84. Tremors in Hell

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The rest of the week continues, and everyday is the same as the last. Multiple study halls, students sneaking around, but most importantly, 8th period. You and Scott continue to meet eachother everyday at the same bathroom. You relieve his urges, and he's very thankful for it. According to others, he's never made it this far in the week. By now he's always humped some student, been caught masterbating in class, or has made some sort of inappropriate comment. You can't decide whether you're impressed or concerned for his lack of embarrassment of these past transgressions. But right now as you sit in lunch, you can't help but be a little embarrassed as Scott has sat you in his lap. He's got his hands crossed around your stomach as he snuggles into your neck. You're also keeping up a conversation with Vicky and Liam. Vicky asks, "So wait, you guys really meet everyday during 8th period?" You nod. Liam adds, "Are your teachers not suspicious of your intentions? Leaving to 'go to the bathroom', and then not returning until the end of the period should raise an eyebrow, I assume." You answer, "Well, on Monday, Ms. Agnes-Hotep did talk to me about it. She said as long as I'm not late getting back again, I'm keeping up with my grades, and I promise to practice safe sex, everything is good! She says it's inevitable, so it won't do her any good to try and stop it." They both nod, satisfied with your answer. Curiously, Scott asks, "How bout you two? Have you two fucked anyone?" Vicky chokes on her drink from shock, and Liam just raises an eyebrow. He answers, "No. During mating season, a majority of the student body want to fuck, so naturally, it isn't cool anymore. Once people come down from these hormonal highs, then I may consider it." Vicky nervously taps the table. You look at her, expecting her to answer, but she doesn't. She just stares, as if thinking hard about something. She takes a deep breath and says, "No. I have decided that I need to take some time to find myself before I start dating anymore." She smiles at all of you. You all smile back, even Liam. He says, "Wow, Victoria. That is very mature of you. Bravo." You nod in agreement and tell her you're happy for her. She smiles shyly and thanks you. She adds, "Amira's been keeping it alive though. She's had a new hookup every day." You all continue the rest of the period spilling the tea about your classmates.

Finally, at the end of the day, it's time to go to the LaVeys'. Once you get to your locker, Scott is waiting for you like normal. You both walk outside and meet up with Brian and Damien. Damien has his hand in Brian's back pocket. You approach them, and Damien looks you up and down, saying, "Ugh, I forgot you come over today." You silently nod. Brian nudges Damien angrily. Damien just rolls his eyes and takes out his keys, rattling them. "Let's go nerds. You coming with, Scott?" Scott smiles and nods, clutching onto you more. The four of you piled yourselves into Damien's car and he drove you all to his place. You go inside and are greeted by Stan. He says, "Well hey there! Looks like you brought a whole posse with you today, kiddo!" Stan noogies Damien, who grunts in response. Damien grabs Brian's hand and walks down the hall, yelling, "We'll be in my room, don't bother us." You hear a door slam. Stan laughs and says, "Those two horndogs. I love 'em." He claps his hands together and says, "All right! It's just you and me today, kid. Lucy's got some stuff to do, so I am your only teacher for today. Let's go outside." Stan leads you out to his backyard, which is beautiful and brimming with life. It's a huge garden that has multiple paths, presumably leading to other parts of their land. Stan leads you along the back path, which leads out of the garden. Along the walk, Stan asks, "So, Scottie m'boy, how are things holding up at your place? It's the first week of spring, so I assume things are a little chaotic right now." Scott answers, "Yeah.. Mawmaw's doing good. She doesn't really have a problem during mating season anymore, since she's so old. The young ones are still too young, and the Wolfpack.. Well, they have eachother." "Well, I suppose they'll take what they can get." The conversation awkwardly dies down after that comment. Eventually, you all make it to a clearing on the hellish landscape.

Stan stops, turns around, and bends down so you're face to face. "(Y/N), do you know what terrakinesis is?" "Not at all." He laughs, "Well, it's when you manipulate the earth. Now, I can't do it as much as others, but I can make earthquakes! And so can you! Stay right here." Stan walks out into the clearing and squats down. He lifts a leg up, and slams it down. The ground shakes, and you lose your footing, falling down. Scott helps you up, and Stan comes up to you. He says, "That's basically all there is to it. You just make a big stomp, focus all your attention on the weight of your leg, and that's it. Now you go try!" You go out into the clearing and follow Stan's instructions. You lift a leg up, think about weight, and force it down. It does nothing. You try again, and again. Still nothing. Stan jogs down to you and says, "Now, (Y/N), something I've noticed about you is that a lot of your power seems to come from your emotions. I've been told stories about how your feelings have caused multiple.. Things to happen at school. Like, I've heard of you accidentally lighting a dodgeball on fire. Or I've heard of you doing something like this in another class, so how 'bout this: think about the metaphorical weight of like, stress or something, okay?" You nod, "Okay." He gives you two thumbs up and walks away again. You assume the position again, think about your stresses, and lift your leg up. Unfortunately, focusing on all your struggles in life once again proves to be too much. Once you slam your foot down, the ground shakes violently. So violently in fact, that the ground around you breaks. Cracks form all around you and the air grows much hotter. You can't help but stand dumbfounded, as the severity of the situation refuses to register in your brain. You hear Scott and Stan call out, "(Y/N)!" The section of land your standing on starts to sink and tip backwards. You see your life flash before your eyes before you are surrounded by flames, then darkness.

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