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Michael POV

The moment she leaves, I put my hands up to my hand, lean to the side so I'm laying down, and groan, in one swift movement.

"Okay, what's up?" Calum asks.

"I kissed her. That's why Indie was so off." I explain.

"Indie walked in on you kissing?" Ash asks.


"Dude, this is great! You kissed her." Cal says.

"She doesn't know I like her, though. She probably thinks I like someone else and I'm just toying with her emotions. She probably thinks I'm the biggest douche ever."

"No, she would never think that." Luke says.

"Plus, Diana will probably tell her." Ash says.

"And if Diana doesn't, then you have to." Cal says.

"Nope, no way. I'm not telling her I like her."

"Mate, you have to. You have no other choice."


"You're getting your relationship going. You kissed her, just tell her and go from there. If she likes you back, then ask her out."

"Wait, you don't know if she likes me?"

"Oh, she totally does."



"Good." I say.

"Are ya gonna do it?" Luke asks.

"I think so."

"Yes!" The three others cheer.

Sarah POV

"He kissed you?" Diana asks. We start walking back to our apartment.

"Yes. And it was amazing. But he likes another girl. Why would he kiss me if he likes another girl? Do you think he's just using me? Or just playing with my emotions? I can't believe he would do that! I thought he was different! He's-" I start to doubt him, and now thoughts are flying everywhere in my head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Slow down. You think he likes another girl?"


"Why do you think that?"

"He said he likes someone, and-"

"Listen, Sarah. He said he likes someone, you asked who, everyone laughed, he said he thought it was obvious who he liked. He never mentioned anything about another girl."

"Why did everyone laugh?"

"You are so naive."


"It's you! He likes you! He thought it was obvious that he likes you. That's why he kissed you. He's not fucking with your emotions, he's not using you, and he's just as amazing as you thought he was."


"Positive." We were now in our apartment. "I think you should get some rest." Diana says and I thank her before going to my bedroom. I get a text message and I'm expecting it's from Michael, or one of the guys, but it's not.

From: Unknown

Hey it's indie. I got your number from cal.

I smile and save her number.

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