76. Making Plans

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The next day has already come and you're currently sitting with Brian, Scott and Amira at lunch. Amira is talking about her rousing success at the bowling alley last night. She says, "And finally, it was my turn on the final frame. It was my final chance to conquer Brian and Vicky. They already scored high, with Vicky having 163 points and Brian having 152, and Oz had 111, but that didn't really matter. And so there I am, with 140 points. I roll the ball, and I get a strike!" Scott leans in closer, totally immersed in the story. "Then I roll again, and I get another strike!" Scott asks, "what happened next?!" "I bowled one more time, and got a third strike, winning the bowling match. So I didn't have to pay for drinks." Scott shoots both of his arms in the air, cheering for Amira. "Yay Amira! You're the bowling master!" "Aw shucks, Scott, I ain't that special." "You totally are! I should come some time and watch you guys play." "Well why don't you just play with us? We're going again tonight. You can even bring (Y/N), and have a cute bowling date. And you know what, Brian? You can bring Damien, Oz can bring Zoe, and I guess me and Vicky can be eachother's date. It'll be lit." You unfortunately must decline, "Sorry, Amira but I was already out this week." "Awww, shit. That's right. How 'bout next week?" "I'm gonna be practicing my powers with the LaVeys every week from now on. Every Thursday." "Whaaat? So you won't be able to hang out anymore?" "I guess I never really thought of that.." Brian joins the conversation by asking, "Were you at their place real late or anything?" "No, not too late." "Then someone else can take you. Like one day, I could drive you, you practice your stuff, and then we can go do whatever after you're done. And other people can do that too." Your eyes brighten as you look at each of them and ask, "Really? You guys would do that for me?" Scott smiles, "Of course!" Amira punches your arm, "Hell yeah!" Brian nods. "Thank you guys so much," you exclaim. The lunch bell rings and you're dismissed to your next class.

A whole week has now passed, and it is finally Thursday. You wake up surprisingly motivated and even make yourself breakfast. You walk to school, getting there much faster than usual. You've never seen the school so empty as you enter the main doors. Only a few students are already here, and among those students is Liam, holding a cup of coffee and typing away on his phone. Being the only one you really recognize, you go up to talk to him. You haven't spent a lot of time with him though, so when you get to him, you can't think of anything to say. You just stand there awkwardly staring at him. He finally notices you standing there, and it startles him. "Ah! (Y/N), how long have you been standing there?" "Not long.. Sorry." He grumbles, "It's fine." "So.. How are you this morning?" "I'm fine." "...Cool..." You continue to stand awkwardly, desperately trying to think of something to say. However, all you can do is stand near him as more students make their way inside the building. After a few minutes, Liam mutters, "Ugh.. People." He holds his coffee cup out to you and asks, "Here, you want this? I didn't drink any of it." "Uh.. Sure, but if you didn't drink any, why did you get it?" "For the aesthetic." "Right," you say, grabbing the cup. He quietly walks away, still staring at his phone. You take a sip, and it's actually pretty good. You suddenly see Vicky walk inside, so you approach her. "Ah, good morning (Y/N)! Where'd you get the coffee?" "From Liam." "But Liam doesn't even like coffee? Why did he have it?" At the exact same time, you both say, "The aesthetic." She continues, "Yeah, I realized it was a dumb question right when I asked haha. Oh hey, you're coming with us to bowling later, right?" "Hell yeah they are," Brian says walking up to you the two of you, and he ruffles your hair. You laugh, "Thanks again for the ride." "No problem, bud." Seemingly out of nowhere, an arm wraps itself around you. Looking over, you see Scott, looking at Brian in an almost territorial way. Brian takes his hand off of your head. You giggle, "You jealous?" Scott replies, "No.." He then ruffles your hair just like Brian was doing. You smile and ask, "How'd you sleep last night?" "Mawmaw's doing better, so I slept all night." "Good." The bell rings, dismissing you to go to your classes.

After another bland day of school, you're pumped to see the LaVeys again. You go to your locker, grab all your homework, and go outside. There, you see Scott, Brian and Damien talking to eachother. You approach them, ready to go. Brian notices you and says, "Hey. You ready to go?" You nod. In a sarcastic voice, Damien asks, "Oh, did you already give up on training? Can't say I blame you and your weak ass." Brian says, "No, I'm taking them to your place. You take too long to get home." "Well I wasn't going to this time.." "Don't even lie to me." Brian and Damien continue to harass eachother as you look up at Scott, who is smiling at you. You ask him, "What're you smiling at?" "I'm just proud of my MVP.." A blush creeps up on your face and you smile at the ground. A loud, rowdy voice screams at your group. "Yo! Broski! We're ready to go!" The whole Wolfpack bounds towards you. Scott asks, "See you at bowling?" You nod, "Yup. See you." You and Scott peck eachother on the lips, causing the Wolfpack to cheer Scott on. Scott leaves with his cousins, and when you turn back to the other two, only Brian remains. He says, "Damien's sulking because I'm right. You ready?" "Yes." You get in Brian's car, and he drive you to your next lesson.

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