37. Dinner with the LaVeys

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After getting home from school that day, you find your mother in the kitchen, preparing some vegetables for dinner. You decide to rip off the band-aid and just ask, "Hey mom, do we have any plans for Friday?" "I'm so glad you asked, I'm actually picking up Cindy's shift that day, so I needed to ask you what you want for dinner, and I'll make it Thursday night." "Actually uh.. Someone invited me to have dinner at his place on Friday, so you don't have to worry about that." She stops what she's doing. "Oh? Who's your friend?" You swallow. "His name is Damien." She looks at you, "Is he nice?" You just nod your head. She turns back to what she was doing. "What's his last name?" "LaVey." You hear her stifle a gasp, and drop the broccoli she was cutting onto the floor. You ask her, "Are you okay mom?" She slowly turns around and sheepishly smiles. "Yeah sweetie, it just slipped out of my hands. I need to run to the store really quick to get some more broccoli. I'll be right back." She leaves quickly, leaving you to wonder why she was acting so weird.

Once Friday rolls around, you find yourself very nervous, for obvious reasons. Scott gives you another pep talk, and Brian again assures you that everything will be okay. It doesn't really help much, but you at least appreciate the attempt. At the end of the day, Brian meets you at your locker. "Hey bud. You ready to go?" You pack up the rest of your things and nod your head. He ruffles your hair and gives you a patient smile. You smile back and walk with him outside. You two approach a really fancy red car, there are flames on it, and the license plate says '6IX9INE'. You see Damien leaning on it, looking at his phone. Once he hears you approach him, he says "Finally. It fuckin took you long eno-" He looks up and sees Brian with you. His eyes dart between the two of you. He asks, "What are you doing here Bri?" "I thought I'd come with you guys. I love your dads, it'll be nice to see them again. You don't have a problem with that, right?" Damien glances at you again. "Yeah. That'll be fine." As Damien gets in his car, you look back up at Brian. He gives you a thumbs up, and you get in the back of the car. Damien starts the car and drives away. He zooms all the way through town, at least 3 times faster than the speed limit. He runs red lights, ignores stop signs, and doesn't use turn signals. At one point, he gets chased by the cops. They follow you for about 15 minutes until Damien ends up losing them. Damien gets bored and starts looking for the police again so they participate in another chase. He causes a few wrecks, and even manages to blow up a police helicopter. After about two hours of going through town, he finally starts to get bored and actually starts driving somewhere. He gets to a drive in place called "Hell's Portal" and goes through the one that leads to the 8th circle of Hell. You go down a long street and end up at a hill. Damien drives up it and you see a big castle. It's absolutely huge, seemingly larger than Spooky High itself. Damien takes another sharp turn, into a side road surrounded by a thick forest of dead trees. Another few minutes later, he pulls up to a cute little two story house. Brian turns around and says, "His parents like to stay here because it's cuter, and not around a busy area." You hear Damien grumble about something and get out of the car. You and Brian follow.

He walks up the porch steps and enters the door leading inside. He takes a few steps inside, and you hear a booming voice yell, "Damien, you take your damn shoes off at the door like everybody else!" Brian chuckles and steps inside, taking his shoes off. You do the same. A man, a little taller than Brian, puts his hand out to Brian saying, "Hey Brian, good to see you!" Brian shakes it happily. "It's good to see you too, Mr. LaVey!" The man looks like Damien, but blue. He's also taller, and looks more like a decent person. He turns his attention to you and his smile slightly fades. After a moment of studying you, his smile returns and he says, "Hey there, kid! It's nice to meet you! I am Stan, king of the 8th circle of Hell! And who might you be?" He holds his hand out for you to shake, which you grab hesitantly, saying, "(Y-Y/N). Nice to m-meet you too." Your handshake is weak, but he pays no mind to that. He says, "Why don't you come and meet my husband?" He leads you into the kitchen and says, "Lucien, hun, our guest has arrived." He turns around, and you see a red, hooded man. He has no facial features except for a pair of blank eyes. As he speaks, you can tell his voice is coming from him, but you don't see a mouth moving. "Why hello there. I am Lucien, and you are?" "Uh. (Y/N).." You shake his hand as well. "Well (Y/N), go ahead and sit down anywhere at the table. Dinner is almost ready. Damien! Stop snogging your boyfriend and come help us set up dinner!" You sit down at the table as Damien walks in with his face blushing wildly. He reaches into a cupboard and grabs multiple plates, setting them down on the table. He puts four plates down, on for him, Brian, and his parents. Lucien smacks the back of Damien's head with a ladle. "For ALL of us." He rolls his eyes and grabs you a plate too. He also starts getting glasses and silverware. You look over at Stan, who quickly looks away from you. He walks towards the oven as Lucien pulls something out of it. Lucien puts it down on the stove, and Stan puts his arm around Lucien's waist. He speaks quietly, but you can still hear him. "Hun, don't you think that looks like his kid? You know, Da-ugh!" Stan steps away, clutching his side. Lucien says, "That's not what we're discussing right now."

Lucien, Stan, and Damien set all the food on the table. It's meatloaf, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, and corn. Everyone sits down as Stan says, "Now, we pray. Thank you Lord, for.. for... Pfffft.." He starts laughing, and so does everyone else. You giggle too, not wanting to be the odd one out. Damien reaches out to get some potatoes, but his hand is smacked away. "You let (Y/N) get their food first!" You tell them, "No no, it's fine!" Damien reaches for it again, and again, he gets smacked. In anger, he says, "Come on! They said it's fine!" He replies, "I don't care. They. Get served. First. Go on ahead, (Y/N). Take your time." You hastily serve yourself a bit of everything, so you can get it done with. Once you're done, Damien serves himself immediately, as if he's starving. Once everyone gets their food, they begin talking about their day. Once they ask you, all you can say is, "It was fine." And that's it. You didn't really have a response. All you're able to think about is how much you wish you were anywhere but here. You're glad you have Brian, and Damien's dads are really nice, but you feel so out of place and awkward. At one point, Damien asks what you want to drink. You just told him water, and he got you a glass, but you could still feel the hostility. Stan asks, "So, (Y/N). What kind of a monster are you?" He looks at you with curiosity, Lucien and Brian focus on their food, and Damien stares at you intently. You feel yourself start to tremble. You take a few breaths to calm down a bit, and say, "I'm part demon." "What are your parents like?" Lucien looks at him with shock, and you resist the urge to vomit. Slowly, you say, "They. Are. Nice. May I use the restroom?" Brian gets up, saying, "Here, I'll show you where it is." You're lead out into the hallway, and when you turn the corner, you embrace Brian. You're shaking intensifies. He hugs you back. "I'll text Stan and tell them not to ask anything else like that." He gets out his phone and sends the message. You use the restroom and wet your face. When you get back, everyone is almost finished. You sit back down eat some more. For the rest of the meal neither Stan nor Lucien bring up anything about home, and Damien is generally well behaved. Once everyone is finished, Damien, Stan, and Lucien clean up, and you and Brian enter the living room.

You sit down on the couch and he asks if everything went okay. You reply, "I think everything was fine. But I think they recognize me or something.." He gives you a curious look. "Well, when I met Stan-" You're interrupted by Damien, who enters the rool saying, "Yo, B. Come down to my room. You, stay here." He gestures towards you. Brian shrugs and goes down into the basement with Damien. You're left to sit on the couch alone. A few minutes pass, and Stan notices you're alone. He sits down next to you and asks, "Where'd those two bozos go?" "The basement." His face turns annoyed. "Really? Before they took you home?" You nod your head. He groans and puts his hands over his face. "I'll have to take you home then. They'll be at it for awhile." "At what?" He cocks an eyebrow, and you think he's knows what he means. Your face flushes from embarrassment. Stan chuckles at your response. He puts an arm on your back and says, "And hey, listen. I'm sorry for maybe bringing up some uncomfortable topics, I didn't want to upset you. And if you ever need anything, just ask." He gives you a radiant smile. After thinking for a minute, something comes to mind. "Actually, I do have a question.."

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now