Part 33

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Evelynn breathed out heavily as she threw her backpack on the ground. She glanced up to the clear sky. The forest behind the castle covering the horizon ending the blue. She pulled up her brown pocket pants by the drawstring. She heaved her chest up.

The tight feeling of her corset disappeared. She instead wrapped her breasts with a tan honey wrap that held her chest stable. She only decided to wear corsets on the days that she wore dresses. To her disgust it was starting to bore her, day after day having to pull it tight. And noticing her waistline compared to the other girls. How theirs' was significantly smaller than hers. A least I can hide a dagger in it. She chuckled to herself. She pulled her grey shirt over her pants and smiled.

She saw Rayleen, Abbigail, Collin, Marlin and Lisandra guiding 10 horses to the center of the garden. Their horses' hooves clattered on the oak pavements. Rayleen threw a look at Abbigail as a horse-pulled back and nearly took him with it. Abbigail brushed the horse's mane and stared at Rayleen, a smile peaking at the corners of her mouth. Collin held Marlin's hand as they both lead their two horses behind Rayleen and Abbigail. Lisandra however was already atop of her horse guiding the other horse behind her. She had a bow strung from her shoulders and arrows in the saddle pouches. She had a small bag strapped behind her, which was less than half the size of her. Lisandra's red hair bounced as the horse trotted to catch up to them. Evelynn picked up her bag and wandered over behind the fountain.

Lisandra jumped off her horse as soon as Evelynn came into view of her. Red-faced and smiling to either end of her face she handed Evelynn her horse. Evelynn was awed at the sight of the horse. The pitch-black horse melted under her touch as she stroked its mane. It had white hooves and a single stripe down its left leg. It was irregular like it had been slashed. It was magnificent.

"Where're the others," Collin huffed as he placed a box on top of his horse. Its contents rattled.

"Careful Collin, we wouldn't want the girls to get mad at us that we shattered the drinks," Rayleen grabbed the ropes to tie the box over the horse.

"The alcohol," Collin groaned. "How did Abbigail get her hands on this much anyway?" He brushed his cherry blossom pink hair back with his hands then pulling it back with a band until it made a palm tree atop of his head. He bared his teeth as he pulled the rope tighter with his hands around the horse's stomach until it fit snug underneath its abdomen.

"A woman has her secrets Collin," Marlin laughed as she flicked the palm tree on his head.

"I do after all don't I Rayleen," Abbigail nudged Rayleen. He gave her an eye roll return.

"Here they are!" Lisandra announced. Entering the garden with their bags slung on their shoulders were Audria, Soey, Vallie and Rylen. They all dressed for the occasion with pants and a shirt. Audria had a black jacket tied around her hips. She had her bleached blonde ringlets box braided, with cargo green beads lapping the ends.

Rylen walked next to Vallie whose left hand was holding a book. Vallie hazel eyes glazed over Rylen's as she offered to hold the book. Vallie insisted to hold it herself. She rested it at her side covering her low rise grey pocket pants. Her navy top showing her navel and waist. Rylen placed her hands together and exhaled at Vallie. Rylen's hair was tied back in a small prickle at the back of her head. Her layered hair falling out at the sides.

Soey clutched onto her bag with her hands. Eagerly awaiting the adventure. Her oak brown hair was tied into a bun. Her grey eyes darted across the scene in front of her, Evelynn patently held her horse for her.

"Morning!" Soey said with a peppy tone in her voice. Evelynn held out the rains to a brown horse to her. "I'm so excited!" She smiled as she took the reins in her hand and patted the poll of the horse.

"You should be. It's going to be so fun," Evelynn responded patting her horse looking at Soey.


They weaved through the dense forest in a line. Abbigail lead them as she turned and served through the trees on the horse. The high treetops began to thin. The blue sky seeping through.

"Almost," Abbigail shouted down the trail of riders behind her. Evelynn leant forwards on her saddle and the open plane was visible.

The green open plane covered the horizon. The blue creating the line between land and sky. It reminded Evelynn of Azrael's favourite colour. The grass contrasting with the blue sky.

"Ready set go!" Audria shouted and took off in front of Abbigail. Abigail tilted her head back, clicked her heels and chased after her. Lisandra is following them. One after one they dashed off onto the open plain. Evelynn smiled at her horse and clicked her heels under its stomach taking off.

The wind filled her hair as she galloped into the distance. Evelynn laughed and yelled out to the open.

"Shall we be free,"

Shouts and cheers from further in front echoed in response.


Evelynn galloped further than she had explored before. Abbigail was still leading, Rayleen at her side. The river flowed to her left snaking its way down to the lick of trees behind her. It became thinner as they narrowed through another passage of trees.

"Are we almost there Abby?" Marlin moaned impatiently.

"Yes," Rayleen hissed at her. Sending Marlin into a cough as she held back her laugh. Collin smiled from behind her, witnessing the event.

Evelynn pulled on the reins as she pulled her horse right, to make the way of a tree in front of her. Leaves scrapping down her legs. She ducked and lent forward as a wall of leaves haltered their travels.

"Abbigail, are we lost?" Evelynn pulled tighter on the reins to stop her horse, in front of the wall of leaves. The fern green leaves wrapped and entangled themselves over one another. The vines a curtain hiding the land in front of them

"Of course not Evelynn," Abbigail huffed as she pulled the leaves back to her left. It drew back like a curtain, and the leaves ruffled as the sudden withdrawal, exposed the sunlight in front of Abbigail.

She trotted forward as she disappeared behind the curtain of leaves. One after another they pulled the leaves away and trotted forward. Evelynn was last to enter. She turned around. The forest was empty and the sound of animals was the only voice in her head. Evelynn gulped and withdrew the vines in front of her. She walked forward closing her eyes.


The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें