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Calum POV (Whoop whoop)

I step into the coffee shop to fill out an application when I decide to text Sarah.

To: Sarah

Robert is not coming back and you have us to help you every step of the way. :)

It's hard to wrap my mind around the thought of her cutting herself because of Robert. He's already caused her enough pain. He's kidnapped her, raped her, beat her up multiple times. Now, because of that bastard, one of my best friends is cutting up her own flesh, spilling her own crimson blood, and releasing her own tears and sobs.

I just hope he gets found and arrested soon.

I can tell Michael really cares about her. He's woken up at three in the morning for her, just so she wouldn't cut herself. He's an amazing friend and when he finally finds the balls to ask her out, he'll be an even better boyfriend.

A girl with long dark hair and bright green eyes was standing behind the cashier. She's absolutely breathtaking.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She asks.

"Um, hi, I would like to apply for a job." I tell her.

"One second, let me go get my manager." She says and leaves. A minute later, she comes back with a middle aged man.

"Hi, I'm the manager, Rick." He holds out a hand for me to shake. I shake it and introduce myself.

"I'm Calum Hood." I say.

"Can I just pull you in for an interview now?" He asks.

"Sure." He leads us into a room in the back.

"We're really desperate for new employees, so don't be nervous, be yourself, you will most likely get this job."


"So, what is your name again?"

"Calum Hood."

"How old are you?"


"Do you go to university?"

"I'm actually starting next month."

"Do you have any experience as a barista?"


"Can you tell me some talents of yours?"

"Uh, I play guitar, I'm great at football (American soccer), I can sing." He asks me a few more questions before he stops. He stands me up and leads me to the main cafe.

"Calum, I think you're great. You look like a good kid, a trustworthy person. I'm offering you the job. Are you going to take it?"

"Yeah, I would love it."

"Awesome. Can you work tomorrow 8-12?"

"Of course."

"Good. We'll give you the hat and apron tomorrow. You can just wear jeans and a tee shirt. Please, make the shirt appropriate."

"Okay. Thank you so much."

"You are very welcome. It's great to have you."

"Did he get it?" The girl from before asks.

"Yes, he did. Can you train him?"

"Sure." She says and looks at me.

"Calum, this is your coworker, Indie Green." Rick says.

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