Part 48

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The crackle of leaves echoed throughout the dusk ridden forest. The dirt road intertwining within the trees. The crack of hooves on the stones scattered throughout the path. The wind swayed the trees in the grey sky. The grasp tightened on her hand.

"Where almost there," He whispered into the grey sky. Ruffling his cherry pink hair underneath his fingers. "Well be okay," He reassured her.

The Brookthurst Path continued to wind up into the grey horizon of Athrolilan territory.


The barbed wire fence was engulfed in white and blue patrol armour. The blue feathers sticking out of the shining helmet, that covered every inch of their identity until they became a number. A number that defends the country; holds off a war.

Wrapped in cloaks guiding their horses in; Marlin and Collin surrounded themselves in barbed wire and white and blue armour. Blending in with the other cloaked wave of people. The frost slipped down the steel fences. The coloured wave of people became one as the borders opened. The steel gates pulled back. Armed forces behind them.

"Immigrants from the Court of Koroisau," Collin proclaimed to the officer dressed in bright blue. The white feather perched on top of his head. The helmet squished his large cheeks together. He stood out in the sea of white, a large sword strapped to his hip. His eyes narrowed underneath the white helmet.


The sun rose and fell. Replaced by the moon every night. Their patience drained; 30 nights ago.

"I bet the letter hasn't arrived yet," Marlin snickered pulling her red cloak over her face. Shivering she grasped the chipped mug in her pale hands, slowly raising it to her mouth.

"Have faith in Evelynn. She promised us," Collin prayed shuffling closer to Marlin. She placed her mug down and rested her head on his shoulder. Her heavy head was full of thoughts. Collin pressed his lips into her white hair. "We will be okay, Marlin I promise,"

"There looking into us," Marlin tightly squeezed Collin's hand. Her shallow breath escaped her lips into a puff of white between them. "If they find out who we are Collin, we could di-"

"We'll be okay Marlin. All we can do is wait," Collin stopped the last dreadful word from parting from her tongue. He wrapped a blanket around her and waited. It's all they could do.


"Due to the Royal Court still considering the termination of the alliance of the Court of Koroisau, as rumors have been in circulation of forming alliance with Eramada. All immigrants have been subjected to background checks. Due to this all found afflictions with the King of Eramada, shall be eliminated at the nearest chance,"

The words rattled into the bones of Collin and Marlin. Collin's eyes slid to Marlin. His basil green eyes glazed over in hopelessness. Marlin reached out for his hand until blue amour grabbed them from behind.


"Name?" A solider yelled tapping a blue quill. Marlin threw the armored arms off of her. The metal gloves dug into her skin again. "Name?" The soldier repeated continuing to tap the quill on the parchment.

"Marlin. Marlin Thema," She hissed shifting in her boots. "Marlin Thema. Daughter of Zimmer Thema of The Court of Pollioux," The soldiers' grips loosened on her arms.

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