72. Revisiting Hell

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"I would like to speak to your parents again." The angry expression on Damien's face soon turned into a confused one. "You want to.. Talk to my parents?" You nod your head. He continues, "Why?" "I need them to help me with something." "Why can't I help you with it?" "I'd rather talk to more mature people." His expression turns angry again as he says, "Are you fucking saying that I'm not mature? You wanna fight me?" Damien takes a step closer to you and puffs his chest out like an animal. Your expression turns angry as well as you do the same. His eyes slightly widen in shock as he steps back in defeat. "Alright, whatever asshole. When?" "After school today." "What? No! You've gotta give me a warning before you pull shit like this." "You said you owe me one. And now I'm asking you to do this thing for me, so please, do it." He looks at you, then at Brian, and back at you. "Fine." You smile, "Thank you," and walk away. You coolly walk over to Vicky and Scott and exhale as if you had been holding your breath. You lean into Scott's torso and he giggles, putting an arm around you. Vicky asks, "What was that about?" You reply, "I need to see Damien's dads so they can help me get a hold of my powers. So I cashed in a favor he said he owed me." "A favor for what?" "Getting him and Brian together." Vicky's eyes sparkle, "Awww, that's so cute! Why do you suddenly want to get a better hold on your powers?" You caress Scott's arm with your middle and index finger. "Just for some.. Self improvement." Scott wraps you up in his arms, nuzzling happily into your neck.

Once lunchtime finally hits, you get your food and sit down at a table with Polly, Miranda, and Vera. Polly notices you and says, "Oh my gooood, (Y/N), Damien has been complaining about you alllll dayyyyy. What happened between you two?" You roll your eyes, "I just cashed in some favor he owed me. I didn't realize he'd be such a baby about it." Vera asks, "Damien owed you a favor? For what?" "Getting him and Brian together." Miranda chimes in as well, "Aww, that is so sweet! Damien must be extremely grateful if he was willing to do something for you. What was it you requested of him?" "To take me to his parents. I want to learn more about my demon half." They look at you for a moment, and then smile. Vera says, "I'm proud of you." Polly shoots you a thumbs up, and Miranda claps happily as well. You enjoy lunch with the most powerful girls in the room, and continue on with your day.

After the last bell of the day rings, you go to your locker a little faster than usual. You have some feeling that Damien may try to sneak out of school without you, so you have to be prepared for it. You quickly rummage through your things and grab what you need, hastily putting them in your backpack. You remember the broken mirror you have shoved in there as well, and double check to make sure it's okay. After doing that, you lock your locker and go outside.

When you step out, you see Vera holding Damien by the ear while she's looking at her phone. She notices you and says, "(Y/N)! Damien's been waiting for you!" She lets go of Damien, "Have fun you two." She winks as she walks off. Damien shoves his hands in his pockets and huffs, "You ready?" "Yeah.." You awkwardly walk alongside Damien to his car. You can still feel the hatred and anger radiating off him. Why though? He's the one who offered this in the first place. Sure, he has to keep up the act that it wasn't his idea, but it doesn't seem like acting. You feel real, intense hatred. In another rush of bravery, you decide to ask him, "Why do you hate me so much? I've already proved that I'm a monster, that I belong here. What else could you want from me?" Damien scoffs, "You don't fucking know, do you?" "No, that's why I'm asking." You arrive to his car. He takes out the keys and unlocks it, getting inside. He turns the ignition, and the car starts up. He says, "It's none of your damn business, alright? If you're too stupid to realize it, you're too stupid." If you.. Don't realize it? Realize what? After tapping a few things on his phone, Damien drives off. He turns his death metal on full blast as he drives through all sorts of different neighborhoods, putting all his windows down to be a loud nuisance. After driving like that for about 40 minutes, he finally drives towards the portal to hell.

He pulls down the road leading to the adorable cottage off the side of the castle. He parks and steps out, not saying anything. You get out as well and he walks up to the front door. He takes his keys and inserts one into the keyhole to unlock the door. He turns it, and with a click, the door is opened. You follow in behind him as a big, blue arm is wrapped around him affectionately. "Aww, my beautiful baby boy is home from school! How was your day?" Damien blushes in embarrassment and whines, "Daaad.." Heat rushes to your face as you notice Stan is not wearing anything but a pair of briefs. Once he finally notices your presence, he says, "Oh! (Y/N)! I didn't even know you were showing up! It's nice to see you again," he shouted, with a stupid grin in his face. Damien whines again, "Why are you even in your underwear?" "What's the problem? Your dad and I may be old, but that doesn't mean we're any less in love! Besides, I am TOTALLY rockin' the dad bod." "That he is," says a deep voice. Lucien turns around the corner in a bathrobe and gives Stan a kiss on the cheek. Damien groans, "Fucking gross. Anyway, this 'tard wanted to see you two. Later." Damien walks down a hall, and you hear a door shut. Stan and Lucien shake their heads in disapproval in the direction Damien went. Stan says, "You can have a seat (Y/N)," and gestures towards their couch. You take a seat, and Lucien and Stan both go to separate rooms. Lucien asks, "Would you like anything to drink?" "No, thank you." After a minute, Lucien comes back and hands you a bottle of water anyway. You take it and thank him. Stan walks in as well, now wearing a tank top and sweatpants. They both take a seat on a different couch and Stan asks, "Now what's up, kiddo?" "Well, the other night, I had this dream.."

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now