Part 69

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Azrael remained in his chair until the majority of chairs became empty and the people began to filter out. "You know that tattoo you want on your collarbone,"

"Yeah?" Evelynn responded surprised that he could remember that conversation.

"How about the Athrolilan concertation leading you north?"

"What?" Evelynn shook her head trying to wrap her head around his sudden impermanence. Azrael snatched a quill from the table and drew a hankie- chef from his pocket. He unfolded the small square of green fabric and dipped the quill into the inkpot, almost spilling the dark ink onto the table. The ink clung to the quill the feather swiftly moving as Azrael drew various shapes and dots across the fabric.

When Azrael placed the quill back on the table he stood up straight from his hunch and held it up to Evelynn.

It looked like a half-moon clouded by interconnected lines that extended to dots pointing upwards. Evelynn ran her hand up his upper arm and rested it on his shoulder. Azrael gently placed the hankie-chef in her other hand. Unrolling her fingers open to expose her palm.

"And around it in Athrolilan I am your night." Azrael pointed and drew his finger around the half-moon. Evelynn looked up at him and a soft smile crept onto her face. His green eyes settled on her and didn't falter. "And I'll add to mine in Eramadam, I am your day"

"I'd like that," Evelynn spoke softly removing her hand from his shoulder to fold the drawing up. "I'd like that very much." She repeated placing the fabric underneath the strap of her dress. The soft snap back of the strap drew Azrael's eyes wandering to her. The green fabric peaked out from under the light blue dress. Azrael raised his hands to her shoulder. Slowly he ran his fingers down the fabric of the strap and stopped at the green fabric. He lifted the strap with his finger and tucked the remaining fabric that peaked out under her strap. His finger grazed her skin and collarbone. Evelynn's eyes slowly raised to him. His tongue slightly appeared in his teeth as he bared them with a smirk. Evelynn scoffed and picked up his hand with his finger, removing his fingers from her strap, before lowering it to his side. Her finger remained laced in his at their sides, and their fingers remained interlaced for a ponderous amount of time.


The crowd sprawled into the streets as the gates opened. Evelynn disappeared into the mist of bodies, brushing against the shoulders of strangers and her face softly light from the setting sun. The people gathered around the castle some filtering into the ballroom while others chose to have their own party outside the gates. Evelynn drifted from different bodies of people, each with their own body of music or game.

Evelynn chuckled as the dice rolled a six and five. She raised her hands in the air, "I win" She rejoiced as she took the red token from the table. The simple game of rolling the highest number drew her attention, but what dew it, even more, was the excitement and satisfaction that it brought to those crowding around it.

"Here," She placed it back in the losing gentlemen's hand. His face was wide at her generosity or utter craziness. She patted him on the shoulder and clicked her tongue. "Buy a round for everyone, on me." She smirked.

The crowd laughed at the man's face, turning a deep red as Evelynn spoke. He nodded his head after a hesitant moment and flicked the token onto the bar table. The small crowd of people didn't realize Evelynn drifting away from them as the drinks were handed out. When she reached the outskirts of the sea of people, she glanced down into the garden. The opening of the gates continued to flood in with people from across the land, from all walks of life. Evelynn was happy that the ball appealed to everyone. Fought hard to change the rank of entry. The working people should be invited, always. So the gates opened for them and seeing their faces in excitement, and the sparkle in their eyes made Evelynn understand that it was all worth it. Her country also celebrated tonight the dissolvement of the borders and returning of peace. The conscription having ended and the men returning to back to their lives, lovers and children. And for that Evelynn was happy too.


"I made a deal with you remember," Evelynn placed the silk black bottle in her hands, "That if I ended up with Azrael that I would buy you all the most expensive wine on the continent,"

"I remember that!" Rylen exclaimed her laugh drawing Vallie's attention to her lips. And for a moment her brown eyes lingered on Rylen. Her black hair covered parts of her pale forehead. But underneath the stands of hair were Rylen's eyes, which lit up and Evelynn watched as Vallie observed her with a soft smile on her face and a warm heart.

"Well here," Evelynn opened the bottle with a large pop. "This is worth more than all the gold in the West Samellan hills." She said collecting the wine glasses in between her fingers "If there is any," Evelynn added chuckling as she poured her friends a glass. The crimson wine flowed into their glasses.

The three unclaimed glasses that sat on a small table created a silence that struck the other fourteen bodies that stood there around Evelynn. Their faces were solemn and many lowered their heads.

"To Lisandra, Marlin and Collin," Azrael spoke raising his glass and clutching onto Evelynn's hand. Her head hung low, looking at the marble beneath her feet. She inhaled deeply and looked up towards the rest of her court and friends. Solar had returned and raised her glass along with Azrael. Her soft eyes grazed over the rest of them, forcing them to raise their glasses along.

Evelynn's throat burned as she opened her mouth to speak but no words seemed to come out. Instead, she raised her glass. The wine shifted in the glass. Her face hurt as she placed on a smile, her eyes glazing over.

"To friends," Marcus nodded towards Evelynn, his scar-ridden face growing calm as Evelynn inhaled once more and spoke,

"To Eramada and Athrolila,"

"And to Prince Rayleen and Princess Abbigail," Azrael smiled cocking an eyebrow up at Rayleen. He huffed in return before raising his glass to his lips. His blonde hair was silked and tied back behind his head. His red cap sprawled at his ankle hid the hand he held out to the Princess.

Evelynn couldn't help but question Azrael, "What?" She said placing her glass down on the table.

"For I am with child." Abbigail spoke her face brightening and pushing her green cape away from her stomach, exposing the small but noticeable bump that peeked out from her dress. Evelynn's mouth gapped open as she walked over to Abbigail, raising her arms to embrace her.

"Congratulations your Highness," Evelynn spoke wrapping her arms around Abbigail's shoulders. 

Abbigail smiled and responded, "Thankyou your Highness."

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