75. Nice Day

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You are shaken awake by Scott. You wake up in the passenger seat, and you're already in the parking lot at school. "We're already here?" You say in confusion. Scott shakes his head, "You looked so cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. So I just took you from back there to up here, and made sure everyone was quiet so you could sleep!" "Well thank you," you kiss his nose. He smiles and presses his forehead to yours. After a brief moment of silence he says, "I love you. Always." As happy as hearing that makes you, you can't help but worry. He seemed to go from silly to serious very quickly. You cup his face in your hand, "I love you too. Always."  He softly smiles. You both get out of the car and hold eachother's hands. He rubs his eye with his free hand and yawns, letting out an adorable, small whine similar to that of a dog. You ask him, "What kept you up last night?" "Oh, well," he looks sadly at the ground, "I was up... taking care of Mawmaw. She needs help getting around the house sometimes, and she's been needing to pee a lot, and I almost have to force her to eat more and.." His eyes tear up and he stops walking. You scratch behind his ear and let him cry a little. He continues, "I'm sorry. I'm just scared." "Of course. You're worried for her. I'm glad you love her so much. And if you need to talk, you can always come to me, right?" He weakly smiles, "Yes. Thank you." After giving him another minute, you two keep walking inside the building.

Throughout the rest of the day, Scott clings on to you. He's his usual, happy self, but he just needs the comfort, and you're more than happy to help. Later at lunch, you're sitting with him, Zoe, and Vera. Scott is happily munching on his pizza sandwich, Zoe is consuming her sanity from her tupperware, and Vera is sipping on a glass of scotch, while counting a large stack of money. Vera puts the stack on the table, and makes a note on her phone. "$880," she says aloud, "What the hell? I'm missing 20." A spider boy runs up to the table, clearly out of breath. He says, "Here.. Ma'am.. The 20 bucks... I owe you..." Vera looks him up and down, then looks at her golden watch. "You're 19.5 seconds late. It's another 20." "What? But that's not fair!" Vera turns to all of you and says, "Are you guys interested in knowing that this guy's fantasy is to be tied up with his own silk and-" he slaps down a fifty on the table. She says, "This is more than you owe me. You'll need to pay a 50 dollar handling fee." With tears of fear in his eyes, he slaps down another fifty. Vera says, "Pleasure doing business with you," with a wicked smile. He dejectedly walks away. You laugh at his despair as he leaves the cafeteria. Vera stuffs all the cash into her purse and turns to you, "Alright (Y/N). How did things go yesterday?" Zoe says, "Oooh, yeah, I heard about that! What did you guys do? Did they give you a 'hands on demonstration'?" You reply, "Er.. Kinda. They taught me about electromagnetic interference and how to fix things." Vera says, "No offense, but electromagnetic interference doesn't exactly sound too.. Magnificent." "Well they did say we'd start with the basics." Vera nods in understanding. Zoe asks, "So what about the fixing? Are you able to fix stuff yet?" "Yeah. I fixed my mirror at home." Zoe silently slides her phone over to you. It's cracked. She gives you a wide and pleading smile and she bats her eyes. You reach for her phone and hold it in your hands. You close your eyes to concentrate and feel the warm light. You look back at the phone's screen, and it's fixed. You slide the phone face down back to her, a look of sadness in your eyes. Scott says, "Oh no, did it not work?" Zoe flips her phone over and her eyes widen, "Yes, it worked, you kidder!" She playfully punches you in the arm. You stick your tongue out at her playfully. You happily enjoy the rest of lunch with your friends.

After an exhausting day, you're ready to finally go home. Scott walks with you outside, the two of you holding hands. You look up at him only to see him staring blankly at the ground. You squeeze his hand, and he squeezes back, looking at you. You say, "Tell Mawmaw I said hi, okay?" He lightly smiles, "Okay, I will. She'll be happy to hear it." You tug on his arm and he takes it as a sign to bend down. You kiss his nose and say, "I love you." He smiles more, "I love you too." "Get some sleep tonight, okay?" "I'll try." "See you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." You part ways, and you see his tail wagging a bit. It may not be much, but at least he's a little happy. You walk home. Later, after doing your homework, chores, and having dinner you're ready to relax in your room. Before long, you've fallen asleep.

"Alright, honey. Mommy is going to leave you here with your cousin while Auntie and I talk about grown up things, okay?" You nod your head. Your mom shuts the door, and the sound of her footsteps fade away. You turn to your cousin, "So what do you wanna do?" She immediately stands up without making a sound. She walks over to the side of the room, and puts her ear near a vent. She beckons you over. You walk over, and do what she's doing. You can hear your mother and aunt talking in the room. You hear your mom say, "He cheated on me!" Your aunt laughs, "Ha! What a surprise. And now you want big sister's help right?" "Yes! Please!" "Alright. Tell me what happened." "Well, you know how you suggested I put a microphone on him, to record everything he says?" "Mmhm." "Well, I did that. And he had gone to see his friends, and he started talking shit about me! And then they started talking about how they had sex all the time in college, and even suggested sex then too!" Your aunt gasps, "No!" "Yes! And the worst part is, the kids were there!" "What? Why?!" "Because Darius thought (Y/N) and Acasius would get along with his friends' son Damien." "Damn. So he probably wanted to teach your kids that it's okay to cheat and talk shit about loved ones. Do you think your kids can even be saved from a lesson like that?" "Well (Y/N) looks like a human, so I think they'll be fine." "And Acasius?" Your mother doesn't respond.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now