19. You Have Me

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Scott leaves his phone number at the place so they can call him when it's ready, and the two of you go outside, so you can find something to do while you wait. You both get in his car, and sit in an awkward silence for a minute. Scott taps the steering wheel, and you can tell he's thinking by the look on his face. He starts the car, and starts driving away. "Umm.. Wh-Where are we going?" Scott smiles and says, "You'll see." After a 5 minute drive, he pulls into a park. You recognize it immediately. It's the same that Vera and Valerie helped you get to. When they knocked out your mom, and covered their tracks in the most badass way. Scott stopped the car, and got out, and so did you. He made his way to the same hill you two jogged up the last time, and you didn't have the energy to climb it at the time. "Scott.. I.. I can't tonight.. I'm exhausted.. It's been a.. Stressful day.." "Here." Effortlessly, Scott picks you up, carrying you bridal style, and starts jogging up the hill. He holds you close, so close that you can hear his heartbeat. He smelled really nice too. The same Scott smell, but with more deodorant. You feel as though you could just fall asleep right in his arms. He makes it to the top of the hill and let's you get down. You smile at him in amazement, he's barely out of breath despite the game he played earlier. He nods his head towards a picnic table and you two sit down on it. You look up at the sky. Once again, it's absolutely beautiful. He lays so that his back is on the table, and his feet are on the bench. You do the same. He puts his hands behind his head and you copy him again. You two stay that way for at least 10 minutes. Neither of you have said anything this entire time. You're both just looking at the stars, letting time pass by in silence. It's not even awkward this time. It's really peaceful. You continuously glance over at Scott, fearful that he had fallen asleep or something, but he hasn't. He really is just enjoying the view. Your glances turned into a stare, and you were enjoying the view too. After another few minutes, he glances at you. You turn your attention back to the stars, embarrassed that he caught you staring. You tell him, "You did really good tonight. I don't know much about football, but I know enough to understand how well you did." "Thanks! That's so nice of you to say!" You continued to smile at yourself as your face turned red. He continues, "Is your head okay? You looked like you got hit pretty hard, I was so worried.." In all honesty, you completely forgot about getting hit. It really has been a busy night. "Yeah, I'm okay. It didn't hurt that bad.." "That's good."

More time passes. You don't know how much time, but it's been a little bit. Scott became silent again, and this time, you were getting worried. This is unlike him. You look at him again, and this time, he turns his head away in embarrassment. You smile to yourself and continue looking in his direction. He doesn't move. You continue to worry, so you sit back up, and scoot towards him. He turns more, so he's facing further away from you. You consider letting it go, but then you remember he told you months ago, that you're not alone. If you can always count on him, he can do the same with you. You grab his leg and give him a little nudge. "Is something.. What's.. A-Are you... okay?" He shakes his head no. "Wh-What's wrong?" Still facing away from you, he says, "I'm scared." "Of what?" After a brief moment of silence, he sits up. He continues to avoid eye contact with you. "My grandma.. Isn't doing too well...." "Oh.. I'm sorry Scott, I-" "She wasn't able to come to the game! She's always been so strong, and funny, and smart! She raised me, and now.. I don't know how much longer she has.." You don't know what to say, so you just gently rub his back. He continues, "And my cousins don't seem to care! They just act completely normal, as if nothing is wrong. I doubt they even understand. I don't get it.." He looks at you, with tears in his eyes, expecting a response. "Well.. Have you talked to them about it?" He looks away again. "No.." "Why not?" He takes another minute to respond. "They won't get it. They have eachother. If mawmaw dies, they'll have eachother." "But you'll have them too, won't you?" He shrugs his shoulders. You don't know what else to say. You see more tears silently stream down his face. So you put your hand on his shoulder, and say, "A long time ago, you told me that I'm not alone, even if it feels like I am.. Scott.. You're not alone either... You have me." He quickly turns to hug you. He holds you so close, it feels like he's going to break your spine. After another minute, he softens his grip, and asks, "Is.. This how you feel almost all the time?" The two of you separate, and you nod your head. He holds you close again. "I'm so sorry.. This is not fun.." ... "It's okay."

After another minute, you two separate again and continue looking at the night sky. Scott cheers up again and starts pointing to constellations he made up. You enjoy the bonding time, and soon enough, the pizza place calls Scott. You get the pizzas, and go back to the party. Scott helps you carry them inside this time, and nothing gets dropped. After setting the pizzas down, you hear someone say, "Daaamn, where have you two been?" You turn around and see Amira, who looks a little drunk. "We uh.. Had to get some more pizza." You looked embarrassingly to the ground. Amira doesn't pay any mind to it, but she does say, "Anyway, (Y/N), are you ready.. for the time of your life?" You look nervously at Scott, who smiles brightly. You turn back to Amira, and say, "Hell yeah."

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now