60. Friend Masterz

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The last few remaining tears are squeezed out of your eyes as you begin breathing steadily again. You wipe your eyes and look up at Scott, smiling at you. You look over and see Polly with the same smile. They remove their arms from around you as you lean back against the wall. They do the same and the three of you are just staring at the wall in front of you, not saying anything. Polly is the one to break the silence by saying, "Valentine's Day is coming up soon. Are the four of them.. Going crazy yet?" Your head perks up when she says that. How did she know? "Uh.. How did you.." "Because they do it every year. For homecoming, Valentine's Day, and Prom. All they want is to have a date. Which is fine, but like, they kind of turn into different people when they do. They become more obsessed with the idea of dating one of us that they lie about stuff just to make us happy. They fake who they are say things they don't mean, and basically follow us around, waiting for an opportunity to impress us. They treat us like prizes from a game rather than real people." "What happens when it's over?" Polly laughs sarcastically. "They just pretend that nothing happened. They continue to live their lives normally. Once they get what they want, that's it." Scott shuffles next to you, and you see him bring his knees up to his face, and he rests his chin on them. He avoids looking at you and Polly, and his arms are holding his legs up. Polly continues, "And not only that, but they also get angry at eachother. Sometimes they compete over the same person. Like, last year, they all ended up going after Scott. They were always at eachother's throats in an attempt to take him to prom." You look over at Scott to see him looking away from the two of you. You reach for his hand and grab it, giving it a light squeeze. He squeezes your hand a bit harder in response. You ask, "Have you guys ever told them how this makes you feel?" Polly replies by saying, "Honestly, it doesn't really bother us that much. And it honestly is pretty nice to have people who'll do anything for you. But it's just annoying, you know?" "Yeah.." The bell rings, signaling the end of the period. Polly and Scott get up, and they each grab one of your arms to help you up. Polly says, "See you in gym, bitches!" And walks away.

Scott follows you as you get your gym bag from your locker. He leans his back on the locker next to yours, his arms crossed around his chest while he stares at the floor. You ask him, "Does it bother you? When.. They do that." "Not really, why?" You slowly inhale through your nose. "Well, Polly explained it like it was just annoying to her, but you seemed to be pretty bothered by it. Are you sure it doesn't bother you?" You look up at him to see him look away from you. He closes his eyes and sighs. He faces you and pulls you into an embrace. He says, "I'm sorry for lying.." "You're allowed to be upset. You know that, right?" "Yeah.." "Does that have anything to do with you throwing that dodgeball at Brian?" You feel him tense up. "I-I was just worried he would try to steal you from m-me." As bad as you feel about the whole ordeal, you can't help but smile again at Scott's adorable, yet appropriate jealousy. In an attempt to lighten the mood, you decide to tease him about it. You separate from him, and cup his cheeks between your hands. "It's so cute how you're so protective of me." You see his mouth twitch slightly as a blush spreads across his face. He looks away from you in embarrassment. You continue, "Is Scottie jealous of his friends? When they make me smile?" He brings his hands up to cover his face, and says, "No.." "Oh, well then maybe I should just hang out with all my hot friends since you don't mind." He peeks through his fingers, "No." "Why not?" "Because I want to be with you." You smirk evilly, "Prove it to me." He grabs both of your arms and leans forward, closing the space between your lips. And that, is when the shit hit the fan. The entire world around you seemed to have disappeared, making you and Scott the the only things in existence. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your back. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him as well. You can feel his tongue working it's way into your mouth when you're both suddenly hit in the back of the head, snapping you out of your trance. You hear the most hysterical laughter you've ever heard. Scott puts you down and you look over to see Polly literally rolling on the floor laughing. Behind you, you hear a whistle. You turn around to see Damien and Brian laughing as well. Damien says, "You fucking noobs enjoy your make out sesh in the middle of the hall?" You and Scott awkwardly gather up your things and begin walking towards Brian and Damien. Polly has since joined them too.

Once you get up to them, Damien puts his arm around Scott, and gives him a noogie, saying, "That's my boy, gettin' that action." Polly says, "Yeah, man! That was some hot shit!" Polly, Scott, and Damien continue their conversation, as you slowly walk a few feet behind, giving them distance. Which also puts you next to Brian. You awkwardly walk next to him, and plan to keep things quiet. He however, had other plans. He says, "Hey, so, I'm sorry about what happened at lunch, they can get a little intense." You want to just leave it at that, but Brian was one of the first friends you made at Spooky High, so you can't just leave it at that. You say, "Well, from what I hear, you're the exact same way." Brian sighs, "Yeah, I know but I'm different now. I've changed." "Oh yeah? And what made you change?" Brian chuckles, "What do you think?" He gestures over to Damien, who has his fingers in the shape of a 'V', and is flicking his tongue between the empty space. Brian continues, "Last year, we had a fist fight at prom, and while we were punching eachother, we ended up making out and having sex in the bathroom. We broke a few ribs, but it was still the best sex I've ever had. Then it became a whole thing for us. When one of us was horny, we'd just call the other and fuck. I guess somewhere along the way he caught feelings, and he ended up telling me. After hearing him gush over the things I do, I realized he was so much more than a crush for prom. And now, I'm happier than I was whenever I was trying to get someone else's attention. So thanks again for that." You smile. There's no way to guarantee what he told you is true, but you can't help but believe him. Then, Damien's offer pops up in your mind. You tell Brian, "Well, while we're on the topic of thanks, I guess I should thank you for getting Damien to owe me a favor." "What?" "Like, a couple weeks ago? Damien came up to me and said he 'owed me a favor', and said you put him up to it." "I never did that," Brian looks at Damien and smiles, "maybe he's just warming up to you." You look up at Polly, Damien and Scott, still laughing and making sexual remarks. You say, "Yeah, maybe," and enter the locker room.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя