Chapter 103: It's Us Against The World

Start from the beginning

He looks over at me, "You know she'd be crazy happy for you that you're living out your dream."

"I think she would call me a lunatic", I laugh. "I remember the night I told her I wanted to to become President one day. She looked at me and said why would you want to make other people's problems your problem Ma?"

Frank laughs, "Yeah that's definitely my sister. Got that thick accent and the talking with the hands from our pops."

"You Italians are quite the animated bunch."

"Me? I'm just from-"

"Jersey", I say completing the phrase Iris would frequently say.

We both laugh.

"She'd also be happy to see you happy. Greg wasn't her favorite person so I'm sure she'd give her stamp of approval for you and Rachel."

I smile,"Can you imagine if those two ever met?"

"They'd probably end up in argument with each other and then become good friends. I see why you are so keen on her, when she's around sometimes I think I'm talking to my sister."

"They are alike in someways, but polar opposites in the other. You know what's strange? 3 years ago today I met Rachel for the first time. Is that a coincidence or what?"

He nods his head, "Stranger things have happened."

I pull out two cigarettes and my lighter offering Frank one. He oblidges and I light it for him."Iris would be proud that her older brother turned his life around and has become the great man that he is today."

He faces me and holds out his cigarette, "To Iris."

"To Iris."


Nina's POV

"It just makes more sense to do it my way. What you're proposing doesn't make since in the scheme of things.

No I will not compromise when I'm right. I- "

I hear a commotion in the lobby and get up from my desk when I see others heading that way.

Everyone stands arounds and claps as Senator Abner stands with her legs crossed and her purse held in front of her giving a modest look at all the attention.

"Cut it out everyone", she says smiling.

"Wooo", Rachel shouts out as everyone continues to cheer on Senator Abner. The Senator meets eyes with Rachel, but quickly looks away.

I roll my eyes at how oblivious they think everyone is to them.

"Our fearless leader returns", Mia says smiling.

"I want to thank each and every one of you for all your hard work when I was away. I want you to know that none of it goes unnoticed. With that being said this Friday we'll have an office party to celebrate you and all your hard work."

Everyone cheers in excitement. "Ok, everyone back to work", Mia instructs. The Senator gives Rachel another glance before heading to her office with Mia trailing behind.

I roll my eyes and laugh to myself.

"Nina please", Avery says standing behind me. I turn around to face her, "Oh hey Avery. Did you enjoy the show as well? I thought it was quite funny to see the two lovers interact when they think no one is watching."

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