81. Impending Doom

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You wake up the next morning pretty late. You look at your phone to see that it's almost noon. You rub your eyes and slowly get up to go to the bathroom. While you're in there, you brush your teeth and get ready for the day. Since it's so late in the day, your mom is already at work, so you have a lot of freedom to pretty much do what you want. You put some music on from your phone and begin to do your chores. You do the dishes, your laundry, clean the bathroom, and even vaccum. After all that is finished, it's nearly 4 o'clock. You decide to sit on the couch and watch some TV until your mom gets home in an hour. Your turn on the TV and turn the music on your phone off. When you do so, you see that you got a text from Vicky about an hour ago. She sent: 'Hey.. Has anyone told you about this week?' You reply, 'Uh.. No? What's happening this week?' You put your phone down and begin deciding what to watch on TV. Eventually, your mom pulls into the driveway, and you quickly turn the TV off, running back into your room. You get on your phone to watch YouTube. A minute later, your mom knocks on your door as a warning, and she opens it, stepping inside. She says, "Hi honey, I'm home. The house looks great, good job! And thank you so much." You nod, "No problem." She closes the door and lets you resume what you were doing. Later that night, she makes dinner, and you eventually go to bed. Just before you fall asleep, however, your phone vibrates. You take a quick look at it to see Vicky finally texted you back. It says, 'How bout I just drive you to school in the morning, and I'll explain then?' You quickly reply, 'Alright..' Your final thoughts before you go to sleep are about what it is that could be happening this week. Nothing was said over the school announcements about something going on, and surely if it was serious someone would have said something by now, right? Your final feelings of unease are still left in your mind as you slip into unconsciousness.

No.. NO... Your life.. It's over. In your hand, you hold that pregnancy test. The two lines are there, clear as day, confirming your suspicions. You're not financially stable, you still live in a danky apartment, and you still get money from your mom. You collapse to your knees and put your hands to your face, and you cry. You cry so hard no sound comes out. A few moments later, there's a light knock on the door. A voice on the other side says, "Honey, are you in there?" "Don't come in!" "I'm coming in." The door clicks and opens. You go silent and hear footsteps and shuffling. After a few more seconds, a hand gently runs your back. The man says, "It's okay baby." "Are you.. Sure?" "We'll find a way." "But.. My mom is gonna kill me. And my sister won't make anything better. You know how she is." "Yeah, she is a bitch. But don't worry, I'm here for you." You sniffle, "Really?" "Of course. I'll always be here for you." "I can trust you, right?" "Of course honey. You can trust me. I swear."

Another night, another dream. You're honestly sick of it. You see your mom enough throughout the week, and now you're dreaming about her. And none of it even makes any sense. They loved and trusted eachother. So why did.. Your thoughts are interrupted by your phone going off. Vicky texted you, asking if you'd like to stop for breakfast before school. You reply back, saying that you're not hungry. You get out of bed and get ready for the day. You're a little nervous about what's going on this week, but there hasn't been any announcements about it. After some time passes, you wait outside for Vicky.

Soon enough, she pulls up in front of your house and rolls her window down. "Good morning sunshine! How's it going?" "I'm fine. Good morning." You get into her car and buckle in. She drives off, and begins talking. "Alright (Y/N), I'm sorry I've kept you waiting for so long to tell you about this, but here we go. So, it's March 1st, and spring is starting and.. well..." You play with the end of your shirt nervously. You blurt out, "Well what?!" "It's the time of year where a bunch of students are... God, (Y/N), it's mating season!" "Mating season?" "Yes.. Every year, as spring approaches, the more animalistic students are affected by the impending mating season. The cat people, the deer people, the fox people, the wereanythings, including the werewolves, are a lot.." she sighs, and a slight blush appears on her face, "hornier.." "Is that gonna be a problem for me?" "Oh no! Most of the students just stay home during the week, depending on how high their libido is. People like the Wolfpack stay home, for fairly obvious reasons, while some people like Valerie still go to school, because she can handle it." "So what about Scott?" Vicky sucks the air through her teeth, "Well, he tries every year, but fails. Just last year he was sent home for the rest of the week because he kept humping everything." "Oh no.." "Yeah.." "So why am I just now hearing this?" "We're all just so used to it, we didn't even think about it. I just realized yesterday how close we were to that time of year, and I remembered you and how you don't know about it." "So.. Do people have sex at school?" "Oh yeah. All the time. Cal estimates that around 6 sexual acts are being committed every period. But don't worry, you won't see anything unless you go around looking for it. You'll get suspended if you're caught doing it." She finds a spot in the parking lot and parks in it. She covers her face with her hands and push them to the side, as if wiping something off. She turns off her car and grabs her backpack, ready for school. She looks at you and asks, "You ready?" With a look of uncertainty you can feel on your face, you nod your head, and exit the car.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now