Part 17

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Abagail swore loudly. "Lets go" Abagail pulled at Evelynn's hand. Evelynn oblivious to Abagail. Her eyes grazing over the many books neatly stacked in the selves. Evelynn's jaw dropped at the tall bookshelves filled with colorful books.

"Abagail" A male voice echoed.

"Rayleen" Abagail groaned turning around screwing up her face at Evelynn. Evelynn turned to the man sat sprawled on the black love couch. A book in his lap. His neatly styled sunflower yellow hair lit up by the nearby reading lamp. His arms placed on the arm rests of the couch.

"Nice to see you too love" The blonde haired man spoke. He stood from the couch and stalked over to Evelynn and Abagail.

"I told you, you didn't want to know" Abagail hissed towards Rayleen suggesting to Evelynn. 

"Nice to meet you I'm Rayleen" The male spoke with his hand out to shake Evelynn's. Evelynn smiled at Abagail then shook Rayleen's hand. It was a gentle and lasting handshake but Rayleen's brown eyes drifted back to Abagail.

"Your Abagail's future husband?" Evelynn questioned. Leading Rayleen's attention back to her.

"Yes" Abagail cut off before Rayleen could even part his lips. His crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Abagail. His jaw clenched and unclenched. He bit the inside of his cheeks.

"To her disgust," Rayleen snickered, spreading his stance out wider. He sweetly smiled at Abagail. She stuck her tongue out at him. Rayleen chuckled and picked up his book that he placed on the arm of the couch, and walked over to the bookshelf.

"It doesn't help that we are in an arranged marriage Raley," The nickname lasting on Abagail's tongue. Rayleen smiled as he placed the book neatly back into the bookshelf. 

Evelynn shook her head, and smiled at her feet. "I hope this isn't any enemies to lovers trope Rayleen,"  She chuckled eyes towards him. Abagail walked towards Rayleen.

Rayleen embraced Abagail. His large arms wrapping over her shoulders as she buried her neck into the crook of his.

"Its not," Rayleen whispered smiling downwards to Abagail. "I have read a far few, Its not like us," He snickered.

"Oh I have," Evelynn responded walking towards the library exit. "I let you two be," She smiled. 

They were still in each others arms as Evelynn walked out, swiping a book with a blue cover on her way out sitting alone on a study table. She closed the door behind her and snickered at the overly loud voices arguing inside the library.

"You had to be here Raley," Abagail shook her head.

"I like reading, I didn't expect for you to bring in a Princesses Ab," Rayleen's voice echoed.

"Neverminded," Abagail snapped quietly. "What book where you reading?" Her voice softened a sweet question on her pink lips;. 

"I' ll show you," Rayleen suggested whispering, leading her back to the bookshelf.

"Another romance?" Abagail questioned smiling at Rayleen.

Rayleen mumbled as groan and Evelynn took that as a yes. She shook her head as she walked down the corridor.

Those two. She smiled. Evelynn bit her lip in thought. She wanted  that. She pondered over imaginary scenarios as she continued to walk down the corridor of the castle. Passing giggling girls and castle staff. Holding the blue book in her arm.

An ache grew in her heart the more she thought about them. She hid the lump in her throat with a smile as she walked past more castle staff.


Evelynn climbed the stairs of the castle up to her bedroom. She smiled and nodded her head in a hello to the other girls. She finally reached the door to her bedroom. She grasped onto the door handle near shaking. She threw herself inside and slammed the door behind her. She lent on the door and slid down. Her mint and frost dress piling next to her. She held her head in her hands and closed her eyes, the unopened book in her lap. The afternoon sun shining through the balcony windows, lighting up her room.


Azrael stalked the hallways of the castle. His green cape swaying at his sides. He exhaled heavily as he reached the garden. He had to send girls home this morning. He heard across many ears this morning that a girl left the dismal, ran into the garden and took off on a horse. 

Azrael had gotten to know most of the girls here by now. A month since the first ball. A week until the second. He knew that some girls had formed friendships with one another. He knew that some hated each other. He knew that one of the girls trained with Marcus nearly every night. He had yet to talk with Marcus about it. The broken man didn't need anymore reminders of his loss. Especially Azrael.

He didn't not 'not' like the girls he sent home. He liked a few of their personalities. But his court opposed otherwise. So did his mother.

Azrael stood looking out to the fountain at the center of the garden. The blue water flowing of the concrete statues brought calmness over him. The afternoon sun shining through the trees of the forest surrounding the back of the castle. His eyes widened at the thought of the court meeting later in the week. He groaned and turned around to walk back inside when he saw Abagail in the library. The glass panels clearly shone through of the library. It displayed Abagail laying on Rayleen's lap as they read books with cups of tea by there side. Her head on his shoulder as they read.

It made Azrael smile. The lord had attracted many women while he has lived in the castle, but still stood by Abagail. Even though she hated his guts at first. His quiet and introverted charm winning over her irritable heart. It made Azrael's teeth bear though his lips.

It made his heart grumble in his chest. He believed that he was happy for her. Even thought at times he plead for someone to hold like Rayleen does, often late at night and after drinking.

Azrael swiped up his cape as he reentered the castle holding the thought at the back of his mind. He braced himself for another accidental conversation between the ladies of the court and himself.

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