30. Date Night (Part 2)

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Stepping outside, Scott takes a deep breath and looks around. He says, "So, the park then?" You nod your head in agreement and you go to his car. You get in and buckle up, and Scott does the same. You feel your phone buzz, and you take it out to see Zoe had texted you. She sent multiple eggplant emojis, blushing faces, winking faces and devils. You send back a middle finger, to which she replies with, 'no u'. You look up to see that Scott hasn't started the car, you look at him, and he turns away, embarrassed. You giggle at him, and he turns back to you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. You return the peck to his cheek, and he starts the car and gets going. On your way there, you look out the window at the houses and streets you pass. You eventually feel a tap on your leg. Looking down at it, Scott's hand is extended out to you. You grab a hold of it, and he brings your hand up to his mouth and kisses it. You do the same to his hand and return it in between the two of you.

When you arrive at the park, he gives you a piggyback ride up the hill and you two take a seat on the classic picnic table. He sits down and you sit next to him, intertwining your fingers together. You rest your head on his shoulder, and look out at the view. The sun went down not too long ago, so you can still see all of Monstropolis. You say, "It sure looks amazing from here, doesn't it?" "Yeah.. But there are more amazing things to look at...." You look up at him, and you two make eye contact. His face becomes redder, and you smirk and say, "What could be more amazing than looking at this?" He stares at you in the eyes and replies, "Um. You know.. L-Looking at.. You..." He turns away and uses his hand to try to cover his face increasingly getting redder from the embarrassment. You grab his hand and take it away from his face. "Is that so?" Still looking away from you, he nods his head slowly. You reach your hand out to his favorite spot behind his ear and start scratching it. Enjoying the sensation, he pushes his head against your hand to keep it happening. After a few minutes, you stop, and he starts to whine. He looks you in the eyes and gives you a pouty face. You giggle and put your hand on his stomach and start rubbing it. He laughs from the feeling, causing you to laugh too. After another minute you stop doing it and let yourselves calm down. Scott sits back up and looks at you once again, but his eyes look different this time. He grabs you and lays back down on his back, making you lay down in his stomach. He looks back out at the city and it has gotten a lot darker outside. You lay your head in the crook of his neck and take it all in. He slowly rubs your back, soothing you. You start rubbing your hand up and down the length of his arm, feeling every detail of his muscles. You feel like you could fall asleep right then and there. But something is keeping you awake. Perhaps it was the fact that your mother would be returning home soon, which means you need to make every moment until then count. Or maybe it was because you simply weren't ready to go to sleep... Or it could've been because Scott started playing with the hem of your shirt. After realizing he's doing this, you get up to look ar him. Your eyes meet, and you both stare at eachother intently. Your faces turn red once again. You both slowly start to sit up again, refusing to break eye contact. His hands are around your waste and yours are on his biceps. You don't know who moved in first, but you are suddenly kissing. It was longest and most passionate kiss you've ever had. After breaking apart, you stay close together. You can feel his hot breath blowing on you. He leans further away from you and uses his finger to move your head so you're making eye contact again. He lightly gulps and starts removing his shirt. He sets it off to the side and holds you close to him again. You can hear his heart beating just as fast as yours. You start slowly feeling him up, feeling every inch of his defined muscles for the first time. Just as you start to really enjoy it, you can't help but think you're being selfish. Maybe he feels pressured into doing this with you. You attempt to express your concerns. "Is.. This okay?" He backs up from you as if he's alarmed. "Is it not?! Am I making you uncomfortable? Am I forcing you to do this? Am I..." He starts tearing up, afraid that he hurt you. You scoot back closer to him and cup his face in your hands. "Of course not.. I'm glad you're the one I'm doing this with, but.. Are you sure you are? You seem really nervous.." "It's just that.. I like and trust you so much.. And I want to prove it to you.. I want to prove my love..." You push your forehead against his. "You don't have to prove it to me. I love you and I know by now that you live me. It only matters where your heart his, not your dick. I love you and I trust you more than anyone else." "But in your video, you said-" "Forget the video. I was drunk, and it doesn't matter to me. I want to make sure we're ready." You look him in the eyes and tell him, "I'm ready." He wipes a tear from his eye and smiles. "Me too." You spend the rest of the night together. At first, Scott was still worried he would hurt you, but after telling him that he was doing just fine, he turned out to be a kinky son of a bitch. That night you ended up just sleeping in his car. He adjusted the backseat so you could both lay on it, and he had a few blankets for you to use. That night you held eachother close, loving eachother in a whole new light. This experience made you closer, and you couldn't be happier.

Just as soon as you fall asleep, you wake back up again. You're still close to Scott, lying in his backseat under the covers. You roll over and sit up, and when you look back you can see yourself still in his arms. You smile, thinking you look cute together. You get out of the car, and look around at the area. You still seem to be on the hill in the park. You look over at the picnic table you and Scott just... "used". You look out at the view of the city once again, and it's still beautiful. However, on the horizon, you notice what appears to be a door. You walk towards it, and begin walking in midair. You enter the door and notice it's the same hallway of memories from before. Looking up above the door you just exited, you see today's date. Everything looks the exact same as before, but you can't help but feel like something is off. To double check, you walk down the hallway and occasionally open doors, to see if anything is different. Once you decide that everything is as it should be, you turn around. After just a few steps however, you are struck with the same feeling of unease. You go back to check just a few more doors to be sure. Nothing is wrong in the doors, but once you look down the hall, you see the door you were unable to enter before. There seems to be some figure in front of it. You make your way down there and sure enough, you see someone in a black cloak doing something to the door. You grab the figure's shoulder, causing it to gasp in fright. It grabs your hand and says, "Leave. Now." It shoves you away, but you want to know what's going on. "Who are you? What are you trying to do?" It stands up, and turns around. It looks down at the floor to prevent you from seeing its face. "You have to go! Hurry! Before she finds us." The voice sounds familiar, but you can't remember who it is.. Until... "Wait, are you-" Just like before, you are grabbed by the shoulder. And so is the figure, by a long, lanky arm. Turning around, you see a creature resembling your mother. It has multiple eyes, looking in multiple directions. Long, lanky arms and legs and neck, and a large, twisted smile with jagged teeth. It has your mother's voice. "I told you not to come here. It's too dangerous. Some things are better left forgotten." It throws you back to the beginning, crashing you through the wall, and bringing you back to conciousness. On the way, you see the creature looking at the cloaked figure, which is struggling. That's him. It has to be. It's Acasius.

When you wake up, it's still dark outside. You glance up at Scott, who's still sleeping. You kiss his cheek and tell him you love him, and he sleepily mutters, "I love you too (Y/N).." You lay your head into his bare chest and melt into his embrace.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now