131. Rematch (Part 2)

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After the scene of Dahlia and Liam's dramatic episode plays out, the game continues as normal. Balls fly from side to side, people gracefully dodge them, and it takes a while for anyone to get out again. Calculester is the next one out, after getting hit in the face by Violet/Tate. Violet sticks her tongue out mockingly as she taunts Calculester. "Haha, don't worry Cal! Tate is just helping you clear that disturbing search history! Ain't that right, babe?" Tate grunts and gives a thumbs up, followed by a shaky movement of his hand to make an L sign above his forehead. You try your best to catch those two off guard and you toss the ball at them. Violet gasps and she dives forward, making herself and Tate fall to the ground with a thud. Violet yells, "Hey! That was so uncalled for! Are you still trying to pick a fight after last week?" You blush in embarrassment as she reminds you of that whole situation. You hear Archie call out from the sidelines, "Yeah! And I'll be around to kick your ass again!" You look over at him and smile, but then another voice from behind you says, "(Y/N), watch out!"

You quickly turn and see a ball flying for you in the opposite direction. You jump back, narrowly dodging it, and you feel the wind of the ball pass you. You look over to where the ball came from, seeing Damien smirking at you evilly. You look over to your nearest teammate, which happens to be Zoe. "Quick! Gimme your ball!" You say, and she tosses it to you. You smirk as you grip the ball tightly, blue flames appearing around it just like they did all those months ago. You throw the ball at him at a blinding speed, and he catches it. The sheer force of the ball makes him slide against the floor a few feet, causing him to lose balance and fall backward, letting go of the ball. Coach blows the whistle, determining that he's the one who got out.

About 20 more minutes pass by, each minute seeming even longer and more intense than the last. In that amount of time, both teams have lost two people. You've lost Amira and Zoe, while Scott has lost Vera and Violet/Tate. Both teams are now at a standstill. Only you, Polly, Vicky, and Joy remain on your team, and only Scott, Miranda, Oz, and Hope remain on the other. Slowly, each of you begins moving around your respective sides of the gym, gathering as many dodgeballs as each of you can. You feel a hand placing itself on your shoulder, and you look a little to the left, seeing Polly getting her face close to your ear. She whispers, "Here's the plan. I'll distract the other team, and you all ambush them with balls until they're all gone." You nod and ask, "What are you gonna do to distract them?" "I'm gonna use my secret weapon~" She chuckles and runs over to the center of your side. She counts down, "3...2...1...Go!" As she yells 'go', she grabs the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head. She is, unsurprisingly, not wearing a bra. Her tits flop out from under her shirt, bouncing up and down as they settle. You let out a sigh of disapproval as you and the rest of your team throw the balls at the other end, missing everyone on the opposing side. Polly scoffs, offended. She asks the million-dollar question, "Why weren't you guys distracted by my boobies?" Oz lets out an evil anime chuckle, "It's simple. I am faithful to Zoe now! But I have a friend who has no one to be faithful to!" He throws the ball, and you all realize it too late. You quickly turn to Vicky, seeing her ogling Polly and her D-cups. The ball hits Vicky in the stomach, causing her to fall. Coach blows his whistle twice. He says, "Polina Geist! I have told you plenty of times that stripping is not an acceptable strategy in any sport! You're out too." Polly whines and puts her shirt back on, and she walks with Vicky over to the sidelines.

You and Joy meet up with each other, being the only two members on your team remaining. You try to come up with some kind of strategy. Joy says, "Alright, well Polly screwed us over. We have half the team that the other side does, and they've got some strong ones. Scott is the strongest person I know physically, Miranda is a murder princess, Oz is the embodiment of fear itself, and Hope is basically me but harder to hit. These curves of mine may be sexy, but they're not the best for dodging balls. Any ideas?" "Well, I think Polly was on to something. Maybe if we can distract them, we can succeed. I love Scott, but he is pretty dumb. Miranda can be weak when it comes to certain topics. What about Hope?" "I'm not exposing any of my friend's secrets to win a stupid dodgeball game. Watch out!" You turn and see a dodgeball flying your way, and you immediately duck, as does Joy. You see Oz snap his fingers, upset that he missed you both. You suddenly get the idea to rush Oz. "If we can make him nervous, he'll be on the defensive, and Oz is so bad at defending himself in dodgeball!" Joy smiles and gives her approval. You call for Oz's attention, "Hey Oz! Get ready!" An anxious look goes over Oz's face as you and Joy start running at him, a ball in each hand. Oz yelps and tries running away, but you and Joy manage to get him. Coach blows the whistle.

One out, and two to go. You two are so satisfied with your plan, that you two high-five. In an ultimate act of betrayal, Hope takes that brief moment of vulnerability and throws the ball at you. Joy pushes you down, taking a ball to the face for you, and another whistle is blown. Joy sighs, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)... You're on your own..." She regretfully walks to the sidelines. Fueled by determination, you decide to take a stand, so you avenge your fallen allies. A few balls are thrown in your direction, and you dodge most of them gracefully. You catch one though, causing Miranda to be out. You grab one of the stray balls and calmly walk up to the middle of the court, raising your arm. You stare directly at Hope, as if into her soul. She begs for mercy, "(Y-(Y/N), wait! Pl-Please! Remember the good times! Like when we had that drinking contest! O-Or that other drinking contest! O-O-Or... Scott, now!" Scott moves his arms, revealing a dodgeball behind his back, and he throws it at you hard. You quickly use the dodgeball in your hand to deflect it, hitting it back at him, with him narrowly avoiding it. You turn your attention back to Hope. "You're right, Hope. The good times. They were always a contest. I've beaten you twice. And I am not about to lose my winning streak." You do a fakeout, pretending to throw the ball at first, making Hope try to catch it. While she does that, you quickly throw it for real, earning another blow of the whistle from Coach. As she walks off, you turn to Scott. He has a serious look on his face, but his tail is wagging like crazy, showing his esxcitement. It is time. To decide the winner.

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