Part 10

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Her skin was ice cold as he pressed his lips against the back of her sun kissed palm. The smell of the sea salt and purslanes on her skin.

Azrael's eyes kept on drifting back to the girl seated at the end of the glass table. Her and 4 other girls chatting and laughing away. The craving of her sent made Azrael arch his back. His bright green dragon eyes assessed the girl in the countries colors. The pale green and flowers were wrapped around her like a sheet of silk. Shining and sparkling in the moonlight above. 

The girl paused laughing to sip her glass of wine. Her laugh was inaudible from the other end of the table. But her cheeks were red and eyes were wide. Her chest was rising and falling as she laughed. Her sweet smile danced as she brightened the up the environment around her. Her friends smiling and laughing along.  Many more girls began giggling and talking with her.  She was jumping from conversation to conversation until the whole end of the table was laughing and smiling and talking amongst one another. 

She raised a glass to her friend across the table from her. Making the girl's lips thin out to a bright smile. She raised the glass to her lips and looked to the other end of the table. She had caught his stare. Her blue eyes brightening.

Azrael straightened his posture and raised his chin at her. They kept eye contact for a brief moment before the girl looked away. Continuing her conversation. 

"Evelynn" He whispered. As song on his lips. His lips barley moving as he said her name again. Just a quiet whisper seemed a yell in Azrael's mind. Especially her name. Yet he doesn't know why the thought bubbling over in his head.

 Piecing blue eyes haunted his memory. The raven hair. The ripped blue dress. The bleeding lips and cut knees.

 She was seated at the very end of the glass table. She continued to chatter endlessly. Her lips parting to smile, showing her white teeth. She nodded along to conversations and placed her hands on the glass table.

The doors opened to show the servants carrying endless plates of food. Many head turned to breath in the aroma. The sweet aroma of aged wine and the salty taste of meat was on Azrael's tongue. 

Sliver and golds utensils were placed all along the isle of the tables. Forks and Knifes of all sizes were placed on Azrael's left and right. He lifted his glass and swirled the wine in the glass. He lifted it higher.

"This Empire of Oligarchy and Court" He announced. He paused. The wine still swirling. The room had gone quiet. "Has many potential brides and rulers of the court." 

He saw Evelynn's head turn. Pausing the conversation with her an a short black haired girl to her right. Azrael swallowed wine down his dry throat. "Many of noble families and many of great beauty" He parted his lips. "May the females of this country make friendships as they stay in this grand palace" He saw the blue eyed girl bite her tongue in annoyance and awed at the food placed in front of her. "May they enjoy their stay in the grand bedrooms, library, dining halls, gardens and the city surrounding the castle gates."  He continued in attention seeking manner.

The girls attention was diverted else where. She began whispering to the girl to her left. A dark women in gold. He saw the girl in gold smile at what Evelynn whispered into her ear.

He directed his glance closer to the girls seated in front of him. Avoiding potential eye contact for a second time.

Roselin rolled her shoulders as she corrected her posture as she make eye contact with him. Her black dress still tightly wrapped around her chest. The deep v neck visible to him. Azrael raised his eyebrows to her " And may we begin the feast" He smirked as raised his glass higher into the air. Many people joining him in doing so. 

The court and princesses began eating. 

Azrael raised his gold spoon to his mouth. The soft pale white cream melted onto his tongue. He placed the spoon down next to the empty plate. The sweet drizzle scraped onto the brim of the plate. Many girls had finished. They had placed their hands under the table, or politely asked for another glass of wine. Some barely touching their final course in front of them.

Servants collected their plate and returned to the kitchens with another bottle in their gloved hands.

"So Azrael, What do you plan to do with all these women?" A familiar voice pondered.

Azrael turned to Roselin placing his near empty glass down beside his empty plate.

"Well" Azrael wondered. His eyes drifting to Evelynn. Her smile bright. "Make one my wife" Azrael answered honestly. Roselin rolled her eyes and adjusted her glance to the end of the table to look at what was adverting Azrael's attention from her.

Roselin bit her lip. "Her politeness needs work" She laughed. 

Azrael snapped back to Roselin near pulling a face at her until he realized that Evelynn had her elbows on the table chatting with her hand resting under her chin.

Azrael brushed the insult that Roselin threw directed at Evelynn.

"I hear that she is from the Southam Wastes?" Roselin clicked her tongue. "Such a grubby and unpolite place." Roselin loudly whispered to the females seated next to her. Their small giggles filled the top end of the table. 

Azrael leaned on his green and gold armrest, in disgust.  "Well she seems politer than some of us" Azrael shot back. 

"You are joking Azrael right ? " Roselin eyes narrowed. 

"Well..." Azrael drawled on. 

Roselin placed her knife on the plate loudly. The sound echoing off the plate. She laughed slightly.

Azrael stood. The chair scrapping on the marble. His plates clattering on the glass.

He coughed and looked at the glass celling of ballroom. 

"Lets dance" He smiled. Placing his hand out to Roselin. 

The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt