96. Selfish Demands (Part 2)

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Lucien silently walks along the old path. You can't get a very good read on his emotions, not that his face really has too many details to go off of anyway. You do however notice his body movements. Despite being in such an uncomfortable situation, he continues to walk in the same grace that he always does. All you can do is follow meekly behind him, still feeling the guilt of forcing him to come here. He takes a sharp left. He turned so quickly and without warning that you almost missed the turn with him. You continue to walk behind him and glance at each of the graves that you pass. He suddenly stops again, and you bump into him from behind. He turns his entire body towards the grave that he stopped in front of, and you look at it as well. You see your father's first and last name on the top, and then the date of his birth and death on the bottom. "Here he is," says Lucien. You stare blankly at the tombstone, and you eventually fall to your knees. The only real memories that you have of your father have been abusive. You've seen the softer side of him multiple times in your dreams, but it's still hard to feel them when you don't remember them. Despite the hardships that your father gave you throughout your life, you can't help but feel sad about this new knowledge that was dumped on you. You can't think of anything to do, so you just lean forward and gently placed your hands on the cold stone, and suddenly...

"Stan.. Lucien.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I failed as a father, and I.. The meeting tonight was because of (Y/N).. They.. They.. Lost control of themself, and a few people died.. If only I had been there for them, then maybe they would have had better control of themself! They could have control of their power, and taking care of their anger in a more productive way, but I couldn't even do that! I.. They wouldn't even look at me today, at the meeting.. I felt so useless. I.. I never wanted to hurt anyone! A-And yet, I-I d-d-did.. So I'm sorry.. I can't.. I can't do this anymore. J-Just promise me one thing.. (Y/N) is moving, a-and coming the Spooky High. I know that Damien g-goes there, too.. Will you please.. J-Just tell him to be nice to (Y/N). I know they're not going to have anybody there, and they're going to be nervous, a-and they won't know who to talk to, and I just want Damien to be there for them.. T-To be their friend, and hopefully they can.. A-Adapt to the new school, being surrounded by all those new and different people.. P-Please.. Please do that, for me.. I love you guys.. T-Take care........"

You snap back to reality. "Lucien, what happened to him?" You look over at Lucien. He's on his knees as well, his hands resting on top of them. You notice a few tears falling down his face. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I couldn't do what he asked me to.. I-I'm so sorry.." Lucien suddenly and quickly leans in your direction. He opens his arms and embraces you tightly. He continues to mutter how sorry he is. The only thing you can think of doing is wrapping your own arms around him and patting him gently on the back. His crying causes you to start crying. You have never seen Lucien show this much emotion before, and of course it had to be sadness.

He calms himself and says, "L-Let's go back to the car, Stan and I can tell you.. Together.." "Okay." He silently stands back up to his feet and you stand up as well. He holds his hand out to you, and you take it. The two of you walk back to the car hand in hand.

Once the two of you get back to the car, you see Stan outside, leaning against it. His arms are crossed, he's looking down at the ground, and his eyes are puffy. You both quietly continue to approach him, and once you get close enough, he looks up, giving you both a sad look. Tears again begin flowing from him. Lucien sighs as he quickly walks forward, embracing his husband and again, sobbing quietly. You awkwardly watch, not knowing what to do, until Stan reaches an arm out and gestures for you too come over. He pulls you into the hug. You keep your arms close to your chest, not having the energy to wrap them around them. Once separated, Stan reaches into his pocket and grabs a piece of paper. He hands it to you. "Come on you guys, let's go.." The three of you pile back into the car, and Lucien drives off.

Along the ride you ask, "How did he die? He.. I'm only half demon, so he's bound to be stronger than me. So how did he do it? Er.. How did it happen?" Stan takes a deep breath. "(Y/N), listen.. Your dad.. Killed himself.." "How is that possible? I-I've tried multiple times, and it never worked.." "(Y/N), your father and yourself are both powerful. You're both a powerful type of demon. One that can withstand a lot physical damage. But the thing is.. Holy water.. Holy water, to most demons, causes an issue.. The weaker ones get very hurt and potentially die from holy water. Stronger ones only really suffer from allergic reaction type symptoms. And the strongest of the strong are only weakened by it. You and your father are very strong demons. All holy water would do to you either one of you would be the weaken and nullify your powers, such as invulnerability. He died in a car crash, and an empty vial of holy water was found there. Not a lot of people know about this, so they believe it was only an accident.. But we know he drank it, and he went driving drunk. He was drunk beyond belief. There were a lot of bottles in his car, but that's not the point." You silently stare at your lap. He awkwardly continues, "W-We didn't want to tell you, because we knew that you had issues with your father, and we didn't want to have to explain it to you. How suicide is possible for you, I mean. I'm so sorry (Y/N), I feel like I've failed you.." You stay silent. All you can do is look at the piece of paper that Stan has given you. It's folded, so you don't know what it says inside. But something in the back of your mind tells you you're not ready. You sigh and look out the window, feeling tired. When you get back to their house, you request that Damien be the one to take you home. He does so, and you immediately go back to your room.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now