95. Selfish Demands

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As the days go by, they seem to be increasingly getting longer. The more you wait for Thursday to arrive, the longer each day lasts. However, you finally wake up on Thursday morning, ready to get the day over with. Today is the day that it is most painful, since you know that you can have potential answers so soon. It seems so far away. The final bell of the day rings, and your class is dismissed to go to their lockers. You speed walk over to yours and quickly grab whatever you need to take home. You head outside to the front of the school, and look for Damien. Ypu find him standing around a group of friends, his arm around Brian. You approach the demon and tell him, "I'm ready to go." "All right, just give me a few more minutes, I'm talking." "Damien, please, I need to go now. I need to talk to your dads about something very, very important." "Jesus, what crawled up your ass this morning?" You give him a more pleading look, "Please, Damien." He sighs, "Alright. Whatever. See you later babe." He gives Brian a kiss on the cheek and the two of you walk to his car together. He gets in and starts it up, and takes you to his house.

He pulls up to his house and you clutch your backpack tightly. Now that the moment has finally arrived, you can't help but feel nervous. You're afraid of striking a bad nerve with Stan and Lucien, and you don't want to make them upset. A voice in the back of your mind reminds you however, that you deserve answers. You're your father's child, you deserve to know the truth, and the truth is, you don't know where your father even is. You need his friends to tell you. Swallowing your fears, you walk inside the Lavey household.

Once you walk in, Stan greets you with a big smile and a warm hug. "Hey (Y/N)! How are you doing?" "I'm fine," you answer. He immediately notices that something is wrong, "What happened kiddo? You seem upset.." You nervously dart your eyes between Damien and Stam. You ask, "M-May I talk to you and Lucien.. Privately..?" After being prompted to do, so Damien leaves the room. Stan says, "Go ahead and sit down, I'll go get Lucien." He walks out of the room as well. You nervously scratch your arm, and after a few minutes, Stan and Lucien reenter the room and sit down on the couch across from you. Stan asks, "What's up, kid?" Taking a deep breath, you tell them, "I want to see my father." Both of their eyes go wide and they both look away from you. Stan looks off to the side as Lucien looks down at the floor. Lucien asks, "Why do you want to see him?" "I need to talk to him. I need to find out.. I just I need to talk to him about stuff. I don't know how to put it, I just really want to see him. I need to as soon as possible, can you take me to him?" Both of the demons' breath suddenly stop. They give each other a nervous look for a moment, until Lucien turns and says, "I don't think that's such a good idea-" You cut him off. "I don't care about what you say, this is really, really important to me, and I really need to get it done." "But (Y/N), you don't understand-" "No, you don't understand! I have had a constant pain in my whole body for my entire life, because I feel like something is wrong! Nothing makes sense to me anymore, and I just want to be able to understand!" "But (Y/N)-" "No! I don't care what you have to say! I want to see him now!" Stan tries to calm you down, "You don't get it!" He cant day much before you start to cry. "Please! I'll do anything! I just want to be able to talk to him.." Stan and Lucien both sigh and give each other another nervous look. Stan says, "Let's just take them, then they'll understand." You don't even care about what they mean. All you care about right now is seeing him. The three of you leave the house and get into Lucien's car. He starts the car and drives off.

You stare at your lap the entire car ride, still scratching and nervous about what's to come. In every single one of your memories so far, your dad's face has always been blurry. So it really must have been a long time since you've actually seen him. You remember the very beginning of the school year, your mom and dad had to have a meeting with the principal. You remember seeing your dad, but you never looked at him. You were too ashamed of the whole situation that had just happened at the time, and you didn't even want to look at him anyway.

You continue to stare at your lap. At this point, it's because you don't even want to know where you are right now. You don't want to take in your surroundings, you just want to go in with a fresh mind to see your dad. After about 40 minutes, the car stops. In a quiet and raspy voice, Lucien says, "Well... We're here..." You look up and over at the place they pulled up to. Your eyes widen, your stomach drops, tears really start falling down your face, and you let out a little gasp. They've taken you to a graveyard. Lucien unbuckles his seat belt and leans over to Stan. You hear him quietly say, "Are you okay? Do you want to stay in the car?" Silently, Stan nods. They give eachother a quick kiss on the cheek. Lucien says, "Okay I got it. I'll be back soon, okay?" They give eachother one more kiss on the cheek before Lucien gets out of the car. "Let's go (Y/N). Let's see your dad.." You feel an overwhelming guilt rush over you. You don't know what happened, but you can tell that this was a really bad idea. Not for you, but for the men who apparently lost their best friend.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now