Part 12

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The sound of footsteps echoed through Evelynn's ears. She quickly threw on her black hood and jumped onto a black bookcase to her left. Then swung from one of the cross over bars in the celling , swiftly landing on another cross bar. The dust floating in the air from the old wood. She pulled her self up as the footsteps neared.

Evelynn jumped from the black celling bars until she reached the last cross section before the stairs. Some court members walked past. Not bothered to look at what lie above their heads. 

Evelynn looked to her right. A small black spider webbing the corners of the wood. The long sliver strands making a detailed web. Evelynn admired the spider's dedication to her web then peered bellow her.

A body of white walked from around the corner from the west wing stairs. Where the potential brides where staying on the floor above. 

Evelynn pushed herself into the corner of the celling. Her boots slipping on the wood. Evelynn held her breath and remained still.

"You look nice" A female voice said. Noticing Evelynn. Looking up.

"Morning Ms." Evelynn hid, near whispering looking to the stairs. 

Her cheeks burning. How could she see her in the shadows. The girl raised her eyebrows and then sharply looked down to the ground suggesting that Evelynn get down.

"I am not being followed," 

 Evelynn remained still. Until the white clothed girl crossed her arms. Evelynn jumped down from the cross bars in the celling after a silent debate of facial expressions. Her cloak flying behind her as she fell.

She landed with a soft thud, and looked closer at the female.

The girl had bright sliver hair and pale white skin. Wrapped in a white silk cape. Her grey eyes widened as she peered at Evelynn's hood.

"How on earth did you get up there?" 

"Bookcases" Evelynn smirked at her self.

The girl nodded and lowered herself to Evelynn's height and looked under Evelynn's hood.

"You?" The small voice breathed.

Evelynn found her hand on one of her blades.

"The girl in green. Princess Of The Southam Wastes" 

Evelynn's throat burned at the lie. She gritted her teeth, and breathed in. Letting go at the blade she began to hold. She took of her hood and faced the girl in white.

"I'm Evelynn" Evelynn smiled at the girl. She was tall and her arms didn't sway at all, by her sides.

"I'm Marlin" The ghostly girl smiled. She shone her white teeth. Whiter then her skin.  

"I didn't take you away from the king did I?" Evelynn gulped. She didn't need another enemy on this field. 

"Of course not" Marlin gasped. Evelynn exhaled deeply, nearly a sigh of relief.  "I don't find the king even a bit attractive" Marlin smiled. "His ego is to big for me to compete with" She laughed.

Evelynn could only make a 'oh' noise as her lips parted, making a small breathy laugh. "Agreed" Evelynn laughed.

"I am thinking more of a court member. We do need more females after all behind the scenes. They end up running the country after all." Marlin said adjusting her white cape.

"We do" Evelynn agreed. Nodding slightly. 

Eramada's court was as near corrupt as the King's father himself. The night flashing in her head. Her palms became sweaty as she unwantedly recalled the moment as she watched the King's limp body fall from his chair. The screams echoing in her ears. 

"Are you hungry?" Marlin asked adjusting her cape.

Evelynn snapped back at Marlin's words. Evelynn shook her hands and exhaled. 

"I am actually" Evelynn laughed as she started to walk with Marlin by her side to the dining hall.

 She was famished after all. Her stomach ached from the tightness in her gut. Mainly due to it being empty. The other reason. The feeling of her duty being dependent by her survival and relationship with the King. Which was barely hanging by a thread of a spider's web.


Evelynn wrapped her cloak around her black suit as she entered the dining hall. Her smile appeared as she saw Lisandra, Solar and Rylen in the corner of the filled hall.

Evelynn held her covering as she stalked further into the hall. She tried to hold her chin high as girls flung themselves around stalking their heads to see Evelynn. 

"You look rather...." Lisandra muttered raising a spoon full of oats to her mouth.

"Rather dashing" Evelynn cocked. Solar muttered something under her breath as she sat next to Rylen. Rylen herself was holding back a laugh. 

"Rather like an shadow assassin" Lisandra laughed.

Evelynn's eyes narrowed, she was and they didn't even know it. Evelynn smiled, burying the lie in the sand.

"The girls make much out of your outfit" Soey said raising her chin towards the girls to her far right. 

Evelynn didn't bother to turn. She already knew that eyes were trying to burn holes in her cloak and back of her head. 

"This is Marlin" Evelynn raised a hand opened to the girls then Marlin. Turning her head in the action.

Marlin smiled her ghostly smile and waved.

"I hope you have better humor than Evelynn" Marlin raised her eyebrows at the girls.

Lisandra put her fork down and Evelynn swore that she was about to flip the table with her bare hands.

"We sure do" Lisandra laughed making room to her right. Her hand patting to the seat next to her. 

Marlin's dress brushed past Evelynn. A brighter smile appeared on Marlin's lips as she sat down.

Evelynn was left standing alone as the others sat.

She saw Roselin at the other end of the dining hall. Her blond hair neatly curled around her shoulders. The sweet honey yellow dress that she wore made her stand out. She had the same flowers on her dress as they did at home in Athrolila. 

A sudden sharp breath made Evelynn re-coil her memories of the home she deeply loved. The smell of Calla Lillis and beach Orchids. It remined her of the countless times she rode on the every beach near the castle, dawn after dawn. 

Evelynn had to look away from Roselin, and tie down her homesickness. Lock it up and then drown it in the back of her mind. She had a duty. Evelynn reminded herself. 

"Are you going to sit down or what?" Rylen asked looked up from her food.

"Why wouldn't I?" Evelynn laughed as she sat next to Rylen. Seated across from Solar, Lisandra and Marlin.

"I don't know maybe due to your legendary humor. To good for us," Lisandra cackled. 

"No, never" Evelynn smiled as she was handed her late breakfast and a cup of green tea. Surrounded by some of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen. Evelynn yet felt at home with her acquaintances. 

'Friends' Lisandra's words echoed in her head. The word hanging above Evelynn like a small but bright star. 

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