78. Making a Deal

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Once you enter your house, you are greeted by your mother sitting on the couch, watching TV. She notices you walk in, and immediately gets up and starts swarming you. She says, "Oh, (Y/N)! There you are! I was so worried!" She pulls you into a tight embrace. She continues, "It's so late, I was really considering calling the police." "What are you talking about? It's only 11, you could have called me." "Oh, I suppose, but what if you didn't answer?" "Then you would know something's wrong." "Well, anyway, I thought we could watch something together. Like a movie." You yawn, "I'm sorry, mom, but I'm really tired, and I have school tomorrow. I should go to bed." She sighs, "Really? You were gone all day, and now you're 'too tired' to do anything?" "Yeah mom, I'm sorry." "No you're not. If you were sorry, you wouldn't do it anymore. You're like, never home. And when you are, you're too tired to do anything." "What do you mean, I'm never home? You only let me see my friends once a week!" "You see them at school, five days out of the week. That's more than enough time. You're so selfish. God forbid I try to do something nice for anyone." You take a deep breath to prepare yourself for what you're about to do. In an attempt to make her less mad, you say, "Alright, let's watch a movie." She quickly turns her annoyed expression into a smile. "Thanks, sweetie! Would you mind making some popcorn while I pick one out?" "Sure." You go into the kitchen and grab some popcorn, putting it in the microwave. It eventually goes off, and you put it in a bowl. When you get back into the living room, she already started it. It's one you've seen a million times. You sit down next to her, unenthusiastic about having to spend time with her.

About halfway through the movie, you're struggling to keep your eyes open. Your mom asks, "So.. What did you do tonight?" "We uh.. Just went bowling and later on, we went and got pizza." "What? You went bowling? You've never been bowling before, and now you're going bowling with your friends?" "Y-Yeah.." "I see." She takes another handful of popcorn. Time seems to be passing horrifically slow. You just watch the movie, counting every second, when you suddenly remember something. Of course, why didn't you think of it before? You focus all your attention onto the TV. You try your very best, and successfully turn the screen to static. You ask, "Whoa, what happened?" "Hmm.. I don't know. These damn power surges. We really live in a shitty neighborhood." "So what are we gonna do?" She sighs, "I guess it's bedtime." "Alright, good night mom." "Night sweetie." You go to your room, and end up passing out on your bed before even getting ready.

The next morning, you wake up to your alarm. You get ready for school, grab your backpack, and start walking. As you walk, you can't help but notice it's already starting to get warmer, if only a little bit. You enter the school, and go to the first person you see and know, Calculester. He says, "Greetings, friend (Y/N). How are you doing this lovely morning?" "Good morning, Cal. I'm fine." "How was bowling yesterday? I heard something bad happened." Calculester's face changes to D:, resembling a sad face. You respond, "Yeah.. They were assholes.." You and Cal have a delightful conversation until the bell rings. Oddly, Scott hasn't come to greet you, as he does every morning. The morning passes by smoothly, and you are dismissed to lunch. While in your locker, someone taps you on the shoulder. You shut and lock your locker, and turn around. Standing behind you is Scott, smiling widely. You say, "Oh, hey baby." His smile fades as he blushes. You blush as well, just realizing what you called him. You ask, "A-Anyway, where were you this morning?" "I, um, I overslept." You yawn, "That sounds nice. I barely got any sleep. My mom made me watch a movie with her." He pats your head, "Aww, I'm sorry. I can wake you up if you wanna sleep at lunch." "No, it's okay.. But if I do fall asleep, please wake me." "Of course!" You both head to lunch.

After standing in line and getting your food, you and Scott sit down at an empty table. After a few minutes of eating in silence, you hear groaning. Looking over, you see Brian dragging Damien by the wrist to your table. Brian sets down his tray and sits in his seat. Damien looks from him to you, sighs, and takes a seat. He grumpily picks at his food with a fork. Brian ignores him and asks, "So how are you two today?" With a mouth full of food, Scott replies, "Good!" You smile and say, "I'm fine." Brian asks, "Really? You look tired." "You have no right to give me a hard time for that." Brian shrugs, "Fair." You three continue to talk about nothing in particular as Damien continues to sulk. You say, "Hey, Damien." He looks at you curiously. "Thanks." "For what?" "For helping me out yesterday." He blushes and looks back at his food, "I have no idea what you're talking about." "You melted the ice. And apparently stood up for me." "Oh. That. Yeah, whatever." You take a deep breath, "No, it's not whatever. It meant a lot." He freezes and slowly turns to look at you, grinning like a madman. "It meant a lot, you say? Like, enough for a favor? Like I did for you?" The atmosphere turns stiff. Scott and Brian have stopped eating and are looking at you. You feel yourself get pale from fear. Damien is one of the most unpredictable people you know, a favor for him could easily get you dead or imprisoned. After thinking it over, you tell him, "Okay. I owe you a favor, but nothing illegal, and nothing that'll get me killed." "I can guarantee you won't die, but I can't guarantee how legal it'll be." He holds his hand out. You glance over at Scott and Brian, who just look at you. You swallow, "Alright. I owe you." You nervously grab his hand and shake it.

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