136. Suspicious Actions

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You quickly step into your bathroom, frantically looking around, as if Valerie is just going to appear right there. You even check in your shower for some reason, pulling the curtain back to again see nothing. The worst possible ideas are running through your mind as you imagine what could've happened. Your mom could've called the cops and gotten her arrested, your mom could have found out the truth, and you'd be in serious trouble, or your mom could have even taken the shotgun and... You brush that thought out of your head and you run out of your room to look for her. As you step out into the hallway, you go to turn into your mom's room, until you hear a familiar voice, "Don't go in there!" You whip your head back around, ready to confront your mother. The only problem is in that moment of adrenaline, you misheard the voice. It isn't your mother, it's Valerie, watching a movie. You start yelling, "What did you..." Your voice trails off as you realize who you're screaming at. You then start screaming for a different reason. "Valerie, what the hell?!" She smiles as she pauses the movie. "Oh, hey dude! Sorry, I was just watching this movie. How was the shopping trip?" You look at her with a dumbfounded expression. "But what about my mom?" "Huh? Oh, she's been at the store for a while now. I was on my phone, watching Netflix when your mom knocked on the door. She called your name, and I was ready to speed dial Vera when she suddenly said she was going to the store, gonna be gone for a few hours, and just left. I sneaked out of the room, and after seeing that the house was empty, I decided to relax and watch some TV on a comfy couch, instead of on my phone on a toilet." "And what if she got back, and caught you?" "I was paying attention. All I had to do was run back to the bathroom when she got back, problem solved!" You sigh and rub your head to try to numb the pain of the headache you were getting. You just say, "Alright, it's fine. Well, I'm back now, Vera's waiting for you. I'll see you later, Valerie." "See ya!" She nods her head and gives you a piece sign before walking back to your room, and escaping out the window again, despite your mother not even being home.

You sigh again and shut your window, taking a seat on your bed. You think about the events of the day, and start feeling giddy as the Monster Prom slowly approaches. Just a few more days left, and you'll be having the time of your life. You don't even care how much trouble you may get in if you're caught. You stand back up and head to the kitchen, looking for something small to eat. You end up making yourself a sandwich. After finishing it, you yawn, having been through a generally exhausting day. So you head to your bathroom to get ready for bed, locking the door behind you. You start by getting a shower, feeling the hot water rush over you, making you feel relaxed. You wash your hair, face, and the rest of your body. After finishing, you step out of the shower and dry off. While still naked, you do the rest of your nightly routine, brushing your teeth and using the bathroom. Just as you're about to exit the bathroom, your doorknob starts to rattle, as if someone were messing with it. You jump back a little in surprise, not knowing what to do. Just as you're about to call out to whoever's on the other side, the door swings open, making you instinctively cover up your private parts from whoever opens the door. Your mom seems to have some sort of twisted smile on her face as she opens it, only for her expression to quickly change into shock. You both stare at each other, waiting for the other to say something. You're the first to speak, asking, "What the heck, mom?! Get out!" "Sorry!" She turns and quickly dashes out of the bathroom and your room, dropping something behind her. You sigh and leave the bathroom quickly, going to grab some pajamas and put them on. You go over to grab whatever it was that your mom dropped, bending down to get it. You've never seen anything like it. You take a picture of it with your phone to look it up, and you discover that it's a lock pick. You sigh again, not wanting to deal with this right now, but you might as well.

You leave your room head out to the kitchen, where you find your mom. She's on the phone. She says, "I just... I don't know... Do you think I'm going crazy? That I'm imagining things?" She's silent as the person on the other end speaks. You can't tell what they're saying, but you can tell it's a female voice. Your mom replies, "What do you mean I've always been crazy? I..." As she speaks, she turns in your direction, spotting you. She says, "I gotta go. Love you, bye." She hangs up and starts talking to you. "Honey, I'm so sorry that I walked in on you. I didn't mean to!" "How did you then?" "Huh? What do you mean, honey?" "I mean, first of all, you always taught me to knock on a closed door before entering it. What happened to that? Also, I locked my door. How could you have walked in on accident?" Your mom fidgets with her hands, rubbing them together nervously as she thinks of a response. You then put the lock pick on the counter, showing her that you know about it. It's suddenly as if something comes up in her brain, and she gives her answer. "Well, I came to your room to ask you something, and I figured you must've been in the bathroom. I knocked, and when I got no response, I thought that something must have happened to you, so I got my lock pick and came in. I didn't realize you were in the shower." "Oh, alright... What did you get from the store? You told me you were going there, right?" "O-Oh... They uh... They didn't have what I needed, so I had to come back empty-handed." You figure that this conversation would just go back and forth for a while, so you decide to end it there. You turn away and say, "I didn't even know you had a lock pick. Well, good night, Mom." "Good night, honey." You walk back to your room and lay down on your bed, falling asleep after a while.

(A/N): Sorry guys! I forgot to post this chapter last night! And also a friendly reminder that today is the release of Monster Road Trip! Tell me what y'all think of the game if you get it! I know I'm excited to play!

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن