself into the saddle. "I thought we were better than this," Azrael pointed to her. His finger curled slightly as his hands shook. "I thought wrong. Very wrong."

Azrael placed the horse into a gallop. Pleading Evelynn screamed, "Please Azrael let me explain," Tears welling in her blue eyes. Her black braided hair tugged on the wind. "Please,"

Azrael galloped across the green blades, The blue horizon effortlessly welcoming him home back to Eramadam soil. His shadow disappeared over the open plain. The green and blue melting and intertwined in colour as Azrael left her behind.

Evelynn fell to her knees. The blades a cushion on her shaking body. The grass welcomed her, as she wept to make unanswered pleas for him to return. Her throat ached as she screamed her faults into the clear sky.

"They loved each other and I couldn't let them die! Please come back," Her voice painstakingly hoarse, her voice breaking as the words echoed into the green and blue abyss. Evelynn placed her head into her hands. Her horse chewing on the green storks nearby. Evelynn continued to sob her fingers grabbing onto her knotted black hair rocking slowly. Regretting what she had said. Why she lied to him.


Azrael desperately tried not to look back as he disappeared over the horizon. His heart echoed in regret as he continued to ride home. Without her. They had woken up in each other's arms but he couldn't comprehend the lie he had kept from her. He had made several promises yet she had broken the very one he had loved her for. 

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