30: ☆ the mission ☆

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"Yes," I nodded, "I followed him into the room and saw Moody-I mean Crouch-about to hurt him."

"Very peculiar that you happened to be the only one who followed him to this room don't you think? Did you not think it be wise to bring one of your friends or possibly a professor with you?"

"Well no I heard it," I said while no one seemed to comprehend what I said, "I know I'm going to sound like I'm crazy but I heard this voice. It told me to follow him and to push him out-of-the-way when it said so."

My dads eyes widened in fear and I saw him begin to shake his head.

"Albus you said this could've been prevented if we came to Britain and she stayed under your watch!" he shouted in fury at the Professor. Dumbledore however seemed unfazed.

"No Patrick I only stated I could protect her here, not keep her powers from rising," he calmly stated.

"Powers?" Fred exclaimed, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Have you ever had a moment where this voice happened to save some thing or someone you love from danger Miss Pine?" Dumbledore asked.

Ruby gasped from beside me, "Of course! That night when you saved Snow," she bursted out as I remembered that was the first moment I heard the voice, "we were in the courtyard one night and she got a glazed look in her eyes and started walking on her own accord towards Snow, our cat. She picked him up at the exact moment a couple of sharp icicles fell where he was standing."

"Why didn't you tell me about this," dad yelled from in front of me, "I told you months ago that if you ever felt something weird you were to come to me immediately."

"I didn't know!" I said back, "The first time it happened I thought I was just sleep deprived."

"Now Patrick I understand you're her father. But it's critical I hear everything she has to say and if you're going to lecture her after every sentence I'm gonna have to ask you to kindly step aside." My dad made no movement as he closed his mouth angrily and let me continue.

"Now Miss Pines do you know what a seer is?" Dumbledore asked me.

I looked at Fred as he shrugged and I shook my head, "I mean isnt Professor Trelawney one," I said slowly when I recalled other students speaking about her divination class.

"Yes she is indeed. However there are different types of seers and you happen to be a very unique one," he told me and I sat there confused.

"Me? How is that even possible? I've never shown signs of it before," I continued trying to understand how any of this was real. It was like Fred could feel that my heart was starting to race faster because he squeezed my hand in his and rubbed his thumb reassuringly.

"Albus I swore to never let this happen to her and you can't overpower my parental authority!" my dad said putting his foot down, "she's just a child for goodness sake."

"Yes a rather important child at that," Professor McGonagall finally piped in, "Patrick you must trust Dumbledore's reasons for wanting to share this with your daughter. It is after all her power."

"Now I will give you the opportunity to tell her if you wish. But if you don't I will do so myself," Dumbledore warned in a steady voice. I could tell how stressed out my dad was as he took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.

"Very well then," he said in a hopeless voice, "don't ask me any questions until the end Violet okay? You too Ruby." we both nodded our heads.

"Your mother," he started, "was a very extraordinary witch. She was top of all of her classes here at Hogwarts and anyone could see that she was incredibly bright. I fell in love with your mother here, but it wasn't until we were assigned on a mission together as Aurors did I truly know she was the one for me."

Irresistible - f.weasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora