Part 30

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Evelynn wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead and walked into the cafeteria. Her arms felt weightless and numb as the hilt, and weight of a sword wasn't there. Marcus had pushed her to her breaking point this morning. Not letting her drop her sword until she disarmed him and threw all his belted weapons dead on target, onto the wood that was in the shape of a body placed in every corner of the room. He was good. She had to admit. Very good. It took 45 mins to get his knives in his belt indented onto every target. Not including his hidden blades in his shoes. Evelynn groaned as she saw the empty cafeteria in front of her.

"Evelynn!" A feline-like voice called. Evelynn looked up and saw Lisandra seated at the very end of the cafeteria near the unlit fireplace. Lisandra's freckled face lit up as she saw her. She brushed her bright red bangs out of her face and waved to Evelynn.

Evelynn smiled. Seeing her brought Evelynn's parched lips to bare her teeth in joy. Evelynn's numb hand waved back at her.

Lisandra pointed to a seat across from her and Evelynn unconsciously nodded as she neared the table. Evelynn brushed her cloak underneath her as she sat.

"Wow, Marcus must have given you a hard time this morning," Lisandra smiled looking at Evelynn's face. Her face was drained of colour and her breaths were heavily rising her chest up and down.

"You have no idea," Evelynn's horse voice coughed. "You should come and do some archery with me,"

"No thank you" Lisandra chuckled. Her red hair bouncing across her shoulders. The sage green dress she wore matched her eyes, Evelynn looked up at her. Lisandra's eyes looked at Evelynn's hands. "I would much rather train by myself than be wreaked like you,"

Evelynn's chuckled at Lisandra. One of the maids placed two cups between them. Evelynn glanced at the coffee placed in front of them. Evelynn grabbed the cup and raised it to her mouth. It was better than nothing. She thought.

"Slow down, sweet Gods Evelynn you'll choke," Lisandra spat at her. Evelynn placed her empty cup down on the oak tables.

"Would it be so bad if I did?" Evelynn suggested. Lisandra shrugged her shoulders smiling at her. Evelynn opened her hand out and raised an eyebrow at Lisandra. Lisandra shifted forwards and leant her elbows on the table.

"Have you talked to him lately?"

Evelynn knew immediately whom she was talking about. Evelynn shook her head and placed her calloused hands in her lap. Lisandra frowned and nodded slightly in response.

"When was the last time you talked to the Royal pain in the ass?" Lisandra asked trying to lighten the dim mood.

Evelynn looked back at her and bit her cheek. "Two weeks,"  She hummed in disappointment. "I've been here for three months and have rarely spoken to him," Evelynn raised her hand to get the attention of a waiter.

"Least your conversations have been more successful in being meaningful than mine are," Lisandra pulled a face at Evelynn.

"What makes you say that?" Evelynn nodded at Lisandra and thanked the waiter for her second cup placed to her left.

"Mine is about the weather and weapon of choice," Lisandra huffed and sat back in her chair.

Evelynn couldn't deny it. She and Azrael's conversations had been interesting but she wouldn't call it meaningful. To her anyway.

The door opened. Both girls turned to see the figure walking in. They spotted Rylen swaying in a mellow peach dress. Evelynn leant forward as Rylen walked over. Her dark under eyes and slightly bloodshot eyes displayed that she was craving sleep. Lisandra shot a concerned look on her face to Evelynn.

"Morning," Rylen mumbled. Her pixie cut hair was standing up in spots and ruffled all over.

"You look tired," Evelynn whispered. Rylen nodded and sipped on her newly arrived coffee.

"I was watching the sunrise early this morning," Rylen finally responded putting her half-drunken cup on the table. "With Vallie,"

Evelynn shot a look at Lisandra and turned back to Rylen. She fidgeted and cooed at her. Rylen shot a look of confusion until Evelynn grabbed her hand and shook it.

"You talked to her," Evelynn cooed. Rylen pulled her hand out of Evelynn's grasp and blushed. Evelynn shifted to Lisandra. Lisandra raised an eyebrow at Rylen and Evelynn. She placed her cup down and simply said;

"Good for you Rylen. She is pretty,"

Evelynn was filled with joy and started clapping softly like a child.

"Is-s it okay if I like her?" Rylen whispered. "Like more than platonically?" Evelynn lent forward and grabbed her hands.

"Of course it is," Evelynn smiled brightly. "Love is love, regardless of who they are, and who you are," She said. Rylen's shoulders relaxed and she smiled at Lisandra. She shifted her gaze at Evelynn. "Go for it," Evelynn rooted.

"Another round of coffee please, in celebration!" Lisandra shouted. Rylen broke out in laughter. The waiter nodded and disappeared to the kitchen.


The three girls sipped their coffee's in celebration. Smiles on their lips. "Biscuits?" Lisandra offered.

The doors opened again. The girls broke out in laughter. "Speaking of the devil herself," Evelynn laughed, Rylen's voice crackling in the background.

Solar walked it with biscuits in her hand and probably in her mouth also. Her dark complexion contrasting with the bright pink that she wore. Jeweled with gemstones and shone brightly. It was one of the most beautiful dresses on the girl she'd seen. She looked like a princess in the flesh. Marlin and Collin walked in behind her hand in hand.

"I knew it," Rylen threw her arms up in the air. "I knew it" She pointed to Marlin and Collin's hand-holding. "Who's lying now?" Rylen raised her voice with sarcasm in her tone. Collin snapping his head at her, then squeezing his hands in Marlin's. They sat beside them, and Collin pulled at look at Rylen.

"You know what we should do?" Lisandra suggested. They all turned to her in question and hummed.

"Go on a trip together"

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