Part 13

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Azrael's crown lowered on his head. He inhaled then exhaled heavily trying to push it back up with his breath. The books and pages in his hands heavily swaying.

His footsteps echoed throughout the stairwell. The weight of the books shifting hand to hand as he carried them up and to the left of the stairwell. He followed the grey and green rug until he reached his room.

Azrael could still see the pale stains on the carpet. From the night that he knowingly became king. To his fathers disgust Azrael hadn't sent his country to war yet. Day by day the memory of his father's eyes lurked in his mind. His eyes becoming ghostly but still full of brutality and war. As his head rolled onto the ballroom floor he never knew that the crown would land on his head this soon.

He kicked the door to his room open with the base of his armored foot. Toying his green cape behind him. He flung the books onto his bed and placed the map onto his desk.

The library maidens had kicked him out due to the late time. He had tried to explain the best he could, to keep him in the dim light of one of the many studies. Trying to decode many of the books he had carried in his arms. The maps he had snuck on his way out laid open on his wooden desk. 

The large map of the continent, laid sprawled on his desk. The brims of the map folding over the end of his desk. Inland laid Eramada. The country he now commanded. Ruled in his Mother's words. Lead to victory in his Father's words. East to the ocean was Athrolila. Around the same size as Eramada it lay between his country losing , and on the brims of winning over the entire continent. Many small lands to Eramada's boarders had already joined forces in the never ending war that etched over the bloody horizon of Athrolila. Ones that hail warriors; others peace keepers. Many apart of the court. Their sons representing their lands.

To the other side of the war boarder was the Southam Wastes. A small land full of peacekeepers that hailed from Athrolila, many thousands of years ago. 

One of the girls were from there.

"Evelynn," Her name on the tip of his tongue. Her green dress intertwining with his green colored cape on the night of the first ball.

He was interested in her. The only time they had spoken was when they had finished dancing. The sweet smell of her as he kissed her hand. Her skin was ice cold but she smelt like oak embers drifting in a salt ocean breeze.

Azrael stood straight after examining the map for quite some time. He placed his crown on his bed side desk and brushed a hand through his black and sliver stranded hair. Azrael grasped onto the handles of the glass balcony doors. 

The wind rushed into his room. Sweeping up his cape. Azrael walked out onto the balcony.

The soft brush of his hands on the white concrete railings sparked his imagination. The girl in blue had jumped and swung from this balcony. Azrael grasped onto the railings and felt the cool breeze on his skin.

The smell of chrysanthemums and crystal petals remined him to bathe. He smiled at the thought that, the library maidens had kicked him out due to his smell. One reason why anyway. Those ladies have secrets of their own, Azrael reasoned smiling in the process.

Azrael stalked over to his desk and took a final look at the map that laid sprawled open. He glanced at the blood red ink mark where Athrolila's castle lay on the beach. He rolled up the map and secured it with a red ribbon. Azrael opened the bottom desk draw and hid the map underneath a piece of fabric.

The war had only begun. 


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