Part 27

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Evelynn rushed down the hallway. She ran up the stairwell trying her hardest not to fall up the stairs in her heels. She reached the circular archway and scanned the room.

"You lost Evelynn?"

She spun around sharply. His brown hair hid underneath his guard covering. It was unkept and slightly askew. His eyes a dark blue. 

"Riley!" Evelynn smiled and ran to him. Her face flushed as she looked up to him. "How have you been?" Evelynn nudged him. Riley slid his arm under hers as she walked along. "I can't believe its been more than two months," Evelynn added.

"I have been well, Princess. I see you are still upholding the bet" Riley chuckled opening the door to the Royal Dining room sector. "Angus betted on Malia, so he had to pay up this morning,"

Evelynn nodded and smiled, gazing at the door ahead replaying this morning in her mind. His apology resurfacing in her heart. Evelynn hummed and looked up to him "Well I will continue to not let you down kind sir," She laughed. 

"You could never let me down, Princess," Riley smiled, opening the final door to the Royal Dining room. "Well this is it," He huffed.

"I guess it is," Evelynn tapped on the door frame. "Well have to catch up sometime though. Be safe please," He sighed.

"Safe always," Evelynn prodded.

"No Evelynn, seriously please the general's been murdered. They're in the castle," 

Evelynn's heart dropped. She coughed and crocked, "I will," She nodded at him. "I promise Riley," 

He opened the door for her.

Evelynn didn't know what to say to him. She bit her tongue and lied to him. Evelynn shook the heavy feeling off and looked at the Royal Dinning room. They all looked at her.


Azrael laughed at Aiden, as he noticed her presence. The room had gone silent as she walked in. After this mornings how could he word it, commotion she was all they could talk about. Aiden nudged him. Azrael near snarled at his friend. He nudged him back harder, making Aiden stumble back. A small chuckled escaped his lips. He ruffled his black hair and his sliver eyes slid to Evelynn. 

"So this is the Princess," Aiden stalked up to Evelynn. Azrael placed his hand on the bridge of his nose and mumbled a string of colorful words. Dammit Aiden. This is what I get. God forbid you grab her hand and kiss it too.

He kissed her hand. To her slight disgust.

With that the Queen walked in. Her gray hair done up in a tight knot with a green crown wrapped around it. She nodded to Azrael and sat beside his sister at the end of the table. The guards position at ether end of the doors with their swords in their hands.

The guards scanned Evelynn. She held her hands up above her head and slowly turned around. Her dress spinning in the direction. Azrael waved them off and they returned to their stationed position. He had them on high alert after the General's murder. 

The empty seat to Marcus left was empty for Evelynn. Marcus welcomed her as she sat next to him with Solar to her right. 

Azrael sat their tapping his fork listening to the conversations downing out his own thoughts.

"So who are you?" Evelynn's sweet voice suggested to Aiden her back straightened and she sipped on her wine. Oh here we go. Azrael sat back in his chair.

"I'm the son of the general," Aiden's tone suddenly shifted. 


Evelynn near choked on her wine. She gracefully placed it down on the table and placed her hands on her lap.

"I'm so sorry," She lied, faking sincerity. "I'm sure they'll find him," Evelynn added, looking into his sliver eyes. Aiden put his head down slightly and nodded. 

"Me too," 

Evelynn's gaze moved to Azrael. His green eyes looked sorrowful. He placed a bare arm around Aiden. His muscles flexing a little as he put an arm around his friend. Evelynn swallowed. He wasn't wearing any amour. Just a white shirt with a jacket placed over one of the chairs. And long black pants. He wasn't wearing is crown or cape either.

"I'm am sorry for the informalities, as I didn't have time to change as Aiden needed a tour around the castle. What the first time in what had it been 5 years," Azrael chucked trying to lighten the mood.

Aiden's sliver eyes filled with joy and he sat up straighter as he smiled at Azrael.

"Glad to be back, so I can beat your ass in fencing again," Aiden huffed raising a glass to his mouth.

A small chuckled erupted from the court, and the girls. Evelynn smiled at the thought of Aiden winning over Azrael. She raised her glass for a toast.

"To Aiden, welcome back and may you beat the King's ass in fencing again," She exhaled.

"Here here," Marcus laughed. "May Aiden also have his ass beaten again by myself,"

"No, don't go thinking I forgot about that," Aiden laughed raising his glass in addition.

Several other glasses where raised from the hands of others.

"May Rayleen have an actual try at archery with the males next time," Abbigail chuckled from the end of the table.

Rayleen laughed at his lover and raised his glass in favor, "May Abbigail have an actual try at the Eramaden waltz next ball with me,"

A loud gasp came from Abbigail. Then laughter filled the end of the table with Rayleen whispering, "Rude,"

Evelynn turned to Azrael and lifted her glass in suggestion. Raising her eyebrows at him.

Azrael groaned and lifted his glass to finish the toast.  "May all of you find pleasure in making fun of something else besides your friends," He laughed. "Jokes aside Aiden, Rayleen, Marcus and Collin, you better prepare to have your assess whopped when we leave to the East County the day after tomorrow, you all better bring your game," He laughed.

"Here Here," The table finished. 

Evelynn and Azrael raised their glasses to their lips momentarily. Looking at it other smugly. This is your fault. Azrael cocked an eyebrow at Evelynn. It's your fault you suck at fencing , Evelynn smiled at him through her glass.

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