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Michael POV

The morning after what happened between Sarah and I, I'm back at the campus with a good ole college hangover - I really want a nap and an Advil - looking for Sarah.

Our class together starts in ten minutes, and Diana has to walk by here on her way to her class, so I'll start with her.

I finally spot Diana and I quickly run to her.

"Di, Di, where is Sarah?" I ask her. "I really need to apologize." She doesn't respond. "Diana, please. I know I hurt your best friend, but you're my friend as well, so to help a friend out - and to stop having to see Sarah like that - please tell me where she is."

She tries to get past me, but I stop her. So she gives up and talks. "Sarah does not want to talk to you."

"But I bet I could get her to talk to me."

"I bet you couldn't."

"I'm her boyfriend."

"And I'm her best friend and she would barely talk to me."

"Please tell me where is!"

Diana sighs and rolls her eyes before responding, "Her dorm room. She doesn't want to go to classes today because of last night."

"Did I really hurt her that badly?"

"No, only part of it is you. The other part is the hangover."


"Now, go, don't fuck up. Be nice and sincere. Good luck."

"Thanks, Diana." I say and walk in the direction of her dorm.

Wow, day two and I'm already skipping.

When I arrive at her dorm - after a few confused thoughts and wrong turns, I get there. (I've never gone there before don't judge me.)

I take a breathe and knock on the door.

"Diana, what did you forget this time?" Sarah responds from inside.

"Uh, my manners." I say. I hear some shuffling and after a few moments, Sarah opens the door up.

"Hey." She says.


"Um, come on in." She says and I walk in. I've never been in here before, but it has a few posters on the wall. I see about three or four scattered pictures of their families laying about.

Each of the girls' have a bulletin board, and Sarah's is filled with multiple pictures. Some of her and Diana, some of her when she was young, some of her with the boys. But, one catches my eye. It's a picture of her and me outside, kissing. I have my arm wrapped around her waist, her arms wrapped around my neck. It's a cute picture. Then, there's a picture of us looking at each other like we've just fallen in love.

"Those two are cute." I say and point to the pictures.

"Yeah, I really like them." Sarah says. "So, why did you come by?"

"I came to apologize. What I did last night was really a dick move. I shouldn't have pushed you to do something you were uncomfortable with. Especially with your past. I'm sorry." I say.

"It's okay, you were drunk. You probably didn't know what you were doing."

"Yeah, totally. But still."

"It's okay, really. You would never purposely do anything like that sober."

"So, we're okay now?"

"Yes, I can say that we are."

Sarah and I spend the rest of the day snuggling in her bed. She falls asleep at around five, but she's laying on me, so I don't move a muscle. She doesn't wake up until Diana comes back at around five thirty.

"So, can I assume you made up?" Diana asks the moment she walks in the door.

"Yes, you can."

"Good for you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Sarah starts to murmur, so I start to sing to her to lull her back to sleep, but she wakes to either way.

"Hi." She whispers.

"Hi." She starts to kiss me, but I quickly stop it. "We have an audience." I whisper.

"Who?" She looks around the room and sees Diana. "Oh, hi, Diana."

"Hello, My Best Friend That Is Totally In Love." Diana says. Sarah finds something and throws it at her, which proceeds to hit her right on her butt.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"I didn't purposely hit you in the ass."

"But you still did."

"Stop whining. It's not the first time you've been hit on the butt."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Please, I've seen Luke do it."

"No, he-"

"Yes, he does." I intercept.

"Told you." Sarah says.

"Oh, shut up. Just fall back asleep with your dumbass boyfriend that takes your side on things."

A/N: hi.

It's Friday and I'm happppppy.

UPDATE! I'm listening to On My Way Home by Pentatonix (this hella awesome a Capella band)

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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