33. Full Moon Night

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You stay in bed all day, everyday. A few days have passed since that day and you haven't done anything. You only get up to drink water or go to the bathroom. You don't bother eating, bathing, or even going to school. Your mom continues to try to get you out of your room, but you can't move. Especially not for her. As time passed, you slowly understood what's wrong. You're too embarrassed. You're embarrassed that you feel the way you do. You're embarrassed that you're depressed, you're embarrassed that you cut yourself, you're embarrassed that Vera and Scott now know what your mom thinks of monsters. They knew she's monsterphobic, but you're embarrassed that they had to hear that whole interaction. And you know that the next time you'll see them, they'll say something about it. You wish you could run away and never see her again. "Why don't you just do that?" You look around the room. Out loud to yourself, you say, "What?" But you don't get a response. After waiting another minute and still hearing nothing, you grab your backpack and start filling it with random necessities. You pack some clothes, your toothbrush, deodorant, other toiletries, your phone charger, and one of your blankets. You can sneak out the back door, your mom will never notice. You take a step out onto the back porch, and put your backpack down. As you sit there thinking to yourself what you could do, you're suddenly discouraged. You don't want to be a nuisance on anybody, and you know that asking to live with them would be too much. You go back to your room and lay down to take a nap.

You wake up a few hours later. You look outside to see a beautiful night sky. It's a clear night, so you can see all the stars and the full moon. You begin to daydream about Scott. You imagine snuggling up with him and watching the stars together. Sitting in his lap with his arms around you, his head resting on your shoulders. You hear a noise from the backyard. Your mom seems to have heard it too, because she came knocking at your door in a scared tone. "(Y/N), honey, did you hear something from out back?" She continues to speak, not giving you anytime to answer. "I think something's out there. Will you please come with me to go check?" You hesitantly get out of bed, and open the door. Your mom grabs your left hand and takes you outside. Her hand feels sticky. Once outside, she uses her phone as a flashlight, and looks around. You turn a corner and see a big wolf, clawing at your bedroom window. Your mother shrieks. "Oh my lord, a wild animal! (Y/N), be careful sweetie, I'm getting the gun!!" She heads back inside, and you stare at the wolf. The wolf looks back at you, and you engage in a staring contest. You study it's figure, and notice it's wearing a pair of briefs. "S-Scott?" The wolf walks up to you. You put your left hand out, and it sniffs you. It licks your hand and nuzzles into it, confirming for you that it is your dumb, werewolf, jock boyfriend. You scratch behind his ear which causes him to roll around on the floor, giving you access to his belly. You start petting that too, when the back door opens. "Don't worry (Y/N), I'll protect you!" She looks at you and Scott, confused. You tell her, "Don't worry mom! He's totally tame, see?" You continue to rub his belly, but he doesn't seem to be having as much fun anymore. He continues to look at your mom, seemingly angrily. Your mom says back at you, "It's probably just getting you to drop your guard! I'll end this!" She starts to lift the gun, which causes Scott to get in front of you and growl. She smiles, "See? It wants to hurt me!" "Because you're pointing a gun at him!" "It doesn't know that, it's just a stupid. Wild. Animal. It has no idea what's going on. It just wants to hurt us." She raises the gun again to shoot. "Mom, no!!" Bam! You fall down to your knees, and clutch your stomach with your right hand. The world around you seems to have slowed down. Your mom yells, "(Y/N)! What are you doing?" You're barely able to speak, but you say, "Protecting my friend." You bend over further because of the pain. Your stomach is bleeding a lot. Your mother attempts to get closer to you, but Scott gets in front of you and barks and growls at her. She falls back in fear, and he takes this as an opportunity to help you. He kneels down to you and you use your left hand to hoist yourself onto him. You put your arm around his neck while still holding your stomach where you were shot. Scott quickly runs away as you start to pass out.

You're walking down the hallway. The hooded figure is right in front of you. It opens the door marked 'today'. You see yourself sitting down in bed. You're just on your phone. There's a knock on your bedroom door, and your mom asks to come outside with her to inspect the noise. You reluctantly get out of bed. The hooded figure says, "Pay attention to her hand." As you watch, you notice her hand is covered in blood. She uses that hand to grab yours and drag you outside. The entire scene that you just experienced replays. Your mom shoots you, and you continue to hear a banging sound.

The banging sound is Scott, banging on Vera's front door. You reach up to her doorbell and ring it over and over, hoping someone will answer. After a few minutes, Mr. Oberlin opens the door. "It is very late, what do you..." He looks down at you lying on the ground, Scott is next to you, whimpering. You tell him, "I've.. Been.. Shot.." Mr. Oberlin picks you up and takes you to his car. He buckles you into the front seat, and allows Scott to jump in the back. As if his own life depended on it, he sped to the hospital. He runs inside, and soon enough, a gurney takes you in. You slip out of conciousness once again.

You wake up. You're still in the hospital. There's an IV in your arm, and a tube going up your nose. It's bright outside. Looking at a clock in the room, it's almost noon. Looking around a little more, you find a button you can press to call the nurse. You press it, and in a few minutes, an ogre woman comes in. "Ahh, (Y/N). I see you're awake. How are you feeling?" "I'm in.. So much pain." "I thought so. I'm so sorry sweetie. You suffered a gunshot to the abdomen. You're lucky Mr. Oberlin was able to get you here in time. You had to undergo a surgery to get the bullet removed and some of the tissue repaired." "Is anyone here.. To see me?" "Mr. Oberlin was told to go home, as was the werewolf. However, we couldn't get him to comply. This morning, he reverted back to his regular state, so we had to force him to leave so he could get some clothes on. He'll be back soon. I'll bring you some water. Is there anything else you need?" "No, thank you." The nurse brings you water, and a half hour later, she returns with Scott, Vera, and Oz. You notice Scott struggling not to tackle you and shower you with his affection. You gesture him towards you, and gently place a kiss on his cheek, and you grab eachother's hand. Scott asks, "Where have you been?? We haven't seen you in days!" You look down at nothing. You don't want to say anything. You appreciate your friends being with you, but you're still embarrassed about the other night. Vera says, "That doesn't matter, that's (Y/N)'s own business. So forgive me for asking this (Y/N), but what the hell happened last night? I was out with Oz, Val, Miri, and Amira last night, then I get a call from dad saying that you were at our doorstep last night covered in blood, being carried by this guy!" She gestures towards Scott. "Oz and Miranda feared the worst, and started crying!" Oz blushes from embarrassment. You explain what happened, and Vera explodes with anger. "Why the hell did you go over there, Scott?" "I smelled some perfectly good raw steak, and it lured me there. Once I realized it was (Y/N)'s house, I wanted to see them.." "You smelled.. what?" "Raw steak! I also remember licking (Y/N)'s hand because there was some blood on it too." Oz asks, "Why would there be a perfectly good steak tossed in the back yard, not even in the trash can? Were you planning on having steak last night?" You nod your head 'no', and you remember your dream. Your mom put some of that blood on you. But why? Vera asks, "Wait, Scott, you said there was blood on (Y/N)'s hand?!" He nods. You realize why she did that. "(Y/N)! What were you thinking? You went out to check on a wolf with blood on your hand?! You're lucky it was Scott and he recognized you, or else it probably would have attacked!" That's why. You would have been attacked. And she wanted that to happen.

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