Part 54

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Evelynn glanced at the painting above, the archangels' eyes staring down at her. Shifting the weight on her feet counting the seconds of silence before he was to walk in.


Evelynn swallowed heavily and glanced to Audria presided on her left, Rylen on her right. The ruffles of their dresses interlace the silk, weaving the stitching of the colours between them. Audria lifted her chin slightly her braids lapped at her waist. The yellow beads at the ends gently clicked together as they swayed.


Evelynn glanced at Rylen. She returned the glance to Evelynn. Her dark pixie cut fell over her grey eyes. A smirk emerged from her pale lips and Evelynn shifted her gaze at the throne.


The green and gold lacing the throne, embraided with death itself. The thin detailed paintings gold crafted with his hands. His fingers grazing over the wood, and his presence seated on the cushioned throne.


The red curtain the spilt blood dripping down the white walls. The bright embers and flickering flames sprawled across the mat underneath death.


Evelynn crossed her arms and swallowed once more. She drew her mouth to form a thin pink line, continuing to shift her gaze around the room.


She lowered her hands, pressing them together and clasping them. Evelynn bit her tongue in anticipation and regret, the tinge lingering in her mouth of the night before. The remaining stain from the fire that dripped down the tower, a thin black persisting on the bricks of the castle.


A chill drifted down her back. The swift tingle up her spine made her shake. Evelynn inhaled trying to rid herself of the remaining feeling of the chill, etching further up her spine and down her arms.


Evelynn placed her fingers in her dress, scraping her nails along with the fabric. She tried to inhale but met a shallow, sharp breath that provided an unhelpful acquaintance. The air scrapped the sides of her throat as she inhaled again.


She clenched her arms to her sides and flexed her shoulders. The tension in the air her lungs and body felt. Evelynn shifted her weight to her left foot as she forced her limbs to relax. Her forced posture creates sharp pain in her lower back.


Evelynn turned slowly, her body unwilling to comply with her heart's command. Her rapid heartbeat and aching limbs stilled as he walked in.


Azrael's green eyes slid to meet hers as he walked. His limbs she knew ached swaying against his torso elegantly carved into the white shirt which tugged at his forearms, exposing the honeyed skin. His hands calloused and split, her eyes drifted to the skin cut and bruised on his knuckles. The dried flakes of blood clutched onto the knuckles of those of a warrior. Azrael lifted the cape that lapped at his ankles and sat on the red cushion of the throne.

He sat there as if he was carved into the very gold, the painted patterns licking his forearms. He perched on the chair deeply exhaling into the chair as if a celestial being has pursued the air from his lungs.

Her gaze lingered over the human who sat on the throne. The blood of the Third Triad running through their veins.

Evelynn stilled. The scars ripped open as he placed them on his crown. The jewels were encrusted in gold. The King in front of her is capable of ripping the world to shreds and building an empire equal to that of Gods.

Scars can destroy us. Even after the stitching and the physical wound have disappeared. It lingers at the back of our minds until we snap and rips open often worse than the original wound itself.

Evelynn's scar ripped open as the violent vision of Azrael stood over the corpses of her people, her soldiers. Holding the flag as the green feathers rippled throughout the land, as the conquest would begin.

Evelynn placed her hands behind her back and protruded her chin forward as Azrael spoke,

"With sincere regret it is that time once again,"

Evelynn knew where he was heading. His green eyes glinted with sympathy as he began talking about something Evelynn couldn't recall. Her azure eyes rather drifting over the warm-blooded before her, thoughts anointing her muscles as her bones turned soft at the thought of his lips.

"Rylen and Vallie," Azrael proclaimed, "With sincere regret I dismiss you,"

Rylen and Vallie exchanged glances. Their brown and amber eyes flickered with brief joy, their souls dancing with each other. Evelynn smirked in return.

Love is cruel. It tears apart your soul to fragments and frayed stitching, it provides to those which to provide contentment to take your soul, gathering it and with their hands stitch you and glue you back together, breaking down that barrier of perfectionism that you held them to. Alluding every flaw of yourself unable to find theirs. Love is blind, tender, warm, comforting, empathetic, and kind. Love is cruel.

In the momentous occasion of which a flicker of passion is shared with both souls ardent, love might bloom into a bond that isn't easily broken. You are soon compelled to this person who you care deeply for, and it's blinding. Your perception changes and your knowledge faults at them. Love is blind, ever-changing, ever doubting, and selfish. Love is cruel.

Love is cruel yet we all crave it.

When the two girls walked out hand in hand Evelynn could see that. The sacrifices, the passion, the kindness and the love they share. Evelynn noticed it all around her. Between Rayleen and Abbigail, Marlin and Collin, Audria and Azrael. As the friendships blossomed Evelynn realized that these feelings that helplessly plague her soul were those of love.

And she craved that reciprocation if it was not already lost. Someone, she'd search the world for ripping strips of blood and blade from hell if it came to it.

Evelynn looked back to Azrael. Her eyes lingered on his face. Those bright green eyes hid many secrets behind them, hers however were much darker.

A few more months, she reassured herself. Until she would continue to play the game of lovers and consorts. Evelynn lifted her chin to the ceiling studying him.

Her heart ached, reminiscing the promise she made to his skin on the beach of Kerton. She rubbed her purple and blue beaded bracelet across her wrist. She would make his death quick, the kiss on the balcony flickering across her thoughts. The green and gold dagger was placed in a box underneath a misaligned piece of lacquered wood, lingering like a burn and haunting every thought.

The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ