Part 55

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At the end of each seated aisle, jasmine-scented candles hung from the naked tree branches. Spread down the aisle were white petals, slightly moist so they wouldn't crack when you stepped on them. With the bouquet of fresh flowers and the back of the chairs a blue tinge in the garden, underneath the oak tree stood the altar. The lime green leaves were sprinkled across the table and the petals of white roses were evenly placed among the cobblestones to the tree.

The extravagant dresses and elegant crowns crowded the garden. The chatter filled the air and a slight tinge of blue melting into the castle garden. Azrael stood with his sword at his side and the black-tie tucked under his collar. The crown glinted in the afternoon sun mimicking the dancing illuminants that the lanterns dotted on the table.


Evelynn's tongue poked out from the side of her mouth as Abbigail's hair was entangled in her fingers. The encrusted diamond flowers were carefully placed in the centre of her hair. The black curls lapped at her shoulders. The white crown accompanied the flowers, and the pearls in the crown reminisced the Athrolilan beaches in Evelynn's mind.

"Stop fidgeting Roselin," Audria grabbed her shoulders. Evelynn raised the brush in hand the purple power clinging onto the fibres of the brush. Roselin squinted her eyes shut and attempted to hold still, sending the girls into laughter.

"Marriage is a economic proposition," Abbigail quietly said underneath her breath, followed by a long string of curses as she placed her shoes on.

"What?" Evelynn laughed at the comment, placing the brush down.

"My mother, gods bless her arranged this mess," Abbigail raised her hands suggesting this whole façade was on her.

"A mess? I would hardly call it such," Roselin chuckled placing her foot into her heeled shoe. Evelynn eye's slid to Lucy standing in the corner. Her brown dress and white apron stuck out in the sea of purple.

"Do you love Rayleen?" Audria lifted an eyebrow, inciting a response from the rest of the bridesmaids in silence.

"Abbigail?" Evelynn questioned, the silence deafening, all of the purple sea halting their duties and waiting.

"Yes I do but its like I've been palmed off at this point." Abbigail threw herself into the chair, the white ruffles of her dress clouding the armrests.

"But?" Roselin laughed.

"But I do love him." Abbigail groaned as it she was frustrated with her own heart.

"And that's all that should matter," Audria exclaimed as the entire purple sea relaxed after Abbigail's response. Cold feet are the last of the problems they wanted this morning.

Evelynn placed her hands on the final purple dress that remained on the hanger. Rubbing the silk between her fingers. She then glanced at Lucy. Lucy threw a smug look back before Evelynn took it off the rack and held it up to Lucy's shoulder.

"What do you think Abbigail?" Evelynn raised an eyebrow at the dress covering Lucy's shoulders. "Another bridesmaid?"

Abbigail shot up to look at Lucy in the corner with Evelynn pressing the dress onto her shoulders. "The more the merrier," Abbigail laughed, before raising her hand to clutch her glass of wine. The lipstick stain on the corner of the glass protrudes in the light. Evelynn released the dress into Lucy's chest and grabbed her hand, forcing her behind the dressing room divider.

"Go on!"

"I can't where this dress, its to expensive."

"Well lucky I'm rich Lucy" Evelynn exclaimed raising her hand to Lucy's chin. The brown braids swayed across her shoulders. "You look beautiful, wear it."

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