149. Final Stance

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Scott nervously asks, "Wh-What do you think she's gonna do?" Through shaky breaths to manage to say, "I... I don't know... But... But I don't know what to do! I... I-I-I..." Scott rubs your shoulders, quietly shushing you in the process. He whispers in your ear, "It's okay, baby. Calm down. We have a little bit of time before we have to be there. Take some deep breaths, I'll hold you until you're ready." You continue quietly crying in your boyfriend's arms, unsure of what to do with yourself.

After a few more minutes of crying, you know you can't deny it anymore. You have to face her. God knows what she could do to anyone if you don't. You slowly and painfully pull away from Scott, leaving the warm comfort of his grasp. You look up at him, still wiping away the tears. He smiles softly, trying to boost your spirits. He asks, "You ready?" You wordlessly nod. He stands up, holding his hand out for you to grab and hold. You take it readily, gripping it tightly.

You slowly walk each other through the halls, closer and closer to your doom. You make a heavy sigh and begin talking, "Thank you for all the support, despite the circumstances." He smiles, "It's no problem. Anything for you." You rub his hand with your thumb. You add, "You know... You said we had some time before we had to be at the gym, but... I hope you know I don't want you to walk in with me." He looks down at you with concern, "Wh-What? Why not?" You sigh again, "Because you don't deserve to be roped into all of this... You don't deserve to have to pick up the pieces of my broken family... She's already gone too far by calling you all those names, I need to take care of this myself." Scott smiles again. He leans down and hugs you tightly. He says, "I understand... I hope you're okay." You sigh and hug him back. "I'll be fine."

As you both approach the gym, you can once again start to hear the music. It's muffled by the walls. You squeeze Scott's hand as you turn to see the entrance to the gym. Just beyond that door, your mother will be waiting for you somewhere. Scott bends down and plants a soft kiss on the top of your head. After another deep breath, you start approaching the gym. But before you even make it there, you hear the sound of heels clicking behind you. You look behind you, scared, but you see Vera and Amira walking toward you. Vera asks, "What the hell is going on? Is that who I think it is?" You look down at the ground in embarrassment, "Y-Yeah, it's my mom." Amira chuckles and cracks her knuckles, "So, when are we fighting this bitch?" You explain that you don't want your friends to be involved. Amira groans and kicks the ground, pouting. You go to turn back to the gym, and you see Vicky, Polly, and Brian exit. Vicky approaches you and gives you a tight hug. She says, "Oh, (Y/N)! I'm so glad you're safe! After I heard the announcement, I was so worried that something would happen to you!" You smile and pat her on the head as you hug her back. Brian asks, "Are we gonna get a jump on her, or what?" You sigh and explain again that you don't want your friends to get involved. After explaining again, you hear another voice behind you. "Whaaat? But I could totally make her go insane!" You look behind you and see Zoe, Oz, and Liam walking toward you. Liam looks groggy and about ready to die, while Zoe looks lively, and Oz looks neutral. You sigh, "You heard me. I'm not letting her say anything to you guys. I know you probably don't care about what she has to say, but I do, and I'm not letting her say anything. Does anyone else have any objections?" You look around for a minute, and no one says anything. You simply add, "Good," and you turn around to enter the gym.

Once you enter, the air becomes heavy. You can feel everyone's eyes on you. They also heard the announcement, and they know that you were the one your mom was looking for. You look around the dancefloor, trying to find her. To make your anxiety worse, the music suddenly stops, and you see your mother up by the DJ. The silence makes it seem like even more people are staring at you. You can hear the clicks of her heels echoing in the room as she calmly makes her way to you. Multiple students move out of her way, not wanting to suffer the consequences of staying in place.

She stops a few feet in front of you with a stern look. She says, "(Y/N), let's go." You're almost unable to hear her due to your heart pounding in your chest. You take a deep breath, "No." You can hear a few gasps in the crowd and some murmuring. Your mother quickly puts a stop to it by looking in their direction. She folds her hands together, taking a more sophisticated stance. She repeats, "(Y/N), let's go. Now." You repeat yourself as well, "No." She sighs, "You don't have a choice. You are coming with me." She starts taking a few steps toward you, but you fight back. "No, you don't have a choice! I'm old enough to choose where I live, and it's not with you." She sighs again. She starts speaking again, looking around at the crowd as she does so. "I don't think I've seen so many monsters in one place for a long time. You know, in the 20 minutes I've been here, I've seen 8 monsters puking, 3 drenched in water, 6 pairs making out, 2 masturbating, 5 wounded in some way, 1 screaming and running from the police, and I've stepped in 3 puddles of mysterious gunk, I'm covered with stray fur, and there is an unmistakeable stench of alcohol and semen in the air. You're telling me that you'd rather live with these vermin than your mother?" With a stern look on your face, you say, "Yes." "And what happens when one of them hurts you? Breaks you beyond repair?" "They would never do that. They're not insane like you."

The next moment happened so fast. As your mother approached you slowly, there was a scream in the air. A scream you've heard before. "Gahhhhhhhh!" Everyone's heads turn in that direction. You can't see him yet, but you can see people getting shoved to the side in the crowd. He continues screaming, "You think you're better than me?! You think you're better than us? Let me tell you something, asshole. You ain't shit." He finally shoves through all the people, and you see him. Damien storms up to you, reeking of alcohol, and he grabs you by the shirt collar. Your eyes widen in fear as a wave of confusion rushes over you. You notice another person push their way through the crowd and see Leonard, a cocky smirk on his face as he waves his phone at you. You look back at Damien, who now has the grin of a madman on his face. He says, "We'll see who can still beat me in a fight after I'm through with them." He whips out a pocket knife and shoves it right into your stomach, twisting it to add to the pain. He stabs you more, laughing hysterically as he continues. You can hear the sounds of people screaming as the world around you fades to black.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now