22: ☆ hogsmead ☆

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"Sounds perfect," I replied. I was relieved when we entered the bar and were able to escape the cold air outside. Fred picked a booth in the corner that we both could comfortably sit at.

A woman casually strolled over to us, "what can I do for you kiddos?" she asked. I could see the label on her shirt read 'Madam Rosmerta'.

"I'll have a butter beer please," Fred ordered.

"Could I actually have a cup of hot chocolate?" I politely asked.

"Of course dear! I'll be right back with that," she walked off.

"Ah yes I forgot. I'm with the only wizard alive that hates butter beer."

"Carbonation! I told you I hate the bubbles," I reminded. Madam Rosmerta brought our drinks over to us as I took a sip.

"Mmm" I moaned at the hot taste that instantly warmed my body up, "this is incredible." Fred had also taken a sip of his drink and got a little foam on his upper lip.

"You have a little something," I pointed, "here don't move," I said and grabbed a napking to wipe it off. He closed his eyes and I saw this as the perfect opportunity to mess with him. Instead of wiping it off with my finger I shot my tongue out to wipe slowly across his top lip. Fred's eyes went open in shock as he blushed profusely at my public actions, "there you go! All gone!" I giggled.

"Kind of gave me a sense of deja vu," he laughed bringing up our night at the lake and how he wiped dirt off my face. We stayed in the bar for a bit to keep talking and finishing our drinks. Like a gentleman, hepaid for them and walked me to where this famous joke shop apparently was.

"Holy shit," my eyes went wide at everything in the store. There were rows and rows of products that all had descriptive labels on how they could be used for jokes.

I walked up to a shelf that had a bunch of little mugs and the label read 'Nose-Biting Teacups'.

"Do these actually work?" I asked Fred as he came up and hugged me from behind.

"Yeah George and I got grounded for an entire month after stuffing a bunch in Ginny's room. Mum had to magically stitch her nose back together since they all jumped when she was sleeping," I opened my eyes wide in shock.

"Fred! That's incredibly mean!" I lectured.

"Oh please we were 10 and hardly knew any better," he rolled his eyes. I stood there looking up at all the products while holding Fred's arms that were wrapped around me.

"This is what I want one day," he randomly said, "A shop just like this. If i'm going to leave a mark in this world it's going to be for making people laugh and bringing a little more light into their life," he admitted quietly. I turned my head to peer into his eyes.

"Fred that's lovely," I softly replied, "and if anyone would do it it'd be you and George."

"Thanks Vi," he said as we exited the store. I found an open bench and tugged his arm towards it.

"This has been so fun thank you for taking me," I told him truthfully.

"Anything for you," he teased leaning in closer to me. I smiled as I instinctively closed my eyes and felt him kiss me. Our cold noses tickled each other as his warm lips stayed glued to mine. I pulled away and thought of how to form my next sentence.

"So. You kind of have to meet my dad," I said ruining the moment as his face went white.

"What! Why?" I hit his arm.

"Because doofus! He's been asking and I'm sure he'll come up to us soon since he saw us at the ball together."

"I'm not really good with parents," he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You'll be fine," I kissed him quickly and reassured him, "plus I know my sister will love you," I winked.

We snuck back into the shop that had the hidden passageway, and pushed the statue back in place when we got back into Hogwarts.

"I have some more post ball damage stuff I think I have to take care of," I told him referring to what happened with Hermione and Ron.

"Yeah I should probably go apologize to Angelina for basically ditching her," he chuckled.

"Hm no you don't she'll be fine," I shrugged.

"Oh is that some jealousy I detect," he smiled widely poking my cheek. I simply slapped his hand away.

"You wish," I grumbled but deep down I didn't want him to talk to Angelina. I wanted to stay with him in the common room all day and announce to everyone that we were together.

Were we though? He hadn't asked me to officially start dating but I'm assuming we weren't just fooling around. I opened my mouth to ask but closed it instead. I didn't want to ruin the day we had since I knew Fred had a hard time speaking about his emotions. I would just wait until he came to me.

"Farewell my dear love, I shall see you in another life," he yelled dramatically throwing his hands up.

"Shut up. I'll see you at dinner," I laughed and headed up the stairs. I cupped my cheeks to rub them since they hurt from smiling all day. I sighed looking forward to going to dinner tonight and seeing him again-

"Don't be mad at me," Hermione shouted as soon as I opened the door.


"They practically forced me to tell them. I didn't mean to it just slipped out!" she cried. Ginny and Anastasia both were perched on my bed looking at me with smirks.

"I still don't know what you're talking about," I stated weirded out with their behavior.

"YOU AND FRED OF COURSE!" Anastasia screamed bouncing up and down, "You bloody slut, you didn't tell me anything about that!"

"I knew it too," Ginny smirked, "remember all those times I told you he was looking over. I knew that it was directed at you." My cheeks heated up while they all laughed and pointed at me.

"Shut up you're embarrassing me," I groaned into Hermione's pillow sitting next to her.

"And how was it? The ball with him?" Anastasia demanded while the other girls looked at me.

"It was great he gave me this," I flicked up my wrist to show the charmed bracelet I was wearing, "and yeah we kissed" I gushed again.

"How romantic! Your first kiss with him at a dance," Hermione awed.

"Well uhm," I coughed uncomfortably, "it wasn't the first time."

"What?" Ginny said narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah this might've been-uh-the third time," I admitted trying to not meet their eyes. They all just looked at each other in disbelief.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me," Hermione said shocked.

"Oh yeah really? Miss 'I like Ron but won't admit it'," I threw back. She closed her mouth from saying anything but she didn't deny my claim either.

"Is that where you went this morning then? To meet him?" Ginny pushed.

"Yeah he took time to Hogsmead and it's absolutely beautiful over there," I explained.

"Tell us everything then!" Anastasia squealed. I spent the remainder of my afternoon curled up in Hermione's bed with our Christmas candy in piles around us. I recalled the events of this morning and told the story to them, while they filled me in on how their own nights went at the Yule Ball

anywho hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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