140. Getting Together

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Everyone in the room says, "Oooh~" as Mr. Oberlin shuts the door. You smile, imagining walking out to see Scott, but you start to suddenly feel nervous as well. The nervousness grows in a matter of seconds, to the point where you can almost feel pain in your stomach. You put your hand on it, clutching it tightly, while also trying not to make it too obvious you're doing so. You hear Vera ask, "What do you think, (Y/N)?" Only then do you realize that your friends have been talking. You look at them and say, "Uh... Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," hoping that that answer properly answers the question. Vera nods, "Alright then, you stay here, and we'll get him." You watch as the girls each walk out of Vera's room. Once they're gone, you clutch your stomach with your other hand, feeling tears forming in your eyes. For whatever reason, you feel like bawling right now. You take a seat at Vera's desk for a moment, trying to steady your breathing and calm yourself down.

You hear a muffled voice on the other side of the door. A voice belonging to Scott. He says, "It's just in here, Vera?" You look over at the door, a look of fear in your eyes. You can feel yourself starting to shake until the doorknob begins to turn. You instinctively tense up, stopping all movement in your body. You clench your body to stop your shaking, as well as hold your breath to stop making all noise. You hear the door click as it opens, and then a few footsteps. "(Y-(Y/N)?" You put on a fake smile and turn to Scott. "H-Hey... How's it... G-Going?" You thought he'd look overjoyed, but he looks more worried than anything. You comment, "C'mon... I-I thought you'd be happy to see me." Scott grabs the chair at Valerie's desk and pulls it up next to you. He puts his hand on your back and rubs it gently, saying, "Of course, I'm happy to see you. Just... Not like this. What's wrong?" You allow a few of your tears to fall, still with a smile on your face. "Damn, I can't get anything past you, can I?" You chuckle and sniffle, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. Scott holds a hand out to you, which you quickly take into your own. You finally answer his question, "My mom and I had a big fight last night, and we talked more today, and now you're here and stuff, a-and I think I'm just a little overwhelmed." "And that's all? You promise?" You sniffle again and nod your head. He smiles, "Good. Because now it's my turn." You look up at him and ask, "What do you mean?" With a smile on his face, he starts to cry a little. He says, "Before we left, I asked Archie how I looked. He told me I looked dashing, and he said to have a wonderful time. Then he hugged me and scratched me behind my ear. That's... That's what Mawmaw did every year... Before I left, and when I asked her how I looked." You wipe away your tears and stand up, sitting down on his lap, facing him. You wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck. He says, "Sometimes... I feel like I'll never get over it..." You sigh. "I know. And you may never get over it. But I promise that I'll be with you every step of the way. And if you ever need me, I'll always give you my love." Scott's grip on you weakens, and then tightens more as he says, "Thank you."

After enjoying each other's embrace for a little bit, you both separate, deciding it's time to go out to face your friends. Hand in hand, Scott opens the door and exits the room. The excited chatter of your friends fills the room as you walk out, and everyone turns to you. Polly's eyes widen and her jaw drops as she sees you. She excitedly shouts, "(Y/N)!" And she runs over to you quickly, wrapping her arms around you with excitement. She pulls away with a big smile, "I thought you weren't coming!" You laugh, "And miss Prom? The craziest night of the school year? You're insane if you think that! Plus, I hear that you through a wild afterparty. I can't miss that!" "Hell yeah, I do! I can't wait!" Polly squeals and jumps up and down in excitement. Calculester walks over and politely waves, "Greetings, (Y/N). It is a wonderful afternoon, is it not?" You smile at him, "Yes, it is. You both look lovely today." Polly and Calculester both give their thanks, and you all continue chatting.

Soon, there is another knock on the door beforethe people on the other side let themselves in. In walks Damien, Brian, and Liam, all sporting their tuxes that compliment them well. They all greet everyone, but the first of them to notice you is Brian. He looks down at you, "Oh. Hey," and he lifts his hand up as a wave. Damien and Liam look at you as well. Liam doesn't react, but Damien looks surprised. He says, "The hell? I thought you couldn't come, jackass. What happened?" You chuckle, "Well... I just decided to sneak out. Vera took me shopping for an outfit one day, and then I snuck out today too. I can't let my mom dictate my life. If I wanna go to prom, then so help me, I'm going to prom." Damien smirks and puts his fist out, "Hell yeah." You bump his fist with yours.

A little bit later, there is another knock at the door. Mr. Oberlin answers it and says, "Oh Veraaaaa~ Someone's here to see yoooouuuu~" Vera's face bluches a deep red, and she crosses her arms, looking away. Amira walks in, a shy smile on her face accompanied by a light blush. She walks over to Vera, and everyone is silent. Zoe slowly pulls out her phone and starts recording. When Amira gets close, she says, "You look nice." Vera exhales loudly, "I know. You look... Fine. Where's the other two liabilities?" Amira chuckles, "Uh, Oz wants to make sure he looks perfect, so Vicky is trying to reassure him. The door creaks open again, this time Oz and Vicky walk through it. Oz looks down at the floor, his eyes wide and face a blushing mess. He glances up and tenses when he sees Zoe, looking back down at the ground quickly as he walks over to her. On his way, he trips over his own feet, landing face first in front of Zoe. Zoe laughs and squats down, holding her hand out to him. "Are you okay, handsome?" He looks up, still blushing, "I-I-I-I w-w-well, u-u-um..." One of the little guys on his shoulder puts its hand on his mouth, giving Zoe a thumbs up. Oz silently grabs Zoe's hand and accepts the help up. After chatting for a few more minutes with everyone, Mr. Oberlin says, "Alright, everyone! You're going to need to leave soon if you want to get to dinner on time! Everyone get in front of the door!" He holds up a camera, waving it around a little to show he's going to take a picture. The four couples stand in the center, with the others standing on either side of them. He takes the picture, and you all get ready to leave.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now