80. Family Outing

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About an hour later, you finish your homework and let out a long exhale. You rest your face on your hands, wasting a little more time before you have to leave. You close your eyes and begin daydreaming. All you wanna do is go out with your friends during the weekend, like a normal person. But you're not normal. And you never will be. With another groan, you stand up, stretch a little, and exit your room, seeing your mother reading a book at the kitchen table. When she notices you, she looks up and asks, "You ready to go?" "Yup." She puts a fold in the corner of the page she's on and closes it. She grabs her purse, puts on her jacket and shoes, and grabs her car keys. You slip your shoes on and follow her out the door.

You get into the passenger seat as your mom gets in the driver's side. She starts the car and drives off. About 30 minutes later, you see the sign for the town. She says, "Alright, honey, we're going to the mall to shop for awhile, and then we'll head to dinner." "Okay." She pulls into the parking lot of the mall. After parking, you and her get out of the car and walk inside. You go from store to store, looking around.

You stop at a clothing store, and your mom says, "Oh sweetie, we haven't gone shopping for clothes in a while! Let's go!" You dejectedly follow your overenthusiastic mother into the section that has your clothes. She picks out a few things that she thinks you'll look good in and sends you to the changing room. You change into an ugly shirt and step out to show your mom. "Oh, that looks good on you," she says. "I think it's fine." "Do you like it?" "Yeah," you lie. After a few minutes, you get to the 5th thing you need to try on. So far, you've agreed to everything she's picked out, despite only actually liking one thing. By now, you're starting to grow impatient. You change into an uncomfortable pair of pants and step out. She says, "Those look good too. What do you think? Do you like them?" "Yeah." "You know, you don't have to like everything you try on." "Well, I'm not really a fan of these." "What do you mean? What's wrong with them?" "They're uncomfortable." "It's because you're always wearing something else. If you'd actually wear these, you'd get used to them." "Well you said if I didn't like them, that would be okay." "Whatever! Don't get them then." She rolls her eyes as you step back in to quickly change out of them. You step out, and you and your mom go up to the front counter to pay.

After spending hours shopping, you both finally leave the mall. Your stomach grumbles as you realize just how hungry you are. As if she heard it, your mom asks, "You hungry?" "Yeah." "Good! Because it's time for dinner!" "Where are we going?" "Oh, you'll see." She winks and gets in the car, and you put the bags in the trunk. She drives about 10 minutes and pulls into the parking of a lobster place. You're honestly surprised. You look at her, "Really? We're eating here?" "Yes we are! Surprise!" You excitedly get out of the car and start walking inside together. For a brief moment, you're happy to be with your mom. But only for a moment. Once you get inside, you and your mom wait for someone to greet you. You ask her, "How long did you plan this in advance?" "Oh, we've been planning this for awhile, but I didn't know we were coming here until about an hour ago." "We?" A woman walks up to the two of you. She asks, "Hello! Do you have a reservation?" "We're here for the party of 7." "Alright! Right this way." She happily leads you through the restaurant and then you see them. Your aunt, uncle, and little cousins. The woman gestures towards the table, "Here you are, the waitress will be with you in a few." She smiles and walks off. Your aunt looks up from her menu at the two of you. "Hey lil' sis, (Y/N)." She gives you a once over and turns back to your mother. "You let them wear that? Here?" Your mom replies, "Well, I didn't know we were coming here. Sorry.." You and your mom take your seats, and begin looking at the menu.

A few minutes later, the waitress shows up. "Hii, I'm Sheryl, I'll be your waitress tonight. Can I start y'all off with something to drink?" Everyone orders their drinks. It starts with your aunt, then your uncle, your cousins, then your mom. You're last to order, and you order a soda. The waitress begins writing it down, but your aunt interjects. "(Y/N), honey, soda is just extra calories that I don't think you really need right now. Isn't that right, sis?" "Uh, yeah! Um," your mom says to the waitress, "They'll just have a water." The waitress says, "Uh, alrighty then. Do y'all need another minute to decide what to eat?" You begin to say, "I'll need another-" but your aunt, with a friendly smile on her face, cuts you off, "No, we're all ready. We've been here awhile." She begins to order, as does everyone else, and you frantically try to decide what you want. It ends up coming to you, as you're still deciding. Your aunt says, "Tick tock, (Y/N). She doesn't have all night." "U-Um.. I'll have.." "Ugh, they'll have the same thing I'm having," your aunt decides for you. With a smile on her face, the waitress says, "Okie dokie then, I'll be right back with your drinks." She puts her notepad away, gathers the menus, and walks off. A brief moment of silence ensues before your aunt starts speaking. "So, (Y/N), you must be wondering what this is all about." You just smile and say, "I didn't think it was about something. I thought we were just getting together." She returns the exact same smile, "Well, that too. But the main reason is, I want to apologize." Your smile slightly fades, "For what?" "Christmas. My behavior that day was unforgiveable. I hurt you, and you had to deal with that. So I am sorry." In a quiet tone, you say, "It's okay." "Great." The mood suddenly changes when the waitress comes back with the drinks you ordered. She passes them all out, one by one, and sets down the soda you originally ordered. She says, "Oh, oopsie, I grabbed that soda you didn't want. You go ahead and keep that, and I'll grab the water you wanted." As she turns away, she winks at you and walks off.

She comes back with your water and again soon after with everyone's food. You eat the food you were forced to order, and it's admittedly really good. After some time, everyone has finished eating. You go to the restroom and wash up. After exiting the restroom, your aunt is there, seemingly waiting for you. She gets up close, and quietly asks, "Have you told?" "N-No.. Have.. You?" She ignores your question, "Good. Now take this.. Thing.. And never ever let anything like this enter my house again." She grabs your hand and shoves something in it. She passes you and enters the restroom. Looking in your hand, it's Scott's wrist band that she took. You shove it in your pocket and head back to the table. You sit in silence as everyone says their goodbyes and you and your mom leave. As she drives off, she says, "Well that was fun night, right?" "Yeah.." You go home and crash on your bed after an exhausting day.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now