32. A Heist with Veraplier

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The three of you finish changing out of your gym clothes and follow Vera to the other side of the locker room. She grabs Calculester by the wrist and drags him over to another corner of the room. There, you see the Wolfpack talking to Vicky. Vera grabs the leader by his ear, and tells him, "She's not interested." To which he replies with, "Whoa, whoa, whoa snake lady, I think that's for her to decide, and you to-" Before he can finish his sentence, Vera tells Scott to plug his ears. Scott does so, and Vera pulls something out if her bag. She blows into it, and the Wolfpack falls on the floor, covering their ears in pain. She snaps her fingers, and points to the other side of the room, and the Wolfpack goes over there to sulk. Vera turns her attention back to Vicky and Cal. "Okay, you guys. (Y/N)'s mom is going to be home early, so we have to go over to (Y/N)'s house to get something before their mom comes home. Vicky, I need you to tell Ms. Feratu that (Y/N) got sick and needed Scott's help to get to the nurse's office. Cal, I need you to print up a fake pass for (Y/N) and Scott so they don't get in trouble." Calculester tries to express his concerns, "But friend Vera, that would require me to hack into the nurse's computer and lie to our teacher, which to my understandings is 'not nice'." "What Ms. Feratu doesn't know, can't hurt her, and if you don't do all that, then (Y/N) may be forced to move away, and tear them away from their only friends, which WILL hurt everyone." By the time she finishes her sentence, Calculester makes a ding sound. "Printing complete." In a moment of happiness, you hug Cal, saying, "Thank you, Cal!" "...Processing... Emotion found: happiness! Issuing response. You're welcome, friend (Y/N)!" The bell rings, and the plan goes into motion.

Vera grabs the passes and Vicky and Cal make their way to science. You and Scott follow Vera to a bathroom on the first floor. Vera opens the locks on the window and takes the screen out. She climbs through with ease. You climb through with a little less grace, and Scott is struggling. His big body has trouble getting through, and you hear the bathroom door opening. You hear someone laugh, probably at Scott's butt trying to wiggle through. He is pushed out, and Valerie is in the other side. "Oh hey, sis! What's going on?" "No time to explain, but thanks for the help!" They salute to eachother and the three of you get to Vera's car. After everyone climbs in, Vera starts going to your house. Once she gets there, she parks down the street to avoid suspicion. You run back to your house, and after reassuring yourself that your mom isn't there, you unlock the front door, and relock it once you get inside. Taking a quick look around the house, you see that everything is in absolutely perfect condition. You run into your room, and grab one of your many blankets. You take it back to the living room, and put it on the couch haphazardly, to make it look like you used it. You ask the others, "Hey, can you guys mess a few things up? I don't want it to look too clean in here." They nod and mess a few things up for you. With your tendency to overthink things, you decide to make one more adjustment to make it look inconspicuous. You some clothes from your room, some dirty, some clean, and put them in the hamper, and take it in the basement to make it look like you were going to do laundry. As you're about to leave, Scott brings up the whole reason you're here. "Where's my jacket?" Crap. You grabbed a lot of clothes, so it looked like you used almost 2 weeks worth. You shout, "Vera!" She comes down, and you tell her, "I think I put Scott's jacket in here." "No, I set it aside so it didn't get put in there." After letting out a sigh of relief, you decide it's time to go. As you all begin going up the stairs, you hear the sound of a door shutting. All three of you freeze in terror. Vera quietly leans out, and looks past the corner. She turns around, and motions you and Scott to go down the stairs.

Vera begins brainstorming ideas as to how to get out of the house and back to school on time. While standing in the basement being as quiet as you can, you begin panicking again. Scott puts his arms around you, surrounding you with his warmth, which calms you down. Vera starts explaining the plan she came up with, whispering. "Alright, (Y/N), you give me your mom's number, so when I call, she won't have a name to see who it is. I'll tell her I'm someone from the... FDA, and tell her there's been an issue with-" Unfortunately, she's interrupted by your mom. "Is someone down there?" Vera puts her hand over her mouth, and Scott's eyes go wide. In a fit of bravery, you mouth the word 'hide' to Vera and Scott, and walk towards the stairs. At the foot of the stairs, you say, "Hi mom.." "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" "Well, after I got ready for school, I started walking over and.. I got nervous." "Nervous? Of what? Are you being bullied?" "No, it's nothing like that it's just.. I was scared that I would look dumb, entering class late. I was scared of people staring." "This again, (Y/N)? You're always scared of being stared at. You are being bullied, aren't you?" "No, I'm not. I'm legitimately nervous." "Normal people aren't nervous when walking into a room. You used to tell me the same thing before, then I found out you were cutting yourself! Tell me the truth now. Who's bullying you?" "No one! Why are you always blaming other people?" "Because their monsters, (Y/N), what do you expect me to think? They're evil, bloodsucking cretins!" "No, they're not! The people I have met there are wonderful! They're a lot better than half the humans I know!" "Monsters are not people, like us!" "Like us? Like. US?! Like. You!! Did you forget already? You fell in love with a monster. You had kids with a monster. YOU GAVE BIRTH TO A MONSTER. ACTUALLY, IT WAS TWO MONSTERS, BUT THE OTHER ONE WAS KIL-" She slaps you in the face. Tears quietly roll down your face. You both stand there for a moment. You're angry and upset, but you can't help but think you may have gone too far. Your mom says, "Don't you dare bring either of them into this. I did not know he would've done something like that. Monsters are horrible beings, end of discussion. I'm taking a nap, goodnight sweetheart." As she walks away, you go back downstairs. Vera and Scott come out from behind some boxes. Scott puts his hand on your shoulder and says, "(Y/N), I-" You move your shoulder from his grasp. "Don't worry about it. Come on." You lead them back upstairs, double check to make sure it's clear, and head into your room. You open a window, letting them escape. Before they have a chance to say anything, you close the window again. You go back and actually do the laundry. You and your mom haven't fought like that in a while, and she had never hit you so hard before. Scott and Vera also heard everything. Luckily, they both knew about your brother. You sit there just watching the laundry. You don't know what to do. Everything feels wrong all of a sudden. Just last night you and Scott had an amazing date, and now it feels like if you look at him again, you might throw up. After the laundry is finished, you take it upstairs to fold it. After that, you just lie in bed all night. Your mom makes dinner, but you refuse to eat. She tries multiple ways to get you to come out of your room, but you refuse. You can't stand to see anyone. You can't stand to talk with anyone. You can't stand to be anyone.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon