126. It's Not Fine

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The entire rest of the week continues just as the first day did. Your friends grow increasingly worried about you, but you continue to ensure them that everything is okay. You still haven't eaten anything, and your hunger pangs worsen as the days go by. You also skipped out on training with the LaVey's, making up some half-assed excuse about your mom not letting you out of the house. You also haven't gone anywhere else, out of fear of your mother making another big deal about hanging out with your friends. Your arm has also started getting worse too, and you've started to get worried about it, but you haven't done too much of anything about it yet.

You're now sitting at lunch with Scott alone, him being the only person you feel somewhat comfortable being around. As you sit with your water bottle in hand, your stomach makes another big growl. Scott turns his attention to you and places his hand on top of yours. You look over at him staring into his big, blue eyes, which look saddened. He asks, "Aren't you hungry? I haven't seen you eat anything in days." You smile, "No, I'm fine. I think I've been eating too much for breakfast and dinner." "B-But... I can hear your stomach growling..." Your smile starts to fade. "I told you, Scott. I'm okay..." "But that's not all there is... You've been wearing hoodies and stuff all week, even though it's pretty warm. I know you usually wear them when you're upset or trying to hide..." He trails off, not finishing his sentence. You glare up at him, "Trying to hide what?" He blushes and looks down at the table. "N-Nothing... It's nothing. I just want to help you. I want you to be happy, you know?" Scott gives you a sweet, tired smile, tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes. You start to feel horrible. Even when you've upset him, he's still trying to smile so you're not unhappy. You apologize, I-I'm sorry, Scott... I didn't mean to r-raise my voice at you, I-I'm just..." "It's okay, I understand. It's not your fault." For some reason, you feel even worse after he reassures you. "Wh-What do you mean? Why aren't you mad at me?" "B-Because i-it's not your fault! You're emotional, it's not your fault!" "But I am in control of my emotions! I don't get angry, or sad, I should be fine! Your grandma just died, not mine! You are the one who should be emotional, and yet you're worried about me!" "I-I'm sorry, (Y/N), it's j-just that... I r-really care about you, and I d-don't want you to be upset." A single tear drops out of his eye, running down his face. And that's your breaking point. Your heartbeat and breathing quickens, and you stand up, your chair making a loud squeaking sound. Multiple people turn their heads and look at you, only making things worse. Scott grabs your hand, "(Y-(Y/N). Please, just sit down." "No! I-I-I... Don't follow me!" You quickly run away, pushing past multiple people as you rush out of the cafeteria.

You find an empty classroom and duck inside it so you can hide. An extreme pain is felt on your arms, and as you pull your sleeves up, you see cuts all alongside the one without bandages, and you can only assume the other looks the exact same under its bandages. You begin crying, all out of fear, confusion, and your inner frustration for raising your voice at Scott. You cover your face, catching each little tear that falls down it. You suddenly get the feeling you're being watched, but at this point, you don't care. You suddenly hear the sound of the creaking classroom door, and a quiet click as it shuts. You groan, "Scott, I told you not to follow me!" "I'm not Scott." You turn around and look up at the source of the smooth voice. It's Joy, the leader of the coven.

You turn back around and rest your head in your crossed arms again. You hear Joy audibly sigh as she walks methodically over to sit in front of you. All you can hear is the quiet ticking of the clock on the wall as you and Joy sit in silence. She's the first one to break the silence. "So. What's your problem?" You sniffle, "That's it? That's all you have to say?" She sighs, "You've been acting weird. I'm not saying you're the happiest person on Earth, but you've been extra depressed lately, and I want to help." "And how do you plan on doing that?" "By lending an ear. Hearing you out. Giving some advice." You lift your head away from your arms, a few tears running down your face. Joy jumps slightly, "What the hell is happening to you?" "What do you mean? I'm just crying..." You look down in embarrassment and wipe away your tears, but when you look down at your right hand, it's red with blood. You begin shaking from fear, and you look up at Joy, sharing her look of extreme concern. More tears well up in your eyes, and Joy does her best to console you. With a swift motion, she pulls her wand out, waving it in front of your face. Your right eye is shut and not opening. You reach up and feel gauze on top of your eye, stopping the bleeding. Frustrated, you say, "D-Dammit!" You ball up your fists and hit the table, breaking it in half like it was nothing. Your free eye widens, and you look at Joy before turning and running toward the door. The door then glows with a green light, and when you try to turn the knob, it doesn't work. You turn around and look at Joy. She's pointing her wand forward, her eyes and the tip of her wand glowing with the same green light. You take a deep breath and say, "Joy, please let me out." "Not until you talk to me." "Why do you want to know so bad? I'm fine." "You want to know why? You're not fine."

(A/N): Hey guys! How are you doing? I'm so sorry for not posting last week, I had gotten sick and didn't have any inspiration to write, haha. I'm doing much better now, so I should be able to keep up on my regular updating schedule. I hope you have a nice day, and stay tuned~

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