89. Partners in Crime (Part 2)

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Once you recognize the car driving up the driveway to be your mother's, you start shaking in fear. The one time that she has caught you sneaking out has to be the time that you were breaking the law. You know this will give her everything that she needs to further justify her harsh treatment of you when it comes to your friends, and this time, you can't really blame her. She parks her car, steps out, and looks you in the eyes. She begins to walk towards your direction, and she firmly stops about 10 feet in front of you. She asks, "What. Are. You. Doing?" She speaks sternly, frightening you more. "I-I was just-" She interrupts you, "It's the middle of the night. You snuck out of the house in the middle of the night! And now here you are, vandalizing this home! AND you're hanging out with a LaVey, of all people! I knew it. Those monster friends of yours are a bad influence on you, but you didn't listen to me, and now you are breaking the law! I oughta call the cops on you and let them deal with you. How do you feel about that?!" "I'm sorry Mom, I just-" She interrupts you again, "No, sorry is NOT going to cut it! You have disobeyed me and now you are going to suffer the consequences. You are GROUNDED until further notice. I will be going to that school of yours and request that you learn remotely from home, and you are NEVER seeing those horrific beasts ever again!" "Y-Y-Yes M-Mom." You patheticly walk to her, afraid, ashamed, and embarrassed all at the same time. She's dead ass serious, and there's no way that you're getting out of this. It's over. All your friends are gone now, and you have nothing left...

...Until Damian puts a hand on your shoulder. "No." You look up at Damien. Your mom says, "Excuse me? You do not get to tell me how to raise my child. That's my kid, and I will do whatever I please. "But that's the thing, lady. This ain't your child anymore," Damien looks down at you, "(Y/N), you're 18, aren't you?" You nod, tears streaming down your face. Damien looks back at your mom, "See? (Y/N) is 18, they don't have to live with you anymore. They can easily move out." "Oh yeah? And where are they going to go? They don't have all that much money, and I know my child more than anyone. I know for a fact that they would not ask any person to live with them, because they're too nervous." Damien smirks, "They can live with me and my dads. We'll give them a nice home, and we can all take care of each other. We'll be like a big family. Two parents and their two kids." Your mom is taken aback at the statement, "Are you sure your dads would be okay with that? Just inviting some extra person in to stay with you? Another mouth to feed?" "My dads are the kings of hell, we are more than capable of housing multiple people in our home, thank you very much." Your mom looks from Damien, to you again, and then back to Damien. She's speechless and looks afraid. She coughs swallowing, her pride. Her voice softens as she says," (Y/N), you're not grounded. You're okay, just please, please don't do anything like this again, or I will call the cops." Your mom turns around and makes her way back to her car. Damien shouts out, "And you will let them go out more than once a week! At least three or four times! Your mom looks at him, frightened. He adds, "My dads let me go out any day that I want, so if you don't do that, my dads would, just saying." Her face turned slightly angry, and she says, "Fine, any night, anytime, just let me know when you want to go hang out, and let me know where you're going, so I can at least make sure that you're safe." She gets in her car and drives away.

Damien scoffs, "Dumb bitch." You bite your quivering lip as you begin to sob more. You quickly turn around and force your arms around Damien, holding him tightly as you begin to cry into his chest. You're barely able to get out the words, "Thank.. You.." in between sobs. "Yeah, whatever," he says, pushing you away from him. You continue to cry into your hands, feeling as though some sort of weight has been lifted. Damien sighs and softly hugs you, and you slowly wrap your arms back around him. "You're welcome," he says. "Why did you do that for me?" He sighs again. "Get in the car, and I'll tell you." You separate from Damien and nod, and get in the car. To your surprise, Damien picks up the bottle and just takes it with him, not blowing up the teacher's house. He gets in the car too, and starts it.

Damien starts driving along the road back to the city, as you just stare out the window during the silent car ride. You consider asking him again, until.. "You're not a bad person. You're really nice. You just grew up somewhere shitty, and you should be able to see us whenever you want too. Not just on one day of the week, after training. You turn your head and look at Damien. You don't know what's happened, but he's being really nice to you. He's definitely already mellowed out, but he's never been this nice before. "Hey Damien.." "Yeah?" "Why do you hate me?" "I don't." "Then why are you always mean to me?" "That's just who I am." "But you said really hurtful and mean things to me. You don't say anything that bad to anybody else." "That was when I used to hate you." "Then how come you used to hate me?" "Because I thought you were her." "My mom?" Damien nods. "How do you know her?" He chuckles, "You really don't remember, do you? I guess that makes sense. I'm a few years older than you so.." He sighs, "My dads and your dad were friends. I used to call your dad 'Uncle'. You and I and.. the other one saw eachother every weekend. We always loved spending time with each other, then the incident happened, and your dad was going to put away for a long time, but it depended on what you said during his trial. They asked you questions and you told them that he was mean and abusive, but the man I knew wouldn't hurt a fly. I guess I always just assumed that you would have rather been a human and I thought you were lying because you hated all of us or something." You look down at your lap. Your hands are clenching your legs. You choke back a few tears. You don't remember any of that, but you believe it. Damien stops the car, "We're here." You look out the window, and you see the hospital.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now