162. Collecting Your Things

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"Hey... Hey, baby... It's time to wake up." You groan and grab a hold of the blanket, bringing it closer to you and you hide your face in it. You hear Scott chuckling as he gently grabs the blanket and pulls it away from you. You groggily rub your eyes and open them to a squint. The sunlight shines in the van, it's too bright for you. Your eyes make contact with Scott's, and he smiles. "Good morning, sleepyhead." He kisses your face all over. You groan again and say, "Do we have to get up now?" Scott laughs, "Of course we do. We're already late." You give him a curious look, "Late? For what?" Scott gives you a similar look, "For school." Your eyes shoot wide open, "Oh my god, school! I've been so caught up in everything, I didn't even think about school today! Dammit, why did we do this on a school night? I mean, it was wonderful, but still!" Scott starts laughing and clutching his stomach, and you look at him, more confused than ever. He places a hand on your shoulder and says, "It's a teacher in-service day! Spooky High knows how important prom is to everyone, so they usually make it an extra long weekend." You scoff and punch him in the arm. His laughter dies down as he rubs his arm, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to prank you." You sigh and hug him, "It's okay, you got me." You kiss him, and he kisses back. He then says, "Well... Since we don't have school today, how about..." He smirks at you and suddenly pins you down against the floor of the van, "How about a round 2?" You chuckle and push him away, "No, we can't... I'm tired, and my legs still feel wobbly. You're a lot to take in." You wink at him, making him giggle. You add, "I would like to cuddle a little, though." Scott smiles and nods his head.

You both lay back down for a little while, and Scott spoons you. He asks, "So what do you have to do today? I know there's a lot." You sigh, "Uh, I need to get my stuff from Vera so I can move in with Damien and his family. I'll have to get official things done too, like changing my address and getting a restraining order on my mom, so I never have to see her again. I'm sure there's a lot more, but I don't really want to think about it right now." You turn around and nuzzle your face into Scott's chest, and he rests his hand on your head. He smiles and gently pets your head, "That's alright, baby. I love you." "I love you too."

After cuddling together for a while, you eventually decide it's time to get up. You sit up and stretch, letting out a hearty yawn. Scott gets up and does the same thing, smiling widely at you. You crawl over to your pile of clothes on the floor and start putting them on. Instead of putting your hoodie on though, you put Scott's on instead, and you take a big sniff of the sleeve, your heartbeat increasing from the familiar scent. Scott laughs and puts his clothes on as well, tying your hoodie around his shoulders so he can smell you too. You exchange a quick kiss on the lips before going outside to clean up any mess you made the night before. After taking care of all that, you get into his van and he starts driving home.

Scott pulls into the driveway of his home, and the two of you go inside. The Wolfpack just simply nods at you as you walk in the door. Scott puts away a few of the items you brought out, and you two go upstairs to Scott's bathroom so you can properly clean yourselves. After taking a quick shower and getting ready, you text Vera, asking for permission to stop by and get your things. She gets back to you quickly, saying it's okay. You two are just about out the door when you accidentally bump into Archie. You quickly apologize, trying to get past him, when you hear him take a few big sniffs of the air. He says, "Wait!" You stop and look at him. He smirks and adds, "Guys! Smell (Y/N)!" You barely have time to process the sentence before suddenly being surrounded by werewolf muzzles sniffing at you. They stop just as soon as they start, and the whole pack turns their heads to look at Scott. Scott blushes and waves. Archie laughs and walks over to Scott, giving him hard, playful hits to the back. He says, "So you finally did it, huh? You two fucked." Your face turns a bright red too. You try to rush out the door,  but Archie stands in your way. "Aww, what's wrong? Embarrassed that your boyfriend loves you? That he's a big ol' simp?" The wolfpack laughs and they start chanting, "S-I-M-P! S-I-M-P!" Over and over again. Scott quickly scoops you up in his arms and dashes out the door with you.

He's still laughing by the time he puts you down by the van to allow you to get in. He gets in himself, wiping away a tear before turning the ignition on. As he starts driving out and away, he says, "Man, I love my family, don't you? They're all so funny!" You awkwardly chuckle and dismissively agree with him, "They sure are."

After driving for a little bit, Scott pulls up to Vera's house. Vera is sitting up front on her porch, reading a book under an umbrella. You get out and Vera shuts her book. She says, "There you guys are, I was wondering when you were going to show." She puts the book down on her side table. She comments, "It's good to see that you're up and walking again. You had us all worried for a minute there." She stands up and goes inside her house. She adds, "I figured I should bring your things in so they weren't just sitting in my car." She leads you to her room and grabs everything that you brought. You thank Vera and start making a bit of small talk as you go back to Scott's car when Valerie passes by. You say hello, not thinking much of it, but she can't seem to keep her mouth shut when she sees it. She exclaims, "Oh damn! I heard you got roughed up but holy hell, I didn't think anything would have happened to your neck. Oh wait, that looks like a bite." She teases you and you quickly place your hand on your neck, trying to feel it. You can feel a slight indent of teeth marks. You groan and quickly get back in the van, trying to hide your blushing face as Valerie and Vera both laugh. Once inside, Scott chuckles. He asks, "What now?" You sigh and pull out your phone. "I gotta let the LaVeys know I'm on my way."

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