132. Rematch (Part 3)

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You and Scott stand in the center of the gym, standing face to face. He's the first to speak. "So... (Y/N). This is it, huh? Just you and me, competing to see who's the best. How do you feel?" You smirk as you look up at him. "I feel victorious." He chuckles, "We'll see." He quickly turns around, running to the first dodgeball he sees. You brace yourself as you watch his movements, making sure to move carefully with as little error as possible. With Scott being bigger, stronger, and more physically capable than you, then your only true shot at winning is through your wits and reaction time. Scott grabs a ball, hurling it at you. You dive and roll out of the way, quickly getting up on your feet and running around the gym, avoiding ball after ball that is thrown at you. Along the way, you grab a few balls yourself, making weak attempts at throwing them at your beloved. He effortlessly dodges them as well.

After a few more minutes of this, Coach has to make an announcement. "Alright, you two! We only have a few more minutes until you all have to go get changed! If you don't settle this within the next few minutes, the game will result in a draw!" You and Scott look at each other, nodding, silently telling each other that you both know not to hold back. Once again, you gather all the balls on your sides, collecting them together. You both stand on the ends of your sides, as far away from each other as possible. You both pick up a ball. With a deep breath, you focus your energy on bringing fire to the ball. It glows brightly, a soothing color. You throw it at a blinding speed. Scott quickly moves out of the way on the other side, and the ball bounces on the wall loudly, the sound echoing in the room. Scott smiles, admiring the amount of strength you can use. His turn is next. He also takes a deep breath, throwing the ball as hard as he can. While it's nowhere near your intensity or strength, his throw was still impressive. You grab another ball, gripping it tightly with two hands, focusing all your energy on it. The flame on the ball is much brighter this time and has an even more intense color. You feel yourself come to life as you throw the ball. Scott quickly ducks, and covers his ears as your ball hits the wall behind him. The rest of the class does the same, which you find odd, because it didn't affect you. You threw it so hard that it even left an indent in the wall. You stand in shock for a moment as you process just how hard you threw the ball... And that distracted you.

You blankly stare forward, shocked at seeing the amount of strength you are capable of. While you're doing this, Scott grabs a ball and channels his energy into it. His arm seems to get larger, with his nails turning into claws and the entirety of his arm getting covered in fur. He throws the ball at a blinding speed. You jump to the side, falling over and clutching your chest tightly over your heart, feeling like it was about to explode. You pant in and out heavily as you listen to the sound of it hitting the wall, and it sounds like the way your ball did. You're again too distracted to notice Scott approaching you, lightly tossing the ball at you to get you out, and Coach blows the game's final whistle. Everyone on his team screams and jumps up and down with joy, while your team sighs in defeat. You want to congratulate him, but he's too busy being swarmed by his teammates for you to do so. Coach quickly dismisses you all to go get changed, and Scott's team is still chanting his name as everyone files into the locker room.

You grab your regular clothes from your locker and begin timidly getting dressed. Scott gets away from all his attention to join you, stripping his clothes unabashedly. You pull your shirt over your head and see Scott in his underwear, his smile wide and his tail wagging, reminding you of when the two of you met. You chuckle at the silly sight, blushing lightly. He scoops you up in his arms, making sure your head is laying comfortably in his bare chest, his soft fur and heartbeat enough to make you want to fall asleep. He says, "That was the best game of dodgeball I've ever played! You were so cool! You threw that ball so hard, it was awesome! I never knew you were so strong!" Your blush deepens, "Y-Yeah? I guess I didn't either. I noticed you covering your ears, though... I hope I didn't hurt you..." "Whaaat? No! I was just surprised! Yeah, the sound was loud, but it was nothing that I can't handle!" You chuckle, "Well, I'm glad." Scott looks around the room briefly, causing you to do the same. The excited chatter of the class was still very much alive, everyone talking about well they did and what they can improve on. Scott quickly turns to you, another goofy smile on his face as he leans in and kisses you quickly. He whispers in your ear, "I'm so proud of you, MVP." You chuckle and give him a quick kiss in return, saying, "I'm proud of you too, MVP." His tail seems to wag even faster somehow and he puts you back down on your feet. He puts his shirt over his head and jumps into his shorts just in time for the bell to ring, dismissing everyone to their next classes. Scott reaches his hand out to you, with you gladly taking it into your own and walking with him to science, also accompanied by Vicky and Calculester.

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