Part 14

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The faint knock on the doors bellow the hallway and the calm voice that came along with it, Evelynn knew. Girls are going home.

Evelynn hid behind the door in her room. She had been here for just more than a month. She had got to know all the girls and where they come from. Formed acquaintanceships. And so did Azrael.

She still remembered the bitter-sweet lie that left her lips.

"I am Princess Evelynn Of the Southam Wastes" 

It haunted her day by day. Getting to know some of the girls. Developing a some sort of 'friendship'. The word at this point meaningless at the end. She would have to betray them in the end. Evelynn shuddered. 

The knocking became closer.

Evelynn pleaded to the Gods. "Please" the quite plea escaped from her lips again. She begged to stay, she couldn't go home. Not without doing the deed.

The knocking grew even closer. Evelynn's heartbeat pulsated in her throat.


The knocking continued at the end of the hall. Faintly the voice recited the 4 words Evelynn dreaded.

"Miss your going home." 

Followed by a explanation and a time.


Evelynn walked down the hallway. Her mint and frost dress swaying as she walked. She opened and closed many doors. A climbed staircase and a pulled back a crimson curtain. She finally reached the bleachers of the ballroom. High above the marble floor hidden neatly in the celling was a row of chairs and small tables. Evelynn closed the crimson curtain behind her.

"Early Evelynn" Lisandra smiled.

"I wanted to be here" She assured. Turning to face Lisandra. 

Her red hair in messy braids and a black ribbon tied it back. Lisandra pulled a thin smile and her chocolate eyes glanced downwards to the small colored figures facing the throne.

"Athena," The figure in the throne exclaimed softly.

Evelynn held onto the handrails, and looked to the throne. Azrael was wearing his green and gold cape. His crown atop of his head.

A small figure in a lavender dress stepped forward. She dropped her head. Looking at the white marble of the ballroom. 


A tall figure stepped forward. Her garnet wine dress train followed.

Evelynn's hands ached. The splintered wood piecing her skin. She still didn't take her hands of the wood. 


A wide and plump figure stalked forward. Her short daffodil yellow dress swayed.

Evelynn gritted her teeth. She couldn't handle this. These girls where just like herself. Representing their court and land. Trying their best. Yet they were being discarded off. Like expired unopened wine. 


Lisandra rested her hand on Evelynn's shoulder. Evelynn looked up at Lisandra. Exhaling gently Lisandra whispered.

"Evelynn, It's ok. "

Evelynn let go of her death grip on the old oak wood. And looked into Lisandra's brown eyes. She gritted her teeth. She knew nothing. Nothing. Evelynn nearly cussed at the thought of Lisandra, Solar, Marlin and Rylen being exposed to who she truly was. 

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