105. Emotional Support (Part 3)

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You greet your mom as you walk in the door and flop down on your bed. You groan at how tired you are, then flip over so that you're lying on your back. You feel your drowsiness start to overcome you, and just as you're on the verge of falling asleep, Scott suddenly flashes in your mind. Your eyes shoot awake, and you check the time and see that an hour has already passed. You rub your eyes before grabbing your phone and texting him. You say, 'Hey babe. I missed you this week. Is everything okay?' You stay up for hours, hoping that you'll get a reply, but you don't. You end up falling asleep.

The weekend went by extremely slowly, since you had no plans, and Scott still hasn't messaged you back. You asked him again on Saturday and Sunday if he was okay, but nothing. You brush any negative thoughts out of your head and just continue on to school. You walk through the front doors and head off blindly in a random direction. Suddenly, Vicky catches your attention. "Why hello there, little matchmaker~" Standing next to her, is Brian. He ruffles your hair as you blush lightly. You say, "What do you mean?" Brian replies, "Oh, come on. You got Zoe to ask Oz, and then you got Amira to actually talk to Vera." Vicky adds, "Which, by the way, not even we were able to do." Brian chuckles, "Yeah, and then months ago, you even got Damien to talk to me. That's huge. He hates talking about his feelings." You chuckle to yourself, "Yeah, I know." After a moment of Brian and Vicky taling about something, Brian talks to you again. "I guess it's my turn, huh?" You turn to him, "What?" He playfully nudges your shoulder. "I mean, it's my turn to get help." "Do you even need it? Aren't you two crazy about eachother?" He chuckles, "So? That doesn't mean I'm not nervous, right?" "I guess not.. But I can't imagine you being nervous of anything." He laughs and puts his hand on your shoulder. "We'll see about that." You awkwardly chuckle along with him.

The morning passes by normally, except for Brian constantly asking you what you think for his promposal. It starts getting on your nerves a little. On your way to lunch, Brian walks beside you again. "Sooo, (Y/N).." "What?" "Have you like.. Thought of anything, yet?" You sigh, "Why, exactly, is this my responsibility? You're his boyfriend, not me." "But I'm not good at the romantic stuff like you are.." You look up at him with a dumbfounded expression. You say, "Zoe drew a comic that turned smutty, and Amira just talked to Vera. I really didn't do anything." "But (Y/N), I don't know what to do.. All we ever do is fuck and hang out. It's basically the same as when we weren't dating." You sarcastically say, "Well then why don't you have sex, and then spell out 'Prom?' with your cum?" A bunch of the people surrounding you both in the lunch line look at you both. You lower your head and bring your arms to your chest, trying to make yourself smaller. You and Brian wait through the rest of the line in silence.

After you get your food, you sit down at an empty table, and Brian sits with you. He says, "I can't just spell stuff with my cum, that's ridiculous. Are you even trying?" You grip your plastic fork so tightly that it snaps in half. "Are you even trying? Why is this something for me to figure out? God, you act like you don't even care about Damien." "I.. I love Damien." Brian suddenly blushes and you hear the sound of someone choking behind you. You quickly turn your head around and see Damien, who looks like Brian's words caught him off guard. The two of them awkwardly stare at eachother for a moment before Damien turns around and sits with Miranda. You turn back to Brian, but he's already gone. He must have moved quickly, because you didn't even see him anywhere.

In gym class, Brian and Damien were on different teams, but they didn't trash talk eachother like usual. No matter how much it isn't your fault, you still feel a little bad. They didn't even interact at all in the locker room.

Later, at the end of the day, as you root around in your locker, Brian starts walking by. You grab his shirt before he can get anywhere. "What's going on with you two? Why are you avoiding eachother?" Brian sighs, "You wouldn't get it! It's just.. I think Damien is like, afraid of commitment or something.. Saying 'I love you' is something he's bot really a fan of." You sigh. "You want a promposal idea? Tell him you love him." "Wh-What? No! No way." "Oh come on, Damien'll probably like it.." "Did you see the way he walked away at lunch? I don't think he will." "Scott and I say we love eachother all the time, it's not that big of a deal." "For you! Scott is the most loving and caring person ever, of course he'll say he loves you. And you haven't had a lot of love in your life, so of course you're gonna hold on to that love that he gives you." You close your locker and think to yourself. "Are you saying I only love him because he validates me?" Brian looks shocked you said that. "You're twisting my words around." "No I'm not. I told you that we say we love eachother all the time, and you just have me reasons as to why we say it, and it wasn't because we love eachother." You start to walk away, but Brian stops you by grabbing onto your arm. "(Y/N), listen.. I'm sorry, okay? I just.. Damien's not the only one afraid of commitment.." You look back at him as he continues speaking, "I just.. I'm afraid that he's mad at me now. And.. Now I don't know anymore.. I just wanna apologize and get it over with.. And I'm sorry I made you mad too." You sigh again, "Alright. It's okay. Just.. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable." Brian gives you an awkward side hug and says, "And don't worry, I can just ask him myself. I was really teasing you more than anything." Brian chuckles and scratches his head. You chuckle back. "Alright then. Go and get your spicy red baby."

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