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Sarah POV

I wake up to my little brother jumping on me. I shoot up and push him off me.

"How did you get up here?!"

"I just used the ladder and jumped from the end of your bed. C'mon, it's Christmas!" Connor exclaims.

"What time is it?"

"Six thirty. Like its always been."

"Connor, some people are college students that don't get enough sleep in a regular, so they like to take an opportunity of sleeping in."

"Yes, but some of us are eleven with a tradition to uphold."

"Fine, wake up Diana and Michael, please. Nicely." I emphasize the last word.

"Done." I hear Diana and Michael say from the floor. I look down and see Michael on the floor, and Diana's feet hanging off the side of her bed. They're both in pajamas.

"Did you wake them up nicely?"

"I woke Diana nicely." I groan and give Mikey an apologetic look. He just waves it off.

"No one seems to be as excited as I am, c'mon guys it's Christmas! Get yourselves up and come downstairs , Matt and Mom and Dad are already there for us."

"We're coming." I say and Connor scrambles off my bed and out the door. "I just want to brush my hair cause it's a mess." I do exactly that, than the three of us all walk downstairs together.

"Would you look at that? All three college kids are down last." Mom teases.

"We need our sleep." I defend us, "And it's Christmas, don't be like that!"

"Merry Christmas, Sarah."

"You too, Matthew."

"Alright, let's open up our presents, okay?" We all nod and we start separating the pile into seven different piles; gifts for Dad, gifts for Mom, Mike, Matt, Connor, Diana, and my gifts.

We all end up with piles about the same size as the person next to us. To my right is Diana and Michael is left of me.

"Alright, go!" My mom announces and just like every year in the past (besides last year, but whatever) we all start ripping up our gifts all at once. My parents like to wait until we're all done opening our gifts to open there's, because they like to see our reactions. (I don't know why, it's the same reactions every year.)

As we're opening the gifts, we just throw the paper into the middle of the room, and it becomes a sea of colorful paper.

"Ahhh!" Connor screams when we gets to the last gift. "An iPhone 6!" He says.

"We decided it was time you got a phone." My mom says. "Do you like it?"

"Do I? Yes, I love it! I've wanted a phone for a while but now I have an iPhone 6! Thank you so much!" He gets up and stomps through the mountain of wrapping paper to hug our parents.

I open my last gift. It's a small box, like a bracelet box. I open it and it's not a bracelet, but a necklace. It says, in small letters, my name.

"Oh, thank you so much, guys." I tell my parents. They smile and say its no big deal.

"Alright, your guys' turn!" Matthew says, talking to my patents.

They open their presents much slower than us, and with a lot more delicately, but after a few minutes, they're all open and accounted for.

I look around the room at what everyone got. We all got some pretty good stuff. Not only from my parents, but from our friends as well. Matthew got a guitar, Connor got his phone, I got my necklace, Michael got several hoodies, and Diana got some cute shoes. My parents got some nice stuff, too. Matt bough Mom a vase for flowers, and I got Dad his favorite series of books. Of course, those weren't the only things we all got, but those were just some things.

We're all playing with our new stuff, talking about what we got, thanking everyone.

"Thank you for your gift, babe." Michael tells me.

"You're welcome, Mikey." I say and quickly peck him on the lips.

"Ew, Sarah, stop it!" Connor says and throws a pillow at me. "You can make out with your male friend, later! When I'm not in the room!" I laugh and stick out my tongue.

Connor is playing with his new phone, already set up and full with all his friends' and family contacts. I turn my head to thank Michael, just as he did to me, when Connor looks at me, with wide eyes.

"You've had sex?!" He exclaims.

"What?" I ask.

"I just asked my friend what a virgin is. And according to his definition, if you've had sex, you're not a virgin."

"Oh God."

"Who told you that?" Mom asks.

"My friend, Justin!" Connor announces. "He knows what a virgin is!"

"Why did you ask?" Diana asks.

"I wanted to know! You were all talking about you no longer being a virgin last night, but I had no clue what that was so I asked him! And I wish I didn't!"

"Dammit, Connor, this is what happens when you get curious!" Matthew yells jokingly.

"This is what happens when you talk about your virginity in front of your uneducated brother!"

"Damn! You're sassy!" I say.

"Hey, someone's gotta do it."

"It's actually usually Sarah who's the sassy one!" Matt says.

"She was gone for a year, I needed to fulfill the duty."

"Oh, dear brother, I have taught you well." I say.

It's a fun day.

A/N: I didn't know how to end this


UPDATE! my bff is over.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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