26. Midnight Snack

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Vera drives you all back to your house. The ride is long and silent. When she pulls into your driveway, you can already tell what she was talking about. The house looks like it's barely holding itself together. Everyone gets out of the car, and Vera leads everyone inside. It's worse than you imagined. Nearly everything is broken. The table you threw Scott onto is barely recognizable. Some things were able to survive however, such as the couch, and pillows and blankets. There were multiple exposed pipes and wires. You had to be careful of where you stepped, because you could possibly step into a puddle connected to the wires, which would undoubtedly electrocute you. You hear voices you've never heard before coming from the basement. You go down there, and there are multiple people working on various things in the basement. A beautiful blue man turns around, looking delighted to see you. "Ahh, greetings friends! It is I, the ever so famous, Interdimensional Prince! And look at these delicious specimens!" He completely ignores you and starts kissing the hand of Vera and Valerie.. and Scott. You speak up. "Who. The hell. Are you?" "My my my, what is with the attitude? Is this not your house I am so generously repairing?" Now you're even more confused. "Vera, what is he talking about?" Vera sighs heavily. "The damages to your house are very expensive to repair, especially since we need to get every detail right. And not even I have that much money.. So I hired extra help." "Yes, yes, yes my very rude friend, I am going to pay for the repair of your little hovel, and these three sexy beasts are going on a date with me to return the favor." "No, idiot, just me and Val here. This one is off limits." Vera points behind her at Scott, who looks behind himself. Confused, Scott says, "Who?" Vera facepalms, and the Prince keeps talking. "Ah! Well, now that I've seen this sexy hunk of meat, I feel the need to to date him as well." Before you could do anything too heinous, you walk back upstairs and sit down on your couch. Scott comes up to comfort you. He takes your hand, and says, "Don't worry, Vera will be able to talk him out of it." After a little pause, he adds, "Since your house is.. You know.. Broken.. How bout you stay at my place for now?" That gets you excited. You've never seen Scott's house before, and now you can meet his family. Vera walks in saying, "Ugh.. It took another three dates from the both of us, but we were able to convince him to let Scott off the hook." You run past her, and hear Scott explaining what the plan is. After you pack some clothes and other things, you're ready to go to Scott's house. Everyone gets back into Vera's car leaves.

After about a half hour drive, you arrive to a gravel road that leads into the woods. Vera turns into it, and keeps driving. Then you see it. A small house surrounded by forest for as far as the eye can see. There wasn't any light coming from anywhere except the house. You get your things and exit the car. Before leaving, Vera yells, "You kids behave now, y'hear?" You give her a thumbs up and she leaves. Scott gets his face level with yours and says, "Now listen, (Y/N), Mawmaw can be pretty intense, but I promise you, she's really nice!" He smiles widely and turns back to open the door. Upon entering, you see you're standing in a living room. In the corner of the room is a frail looking old lady. She's in a rocking chair, knitting a scarf. She looks up and notices the two of you. She says, "Scott, sweetie, can you come here a second?" He walks over to her, kneeling down. She then proceeds to smack him in the head with a rolled up newspaper. "Where the hell have you been, young man?! I've been trying to contact you all day!! Do you know how worried I was?! And who is this person at the door?! You better explain yourself, mister, or so help me I'll-" "Mawmaw, please!" After giving her a moment to calm down, Scott starts explaining. "My friend here has been experiencing some.. issues.. and I just wanna be there for support." She looks over at you, and checks you out head to toe. She stands up, grabs her walker, and walks over to you. She smiles, and sticks her hand out to you. "You must be (Y/N). It's lovely to meet you dear. I've heard a lot about you." You grab her hand and shake it. Her grip is a lot stronger than you thought. "It's nice to meet you too. I've also heard a lot about you." "Ah, well, I've heard a lot more about you." Scott groans. "Mawmaww.." You smirk. "Like what?" Behind his grandma, you see Scott turning bright red. "Well let's see... You're strong, smart, independent, cute, amazing, funny, cool, calm, and passionate. He used to come home every day and talk about you nonstop. I was so happy to find out my little Scottie was in love." Scott groans even more, becoming redder. He walks up to you and grabs your hand, leading you to his room. Along the way, you see another room with the Wolfpack, all sleeping in one big pile. His room looks pretty similar to yours. It's very messy, with posters on the wall. On his dresser are plenty of trophies from multiple sport events from the past. His bed is a queen sized bed, covered with multiple pillows and blankets. Among all of them, you see one of your hoodies. The one Scott took almost a week ago. You put it up to your face, and it smells very much like him now. You put it on and lay down, watching Scott getting dressed for bed. Once he's done, he gets in bed, spooning you. You slowly drift off to sleep. That night, your dream was different than normal.

You're walking down a dimly lit hallway. It stretches on for seemingly forever, and there are doors in each side. You open one of them. Inside, you see the last day of your old school. Fighting the bullies in the lunch line. You watch as your sanity slowly falls, and you go harder. You watch yourself kill them. Your old best friend attempts to pull you away from them, you turn around and... You shut the door. You try not to vomit. Looking above the door, you notice the date of when that happened. All the doors have dates above them. You go through door after door, seeing what's inside. You relive sad memories and happy ones. You see school days and birthday parties and vacations. Some doors look clean and new, as if they are taken care of well. Some doors look more worn down, more broken and depressing. You soon realize the better the door, the better the memory. It seems like you're there forever. You finally reach the end of the hallway. There is a door. It looks worse than any other door so far. The paint has chipped away, chunks are missing, mold has grown on it, and the handle to the door is missing. The sign above is broken too, and there is a sign on it saying 'condemned'. You make an attempt to look through the hole where the handle would be. You see your mom. She's yelling at someone, but you can't tell who. Suddenly, a hand grabs your shoulder. "Sorry sweetie, you're not allowed in there." You're pulled back to te beginning of the hallway.

You jerk awake. It's still dark outside. The light is on in the room, but Scott isn't there. You check your phone. Leonard texted you. He says you're going with him to run a few errands. He sent that at about midnight. It's about three right now. You leave the room to look for Scott. The Wolfpack is still in their room sleeping. You get to the end of the hallway and see Scott quietly exiting a room. When he notices you, he says, "What are you doing up? Did I wake you? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.. I-" "You didn't wake me up. It's okay. What are you doing?" "Just.. Taking care of something.. You hungry?" "It's three in the morning." He shrugs his shoulders. "So?" "I'm going back to bed." He grabs your hand. You look at him, and he's looking at the floor. He rubs your hand. It almost feels like he's trembling. You grab his hand more firmly, and say, "What did you have in mind?" He smiles and makes you both a sandwich. You sit on the couch and eat I silence. Afterwards, you both go back to bed, still saying nothing. Scott holds you close, and you tell him good night. He sniffles, and holds you tighter. "I love you, (Y/N)." "I love you too, Scott."

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now