79. Everything'll Be Fine

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"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU," Vicky screams. You're currently in gym class. You and her have been hit with dodgeballs and are sitting in the time out area. Her hands are gripping both of your shoulders tightly, as if you are already dead. You say, "I don't see what the big deal is. He said I won't die." She looks at you like you're stupid. "So you're just going to trust him? Just like that." You shrug your shoulders. She continues, "Wha- (Y/N)! This is NOT a shrug your shoulders situation! Damien hates you doesn't he?" "Honestly, I don't really think so. I think he just won't admit it." Coach blows his whistle and says, "Vera! You are out!" She walks over to you and Vicky, grabbing her bottle of mineral water and taking a sip. "So what are you two screaming about?" Vicky jumps right in, "(Y/N) agreed to owing Damien a favor now!" "Oh? Is that it?" "Vera! It's Damien! He's unpredictable, and reckless! He doesn't care about anyone's safety!" You chime in, "He said I won't die." Vera waves a finger at you, as if you made a compelling argument. "See, Vicky? He said they won't die." Vicky cannot believe what she's hearing. She asks, "Are you not worried about them at all?" Vera puts her finger to her chin, thinking. "Hmm.. If you do end up getting arrested, who do you call?" Without batting an eye, you say, "You." She turns back to Vicky. "No, I'm not worried at all. Everything'll be fine." Vicky shuts up about it, clearly not convincing either of you of how bad an idea it is. After some time, the game finally ends, and Coach dismisses you all to go change. Everyone walks towards the locker room, but Vera puts her hand on your shoulder to hold you back for a minute. She looks you in the eyes and says, "Seriously though, I want you to be careful. Vicky's right, it could be dangerous. So promise me you'll stay safe." You nod, "I promise." "Good." You and her walk to the locker room, change, and go through the rest of your day.

Later that day, as your rummaging through your locker, Polly scares the crap out of you by phasing through the wall right in front of you. She yells, "Boo!" You scream and stumble backwards, falling on your ass. Both Polly and Amira are laughing, tears in their eyes. You hold your hand over your heart, feeling the heart beat. Looking around, no one seems to really care about what just happened, which is good. "Damn, (Y/N), she got you good," starts Amira, "You good?" She holds a hand out to you. "Yeah," you wave her hand away and get up yourself. After brushing yourself off, you ask Polly, "Do you mind getting out if my locker?" She floats out, and replies, "Aww, are you salty? C'mon it was just a prank. It was Scott's idea." You pause for a moment before returning to your locker. Out of the corner of your eye you see Amira hit Polly's side. Polly says, "Sorry, sorry, it was my idea, not Scott's." You sigh, "It's okay. It was kinda funny." You give a pity smile. Polly grabs both of your cheeks, "Aww, there's that smile." You smile more. She continues, "Anyway, I heard about last night. I'm sorry about those jerks." "It's fine, it's not your fault." "Heard there was an epic showdown too." "I thought they didn't fight," you look over at Amira. She says, "No, no! There was no fighting. We were just about to.." Polly adds, "Yeah! Speaking of which, I heard Damien was about to fight for you!" You nod your head. Amira also adds, "And we heard about the favor." You blush in slight embarrassment, "Yeah, Vicky already lectured me about it." She chuckles, "Yeah, that's our Vicky. She worries too much. I'm sure everything'll be fine." Polly says, "Yeah, Dame's a total softie!" You chuckle at Polly's comment. You shut your locker. You say your goodbyes and begin heading home.

Once you get home, your mom is immediately on your case. "Oh? You don't have plans with your friends?" she asks. "No. Not today," you say that, trying to keep some sort of peace. You know that she knows about her rule, but if you say something about it, she'll say something too. You start heading to your room, but your mom stops you. "Wait, honey. I wanted to spend some time with you. You're always cooped up in that room of yours, it makes me feel like you don't wanna spend any time with me." "Alright. What do you wanna do?" "Tell me about your day." With a straight and expressionless face, you say, "Good. How was yours?" "Oh, it was fine. It's my day off, but I wasn't able to get as much stuff done around the house as normal." Her saying that somewhat piques your interest. "Why's that?" "Oh, I was just trying to figure out what was wrong with the TV. You know, because it just kinda stopped working last night." "Ah." That's all you can say. A wave of fear rushes over you, as you wonder if she's onto you. She says, "Anyway, after such a long day, I don't really think I'm up for making dinner. How do you feel about getting take out?" "Sure, from where?" "I don't know. Somewhere in the next city over." "Huh? Why not from here?" "Honey, you know what kind of people live here. Everywhere probably serves like bugs, or raw meat, or human flesh." "I mean, you're not wrong, but they sell regular food too. There are burgers and tacos and hot dogs and stuff." "Yeah, but so close to the bugs or raw meat? I just don't think that's very safe." "Alright, whatever you wanna do." "Good. Now hurry and do your homework. We can go over the next city and eat, and we could go shopping. Oh! I should write a list!" You take a deep breath in and out through your nose, and head to your room. You could tell this was going to be a long weekend, but somehow, you're able to convince yourself that everything'll be fine.

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