Part 26

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Evelynn looked at her gowned feet. All the girls stood beside her. Evelynn's butterscotch yellow dress ruffled in her restlessness. Evelynn turned her head to the bleaches above her. The gargoyles and concrete statues hiding the small bodies sitting in red velvet chairs behind them. The gold and green walls painted high in stories of archangels and God. The stainless glass windows shining the morning sunlight through onto the white marble.

Evelynn held her chin high up to the bleaches as she saw the figures of Solar, Rylen, Lisandra, Marlin and Soey stand from their seats. "I'm sorry" Evelynn whispered. As if they could she her chapped lips mouth the apology. She meant it. She wanted to stay not for her Kingdom's sake but of the friendship. 2 rutting months of homesickness where drowned out in their laughter. But Evelynn's efforts weren't enough to stay. She hadn't even kissed him yet. Evelynn bit her cracked lip in displeasure and rubbed her thighs together waiting. Waiting to go home.


Azrael sat on the throne. The satin green drapes hung low over the celling above him. His crown matched the throne he was entitled to. Azrael rested his armored arms on the gold armrests and glanced down upon them.

Their heads where lowered, and heavy. He served the room of the 4 girls, all in their morning attire. He tilted his head above to the bleachers. The remaining girls looked down upon them, like their were worthless, petty, ungrateful. Except 5. There were fives girls standing up from their seats looking at one of the girls. Their bodies where stiff and arms resting on the bleaches' railings.

Azrael looked back down. His crown shifting its position on his mocha brown head. Pieces of hair covered his forehead as the heavy weight of a Kingdom shifted upon his head. The jeweled crown resting.

Evelynn was looked up at them. Her chin high and small sliver crown slipping back on her curled hair. Her eyes where glazed and gazing up at them. Her throat bobbled as she breathed. The air rising her chest up and down. Her exposed shoulders became tense as the small yellow straps slipped further down her collarbone. Her blank face as she continued to look up at them. Like she was silently pleading to them.

Azrael parted his lips and exhaled, "When I call your name, please step forward we shall exchange farewells and your carriage shall be outside awaiting you"

Her head snapped back to looking down. The 5 clouded silhouettes disappeared behind the gargoyles.


Evelynn exhaled heavily as she returned to looking at the marble below her. The music and her feet dancing on the marble that she stands on. The memories of the first night echoing beneath her feet.

Evelynn stood with her hands hidden in her dress. She wiped her hand on the satin and took another breath in.


Evelynn lifted her chin just enough to see the pale peach dress left of her move forward. Forlana's high heeled footsteps echoed in Evelynn heart as she moved from the line to Azrael's throne.

Forlana kept her head down to avoid Azrael's eyes as he calmly spoke leaning on his armrest.

"Miss Drusilla, meeting you was a pleasure.-"

"Like wise" Forlana interrupted, keeping her head low.

"Safe travels to your homeland where your father eagerly awaits to plan your presence in the court of Drusilla, I plan to see you again for war on Athrolila,"

Evelynn swallowed hard. Her hands clenched on her yellow dress and the dagger strapped to her thigh loosened its deadly grasp.

Last resort Evelynn thought. The last resort. She couldn't just expose herself here if she wasn't certain that she was going home. The sliver and blue hilt embedded in his chest. Between the exposed amour of his collarbone and armpit. Bang, dead center she thought.

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