148. Final Warning

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You cling onto Scott's arm as he carefully looks around the gym, past all the people crowding it. You do the same, but it's a little more difficult since he's taller than you. He taps your shoulder lightly, pointing over in the direction your mom is. You watch as she makes her way through the crowd, shoving past people with no regard for their feelings or well-being. You nod at Scott, and the two of you walk in the other direction to avoid her.

After exiting the gym, Scott pulls you away from the crowd into a nearby classroom. He nervously asks, "What is she doing here?!" You take a deep breath, "She must have noticed that I wasn't home somehow. Since I made such a big deal about wanting to come here tonight, she probably assumed that this is where I'd be." He sighs dejectedly, "Does that mean you have to go?" You sigh angrily, "No. I... I can't leave yet... I'm tired of her running my life. But... I don't know how to get her out of here." "Why don't we ask Vera?" "No... I don't want to bother her... Again... I'm sorry..." He grabs your hand, "Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault." You reply, "I know... It's just-" You're suddenly cut off as the door to the room bursts open, causing you and Scott to freeze in terror. Inside walks Polly and Vicky, making out wildly with each other. They stumble over each other until they're forced to stop at the wall. You lead yourselves out of the room to give them some space.

Once you reenter the hallway, you frantically look around in every direction, trying to devise a plan to escape. The tears continue growing in your eyes and you say, "I... I don't know where to go..." Scott says, "Well we need to figure something out!" He starts leading you in a random direction. Behind you, you hear your mom yelling, "(Y/N)! Get back here!" You squeeze Scott's hand as you run away with him.

You eventually end up back at the library, barging into the fancy room. You're stared at again, making you blush from embarrassment. You wipe the tears out of your eyes with your sleeve. Scott looks around the room, and eventually tugs on your arm. You look up at him curiously, and he points over to the windows. He says, "What if we jumped out the window?" You sniffle, "Are you serious? What then?" "We can just pretend that we are running away. She won't know where we're going, so maybe she'll think that we ran away. Then we can come back, and she'll be gone!" You think briefly and eventually say, "Alright, it's worth a shot." You both head over to the window, and Scott opens it. You look out the window, seeing a small amount of roof for you to walk on after getting out. Scott starts helping you through, all while you try to keep your tears in, which are forming from the number of stares you're getting. Just as you're getting out the window, the doors to the library burst open, and your mom walks in, looking feral. She sprints towards you two, so Scott pushes you out the window, making you trip slightly, and you stumble over the edge of the roof. Your mom quickly gets out of the window, holding her hand out to you. She says, "(Y/N). Give me your hand, and this will all be over." You can still see Scott from inside. He shouts, "Don't do it, (Y/N)!" Your mom turns her head around and yells, "Don't you dare speak to my child! This is between me and them! Go back to the dog pound you were abandoned in you worthless, nasty, good-for-nothing mutt!" You instinctively reach up and grab your mom's hand, pulling her down off the roof with you. In your rage, you can't even hear the words she is screaming at you right now. You shake her off your arm, and let her fall. In no time, she grabs onto a window sill on the next floor. She looks up at you, a look of genuine shock painted on her face. The shock turns to anger, and she begins climbing down the side of the building until she reaches the ground. Scott gets through the window too, grabbing your hand and helping you back up. You say, "We have to get out of here. Fast."

You both go back through the window and into the library. As you run to the exit, you can hear all the people in the room talking about you and your mom. You ignore them to the best of your ability as you leave, and Scott asks, "What's the plan now?" "I don't know, I just thought I'd run... I'm not able to think right now." Your running slows down, and Scott stops in his tracks as soon as he notices. You start to tremble and shake, and you fall to your knees. Tears flow freely from your eyes, and you rub them aggressively, trying to stop yourself. You cry out, "I... I tried to... To throw her off the roof! If I killed her, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself! If I hurt her, I would've proven to her that monsters will hurt people! But now that she's safe, she's bound to be more pissed than ever! S-S-S-Scott! I-I d-d-don't know what to do!" Scott gets down on one knee and pulls you into his arms. You sob uncontrollably in his arms, desperately wishing you would stop. Amid your crying fit, the speakers turn on. It's the voice you loathe. It says, "Attention delinquents of Spooky High. It seems we have a troublemaker in our midst, and they need to be punished for their recent actions. Would (Y/N) (L/N) please report to the gymnasium within the next 30 minutes? And don't bother trying to escape honey, if you're not there soon, I can't guarantee the safety of the others here." You and Scott look at each other nervously.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now