74. Fixing & Frustration

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As soon as you step foot into your house, you smell whatever it is your mom is making for dinner. Admittedly, is smells amazing. When she hears the front door shut, she asks, "(Y/N)? Is that you honey?" Because you are still in your uncommonly good mood, you enter the kitchen to greet her. "Yeah, mom. It's me." Wonderful," she gives you a quick hug and turns back to what she was doing, "you're just in time, dinner is just about ready." Just tell her you already ate, it's not that big of a deal. "I already ate at my friend's house, so I'm good." "Oh you did, did you? What did you have?" "They made some burgers and fries." "Mmhm. And who, pray tell, is 'they'?" "M-My friend Vera, and her dad." "Ah, okay. Well then I guess I'll put yours in the fridge." "Cool." You turn around and walk quickly back to your room.

You shut the door, take off your backpack, and collapse on your bed, thinking about your day. You stare at the ceiling with a smile on your face, realizing just how much you've accomplished. From standing up to Damien to learning more about your powers, it has been pretty successful, but it's not over yet. You sit back up and reach for your backpack. You grab it, unzip it, and take out the plastic bag. You go into your bathroom, and place each piece of the mirror around your sink. Rearranging the pieces to match, you get to work finally fixing it. You take one piece and match it up to the mirror, gently placing it together. You cover the crack with your hand, close your eyes, and follow the exact process you did earlier. A warmth is felt on the palm of your hand, and you remove it, revealing a piece of mirror that was seemingly never broken. A smile once again forms across your face in excitement. You get on your phone and begin playing some music to make the process more fun. It takes longer than expected, but you get it fixed in about a half an hour. You closely inspect it, looking for any signs of damage, and there is none. You happily take a picture of it and send it to Scott, practically jumping with joy. After a few minutes of no response, you make good use of your time and do your homework. By the time you're finished, you are utterly exhausted, and end up falling asleep.

Hours later, you are awakened by a tapping at your window. It's not loud, but it's enough to slowly wake you. You rub your eyes and slowly sit up straight. You open your eyes and let out a big yawn, and turn to your window. It's still dark outside. You can see a figure, but not who it is, so you get up to take a closer look. You don't know who you were expecting, but you're still surprised to see that it's Scott. You open the window as quietly as you can, and lean outside it. "Scott? What are you doing here so early?" "I didn't really get any sleep, so I wanted to come and see you, but I guess woke you up. I'm sorry." He looks down at the ground in sadness, and you can't help but chuckle. You put your hand out and scratch behind his ear, telling him, "It's okay." "I saw your text. I'm happy you were able to fix it." "I know right?! I'm happy too." In shy embarrassment, he looks up at you and asks, "You wanna practice some more? With some frozen sandwiches?" "Sounds like a plan. You wanna come inside while I get ready?" He nods. You stand back, letting him get inside, telling him to be careful not to make too much noise. Once he's inside, you whisper, "Come wait in the bathroom, so if my mom comes in by chance, she won't see you." He nods, you grab an outfit, and you both go into your bathroom. You proceed to get ready for the day, and Scott uses the toilet. As you get changed, Scott just kinda stares at you the whole time. After you pull your shirt over your head, you ask him, "What are you staring at?" He smiles, blushes, stands up and says, "My MVP," and he bends down, kissing you. It's soft, warm, and over just as suddenly as it started. With a face redder than Damien's, you rush out of the bathroom, grab your school things, and practically push Scott out the window. You shut it, lock it, and quietly sneak out the front door. Arm in arm, you walk down the street to Scott's car. After you both get in, you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. "You're my MVP too." He giggles and drives off.

He stops at a gas station, grabs an armful of breakfast sandwiches, and gives them all to you. After getting back in the car and buckling up, he puts his hands on the wheel and thinks to himself. A minute later, he asks, "Hey (Y/N).. Where.. Do you wanna go?" "Hm? Why don't we just go to the picnic table?" "Well.. Don't you hate it now? Because of.. Everything from before.." He sadly looks in front of him. You put your hand on his for reassurance. "That table is very important to me. We've been through a lot together, and we've been through it all on that table. As long as it's okay with you, I'd like to keep using it." The sad look on his face is quickly replaced by a wide grin, and he begins driving to the park.

Once you two arrive, you look out at the still breathtaking view of Monstropolis. You and Scott pop a squat on the picnic table. Scott takes a sandwich, unwraps it, and hands it to you. Before doing anything with it, you say, "Damn. It's been forever since we've done this." Scott chuckles, "Yeah." You hold a sandwich between your hands and concentrate on heating it up. You simply think of something that makes you angry, your mom. You feel an intense sensation on your hands, and open your eyes to see an intense flame. You separate your hands and the fire disappears, leaving a charred sandwich. Scott unwraps another and says, "It's okay, try again," and hands it to you. You the same as before but think about your aunt. The same thing happens. Scott hands you another, and you think about Leonard. The fire is not as intense, but it still burns the sandwich. You continue, and sandwich after sandwich, thought after thought, burn after burn, it just repeats itself. Scott hands you another, "Alright, this is the last one." Sarcastically, you say, "Yeah, no pressure right?" He puts his hand on your arm, "Really, there is none." You nod in understanding. You look at it in your hand. You take a deep breath in, and out, and you think of heat. That's all. You start to feel something, but it doesn't feel like enough. So you think more. More and more and more and.. It's on fire. In anger, you chuck it as hard as you can into the park. You yell, "Why can't I do it?!" Scott puts his hand on your shoulder, "(Y/N)-" "I've done it before, why can't I do it again?!" "(Y/N)," "I'm so fucking stupid.." "Calm down!" You jump at the sudden strictness from Scott. You look back at the ground, and Scott wraps his arm around your shoulder. "I'm good at sports, but when I don't play one for a long time, I'm not as good as I was before. This is the same thing, and I still think you did really good. And you were able to fix the mirror, so that's awesome too!" "Thank you.." He chuckles a little. "Hey, I have an idea to help you calm down. Come on." He gets up and goes to his car, and you follow. You both get in, and he begins driving. A little bit later you end up at his house. "I'll be right back," he says to you as he runs inside. You patiently wait for him, and not a minute later he's coming back outside with a blanket, a pillow, and a hoodie. He gets in the back, and sits. He tosses you the hoodie and says, "Put this on, and come back here." You put it on. It's his grey hoodie, with Spooky High's symbol on it. You breath deeply as you put it on, and it smells just like him. You get in the back, and he puts the blanket over top of you both, and the pillow behind your heads. He takes out his phone, and puts on a show for you two to watch. You aren't able to watch much of it though, because you ended falling asleep, thinking about how you may have the best boyfriend in the world.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now