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Sarah POV

"Sarah, you get your ass out of this goddamn right now!" Diana yells at me through the door.

"What? Why?"

"The police just called! They have super great news to tell you!"

"I'll be out in a second." I quickly rinse the conditioner out of my hair, and I jump out. I wrap myself in a towel and dry my face off. I open the door quickly and Diana is there, phone in hand.

"Give me the phone." I say. She smiles and hands it to me.


"Hi, is this Ms. Sarah King?"


"This is the Chief of Police Department, we have amazing need to tell you."

"What is is, sir?"

"I am proud to tell you, we have found your kidnapper, and this time, he's in a jail cell."

"Yes, yes! Thank you so much!"

"He will be in jail for the rest of his life."

"Thank you, so much, sir, I am honestly overwhelmed."

"We are happy to help you out. Call us again if you need anything else. Have a nice day, Ms. King."

"You too, Chief." I hug up and started to cry. Tears of joy, of course.

"What happened? I heard there is good news from Di!" Mikey says as he rushes up here. He sees me without any clothes on and he moves way from the door. He leans up against the wall outside the door frame.

"Put on some goddamned clothes, Sarah!"

"Sorry, Mikey." I giggle and Diana shuts the door. I quickly dry off, put on my clothes, brush my hair, and walk out.

"So, what happened?" Michael asks, "Is it good news or bad news?"

"It's great news, Michael. You'll love it as much as I do."

"What is it?"

"The police found Robert and he's in jail. He'll be in there for the rea of his life."

I felt a huge weight be lifted off my shoulders. Since the day I was taken, I wished for the end of this. I wished his wrists were in cuffs faster than a whore opens up her legs. I escaped, and I was at the halfway checkpoint. They found him, and I saw a light. When I was attacked again, I wanted it more than ever. Now, now it's here and I can finally breathe without worrying. I can take walks without checking behind my back all the time. I can hear a suspicious news without my heart starting to race. Robert's in jail, and I'm safe.

"Oh, God, Sarah, this is great!" Michael yells.

"I know! I'm so excited!" I say.

"We must celebrate. For real this time."

"What do you mean for real?" Diana asks.

"Last time we went clubbing, this time we'll do something even better."

"We are not breaking a law." I clarify.

"What? Fuck no, of course not. We're inviting over the other five, buying seven pizzas, renting eight movies, and getting a shit load of junk food. Then have an all nighter."

"Sounds good to me." I say.

"Me too. I'll call everyone. Don't make purple!" Diana says and leaves. I laugh at what she said. I look over at Mikey, and he's staring at me.


"Nothing." He just smiles and shrugs nonchalantly.

"No, what?" He just grabs my face and kisses me slowly and passionately. I kiss back, and I can feel him smiling. I move from my sitting position next to him to straddling him without breaking the kiss. He slips his tongue along my bottom lip and I let him.

"I told you to not make purple!" Diana yells as she comes back in. We pull apart.

"Purple wasn't made!" I yell back.

"It was on the rode to purple!"

"No it wasn't!"

"Just get off him. I don't wanna see that."

"Says the girl who makes out with her boyfriend at the kitchen table, with a six person audience."


"No." I grind my crotch against Mikey's, and he gasps.

"Don't do that." He growls.

"Oh, God, I'm leaving! Tell me when you're done baby making." Diana says and she leaves.

"You're really pretty." Michael whispers.

"Thank you." I whisper back.

"Purple hair really suits you."

"You too."

"How did I manage to get such a beautiful girlfriend." His voice gets louder, but it's still a quiet talking.


"Not only is she beautiful, but she grinds against me. And she's smart, and tough, and funny, and has great taste in music, and is as crazy and weird as I am. What more could I ask for?"

"A girl who can take you back to meet her parents. A girl that doesn't cut herself, a girl that doesn't have a crazy man after her, a girl who you have to protect, but not from her own self. A girl unlike me."

"Sarah, I don't care that I'll never meet your parents. That scares me anyway. And you cutting yourself? Wether or not I'm your boyfriend, I want to help. I don't care. Robert isn't after you anymore, remember? And I don't need to protect you from you, you're perfect. We'll get through this together. A girl like you is exactly the girl I'm looking for. You're perfect."

"Then why do I have so much insecurities?"

"They're completely normal. I'm insecure."

"You have nothing to be insecure about."

"Neither do you, beautiful."

"Michael, I've just said-"

"I hate my teeth. My natural hair, too."

"But, they're-"

"My feet are a whole new story."

"Michael, stop. You're perfect, you have nothing to be insecure about. I love your teeth, I've seen pictures, your natural hair suits you well, it's awesome. And everyone has horrible feet, it's fine."

"That's my point, Sarah. You feel insecure, when really you're being hard on yourself. You're perfect."

"Thank you, Michael." I whisper. I kiss him quickly and once, still straddling him.

"We better go downstairs." Mikey says.

"Yeah, probably." I get off him and we walk downstairs together. Everyone else is down here, eating a variety of junk food.

"Hey, guys. Have fun?" Calum wiggles his eyes at us.

"It was a blast, thank you." Michael says.

"Oh, something did happen." Luke teasingly says.

"Michael," I scold, "No, nothing happened."

"Are you sure?"

"I think I would now if I had sex."

"Okay, whatever." Luke backs off.

"Alright, let's get our movie on. What's first?"

A/N: I'm going to school ew.

Yasss Robert is in cuffs!!!


UPDATE! In a week I fly off to Texas OMG YASS. I miss six days of school. :)))

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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